BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 1 year, 4 months ago
Decent control card actually. Some control decks don't care about their hero power, like Control shaman and Control (non-pure) Paladin. Priest might be debatable, but with the healing cards they received they might just put this in their E.T.C. sideboard.
I think this will see play, simply because messing up your opponents draw can be a good thing for control decks. And this really counters dredge decks. (Also imagine playing against ... lets say a mech paladin, and putting their draw spell on the bottom of their deck... after they tried dredged it up.)
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 1 year, 4 months ago
Seems really expensive to play, but being able to steal a Titan and HOPEFULLY play it will be quite good. 10 health is hard to remove, but lets be honest with cards like Chaotic Consumption it wont live a turn.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 1 year, 4 months ago
Insanely good card. Why? This is THE Blackrock 'n' Roll TUTOR warrior needed. Blackrock 'n' Roll might actually get out of meme-tier just because of this card. Being able to play blackrock on turn 4 will be insane.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 1 year, 4 months ago
VERY good forge card and removal card. This will see a TON of play in control warrior decks. Also because it's a good forge card, you can also run Ignis, the Eternal Flame in your deck.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 1 year, 4 months ago
Anti-synergy with Odyn, Prime Designate, but this helps you stay alive during the early game and the build up of armor can be quite nice. Additionally this allows you to generate armor for cards like Smelt. This seems pretty decent to me, better than you might first think.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 1 year, 4 months ago
Seems good to me. Doubling a buff for only 3 armor seems quite easy, and handbuffing is something decent in warrior. It's a bit slow when compared to Jam Session, but this really helps you get more armor from Minotauren, or buff up cards like Remornia, Living Blade.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 1 year, 4 months ago
Warrior always struggles with draw, so this is already very good. Also if you have a weapon and armor, all you need to do it attack an enemy minion and this already activates. FINALLY they created a conditional armor based warrior card that isn't total garbage, it took them a lot of tries to get here.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 1 year, 4 months ago
Very good minion for a bunch of warrior decks. It will guaranteed give you 5 armor, and if your opponent trades into it you will gain even more armor. Also you can handbuff this to get more armor or buff it with Blackrock 'n' Roll. This seems really good.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 1 year, 4 months ago
Hmm, not sure about the randomness but outside of that i see a fair TITAN. But after seeing Odyn, Prime Designate i think we can all agree that a fair TITAN is enough for warrior, they are already "eating good" this expansion.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 1 year, 4 months ago
THE pay-off for control warrior and WOW it's strong. Warrior has so many ways to get a LOT of armor. If this thing hits the board, the game WILL end in 1-2 turns.
Also luckely for wild people, after turn 4-5 the game tends to be over so this sees no play. Thank yogg it's EVEN cost. (And RIP Wild if this ever gets nerfed to 9 mana.)
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 1 year, 4 months ago
Power Overwhelming except the minion doesn't die. Well knowing how good Power Overwhelming is to this day, i can't see this NOT being played in every aggresive warlock deck.
Also RIP people in wild. This is a shadow spell, so you can now do crazy damage with Tamsin Roame into Power Overwhelming AND Monstrous Form... 2x both of the spells = 3damage*4Forms + 4damage*4overwhelming= 28 damage burst + stats of the minion buffed. So for 7 mana you have an OTK against non-renethal decks. (Assuming you already have a minion on board. Otherwise +1 Mana for Stonetusk Boar.)
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 1 year, 4 months ago
Bad card. I don't see this getting played in any warlock deck. Like seriously, the target is random and it's just a 2/2 minion. I'm not even sure if your happy to pick this in Arena.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 1 year, 4 months ago
This seems really bad to me. There isn't much pay-off and it mills your most expensive card, which for a lot of warlock decks right now is your WINCON. No thanks, i don't want to mill my wincon in order to remove 1 board of minions, just for my opponent to refill it the next turn.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 1 year, 4 months ago
Very good card. [Hearthstone Card (Full blown evil) Not Found] immediately comes to mind, and often you would just play that card early just so you can remove 1-2 minions. And i think Mortal Eradication will also really help deal with smaller minions, especially if Treant druid becomes popular. Also this provides healing and removal, which control warlock really needs right now.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 1 year, 4 months ago
Very good location. Play something big and you DOUBLE the stats AND it has rush, which is really good for control warlock decks. This is just a great card to help stall until you can do some big plays. I think this will be a card that people will underestimate.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 1 year, 4 months ago
Eh, i don't think this is that good. Control warlock probably doesn't want to run this, which means it must fit in implock. The problem with that is that implock already has Mischievous Imp as the 4 drop imp, and i don't think you want to run both at the same time. I don't think this sees play.
Decent control card actually. Some control decks don't care about their hero power, like Control shaman and Control (non-pure) Paladin. Priest might be debatable, but with the healing cards they received they might just put this in their E.T.C. sideboard.
I think this will see play, simply because messing up your opponents draw can be a good thing for control decks. And this really counters dredge decks. (Also imagine playing against ... lets say a mech paladin, and putting their draw spell on the bottom of their deck... after they tried dredged it up.)
Probably a solid card for any mech deck.
Seems really expensive to play, but being able to steal a Titan and HOPEFULLY play it will be quite good. 10 health is hard to remove, but lets be honest with cards like Chaotic Consumption it wont live a turn.
YOOOGGGGGG CAAAARDDDD! I have played a lot with it so far, and i can definately rate this a yogg/5 stars.
Also i wouldn't be surprised if this card becomes NUTS after rotation.
Insanely good card. Why? This is THE Blackrock 'n' Roll TUTOR warrior needed. Blackrock 'n' Roll might actually get out of meme-tier just because of this card. Being able to play blackrock on turn 4 will be insane.
VERY good forge card and removal card. This will see a TON of play in control warrior decks. Also because it's a good forge card, you can also run Ignis, the Eternal Flame in your deck.
Anti-synergy with Odyn, Prime Designate, but this helps you stay alive during the early game and the build up of armor can be quite nice. Additionally this allows you to generate armor for cards like Smelt. This seems pretty decent to me, better than you might first think.
Seems good to me. Doubling a buff for only 3 armor seems quite easy, and handbuffing is something decent in warrior. It's a bit slow when compared to Jam Session, but this really helps you get more armor from Minotauren, or buff up cards like Remornia, Living Blade.
Warrior always struggles with draw, so this is already very good. Also if you have a weapon and armor, all you need to do it attack an enemy minion and this already activates. FINALLY they created a conditional armor based warrior card that isn't total garbage, it took them a lot of tries to get here.
Also for wild, i guess ODD Warrior can use this?
Very good minion for a bunch of warrior decks. It will guaranteed give you 5 armor, and if your opponent trades into it you will gain even more armor. Also you can handbuff this to get more armor or buff it with Blackrock 'n' Roll. This seems really good.
This seems pretty good for managerie warrior, considering that deck already runs a bunch of amalgams. Outside of that, i'm not sure if it sees play.
Scale of Onyxia, the warrior version. And it can leave a nice 5/5 minion on board, or a few 3/3 or 4.4s. Yeah this will see play.
Hmm, not sure about the randomness but outside of that i see a fair TITAN. But after seeing Odyn, Prime Designate i think we can all agree that a fair TITAN is enough for warrior, they are already "eating good" this expansion.
THE pay-off for control warrior and WOW it's strong. Warrior has so many ways to get a LOT of armor. If this thing hits the board, the game WILL end in 1-2 turns.
Also luckely for wild people, after turn 4-5 the game tends to be over so this sees no play. Thank yogg it's EVEN cost. (And RIP Wild if this ever gets nerfed to 9 mana.)
Power Overwhelming except the minion doesn't die. Well knowing how good Power Overwhelming is to this day, i can't see this NOT being played in every aggresive warlock deck.
Also RIP people in wild. This is a shadow spell, so you can now do crazy damage with Tamsin Roame into Power Overwhelming AND Monstrous Form... 2x both of the spells = 3damage*4Forms + 4damage*4overwhelming= 28 damage burst + stats of the minion buffed. So for 7 mana you have an OTK against non-renethal decks. (Assuming you already have a minion on board. Otherwise +1 Mana for Stonetusk Boar.)
Bad card. I don't see this getting played in any warlock deck. Like seriously, the target is random and it's just a 2/2 minion. I'm not even sure if your happy to pick this in Arena.
This seems really bad to me. There isn't much pay-off and it mills your most expensive card, which for a lot of warlock decks right now is your WINCON. No thanks, i don't want to mill my wincon in order to remove 1 board of minions, just for my opponent to refill it the next turn.
Very good card. [Hearthstone Card (Full blown evil) Not Found] immediately comes to mind, and often you would just play that card early just so you can remove 1-2 minions. And i think Mortal Eradication will also really help deal with smaller minions, especially if Treant druid becomes popular. Also this provides healing and removal, which control warlock really needs right now.
Very good location. Play something big and you DOUBLE the stats AND it has rush, which is really good for control warlock decks. This is just a great card to help stall until you can do some big plays. I think this will be a card that people will underestimate.
Eh, i don't think this is that good. Control warlock probably doesn't want to run this, which means it must fit in implock. The problem with that is that implock already has Mischievous Imp as the 4 drop imp, and i don't think you want to run both at the same time. I don't think this sees play.