we saw such cards before 2 mana add 2 minions to your hand NEVER see play.
Let me just say how it should be for this card to see play in constructed it needs to cost 1 for consideration in the synergy deck or 0 if they are pushing it.
1 mana discover a card barely saw any play and even then it was only cause it costs 1 ([Hearthstone Card (hallucations) Not Found])
and add 2 random cards to hand.. yes it should cost way less.
amazing card. You can pretty much safely drop it on 4 and don't even need to activate spell burst for it to be good.
Yeah it goes over the weakness of spellburst but.. I will say that a 4/4 stealth for 4 isn't that great we had a MECH with the text when every single deck ran "unity precision perfection".
with the weapon synergies this expansion it might be good enough, I like such cards.. it's growing the more you use it..
this set seem to take many ideas they had before but just trying to make them better this reminds me of Poisoned Blade as far as scaling weapons in rogue but obviously it isn't horrifyingly horrible.
although this gives you the entire 1-2-3 curve there are some terrible beasts.. like River Crocolisk. still it's a card generator so if you are middrange/low curve deck you would like some cheap generation I guess.
nice meme
we saw such cards before 2 mana add 2 minions to your hand NEVER see play.
Let me just say how it should be for this card to see play in constructed it needs to cost 1 for consideration in the synergy deck or 0 if they are pushing it.
1 mana discover a card barely saw any play and even then it was only cause it costs 1 ([Hearthstone Card (hallucations) Not Found])
and add 2 random cards to hand.. yes it should cost way less.
warrior plays rush cards anyway the flexibility of discover is good.. now you can play the upgrade guy at 4 mana instead!
Love that this is from the trailer.
amazing comeback card for shaman..
control shaman is back?
Doesn't hunter have to play a 7 mana card to get this? shaman being shaman..
we had a 2/1 mech that dealt 2 damage before, so as a baseline it's not great needs the spell damage to work.
This card is amazing.. you play it on curve after hero powering and kill the enemy 2 drop, without the awkwardness of Deadly Poison
Yeah it goes over the weakness of spellburst but.. I will say that a 4/4 stealth for 4 isn't that great we had a MECH with the text when every single deck ran "unity precision perfection".
Edit:yes it's called Coppertail Imposter @KANSAS
sorry I didn't want to look up all the names for cards that never saw any play.
I play a trap card!
I hero power and EMOTE!
with the weapon synergies this expansion it might be good enough, I like such cards.. it's growing the more you use it..
this set seem to take many ideas they had before but just trying to make them better this reminds me of Poisoned Blade as far as scaling weapons in rogue but obviously it isn't horrifyingly horrible.
more for warrior than rogue, rogue generally doesn't lack card draw but if you play a 4 attack weapon and Deadly Poison hmm ok.
Holy Water but it doesn't totally suck, can be used on own minion sometimes for DR activation and such (our home our tombs)
+8/+8 for 5 mana? and it only this turn they can't attack face? what? just totally destroy the enemy board this buff is just insanely good.
token druid loves this card and it only costs 1? seriously this expansion..
although this gives you the entire 1-2-3 curve there are some terrible beasts.. like River Crocolisk. still it's a card generator so if you are middrange/low curve deck you would like some cheap generation I guess.
and yet it's only good with it.. played from hand this never survives.
The impinite value card.
isn't this card just overstated? 4/6 taunt for 4?
some dragon decks are running the big fairy dragon so this might replace that.
For a card that will probably see no play (AKA pack filler/arena card) it's quite interesting and has actual applications.
can be either useless or devastating depending on matchup if you are getting beaten by priest, mage or rogue run this.
weapon/rush classes can go around this though.