even with 1 beast it goes to the breakpoint of 3 damage where it kills most early minions.. if you are swarming the board with beasts it can even remove big stuff so yeah why not.. there's still the quest hunter support.
if you are playing that control hunter archtype with the new spells=poisonous dude.. then this card can make it deadlyshot on a minion? seems good and you don't always want to run dragons..
Ancient of Lore cries.. why it's fine to draw 2 cards with this but not with 1 7 cost card? also this has better stats (Stealth>1 hp) and can't really be removed by most classes.
It's a quite sticky minion thank to Carrion Studies it can be played earlier than 5.... and there's still some DR synergy in hunter.. there's also the prime.. the DR hunter failed last expansion but it got nice tools this time around.
It becomes unfair around 8/8 so 7 minions have to die while this is in your hand.. will see how those token decks do.. have sick synergy with Unleash the Hounds
You can always outcast the card you draw so it's kind of cool actually if you are playing a deck that isn't high tempo you can get those outcast effects more commonly.
Corridor Creeper was quite strong this summons 3 minions that feel other copies of this card, it's still a card even thought it was nerfed by 3 attack! still sees play in odd paladin.
this doesn't probably fit the normal DH but a token DH deck that was pushed but found inferior to tempo DH might want this.
So you are getting an animal companion like spell for 1 mana.. there are some 1 drops that are weaker thna this like the vanilla 2/2 that sees play.. I guess it will be tested not sure if it will replace that card.
With the discover nerf too many bad spell damage minions going around.. sure you can get the good ones but not as often.. there's a reason those minions rarely see play, they are understated and normally too expensive.. the upside of this card is that it makes them cheaper at least..
The effect is acceptable, but not really useful for odd DH builds. The addition of a 1/4 weapon could be useful to round out turns where hero power + playing a card is too expensive, but experimentation with other weapons has not had great results.
Probably a nice removal tool for hunters.
Odd dh isn't the only dh around specially if you play standard.
So was there any reason that I put my opinion on cards I have weak opinion on this expansion, apart from inflating my pointless post spam and the ability to to go back and think I am stupid for overrating/underrating them? :D
Still think Equality was extreamly overnerfed at 4 mana.. think they should readjust Equality to 3.. just cause it was done such an injustice to the iconic card..
justice demands retribution!
Anyway strong card dunno already every class gets INSANE cards this expansion.. so much for not powercreeping as much.
You're absolutely right. Equality should cost at least only 3 mana. But that could potentially break odd paladin in wild so team 5 won't do it.
Doubt it.. Why nerf a core paladin card because of a mistake they did?
It's situational at best in that deck.. They prefer to not trade shr anyway don't think it will break wild or anything..
Works well with the deck buffs for beasts introduced.. You will need at least 7/7 combined stats for it to be even worth it.. I guess if your beasts are at least 3/3s and max 5/5s you will get it. M
The ability to play a card earlier is just amazing, I think most studies cards will see play they are all really good.
even with 1 beast it goes to the breakpoint of 3 damage where it kills most early minions.. if you are swarming the board with beasts it can even remove big stuff so yeah why not.. there's still the quest hunter support.
if you are playing that control hunter archtype with the new spells=poisonous dude.. then this card can make it deadlyshot on a minion? seems good and you don't always want to run dragons..
reminds me of Devilsaur Egg / Nerubian Egg sticky deathrattle but this doesn't even need synergy it can pop itself..
there was that card.. 4 mana 1/1 that summoned a 5/5 but 3 mana is much cheaper than 4.. really playing 3 cost cards is just much easier.
handbuff is still a thing in hunter, and it's just 2/2 for 1.. quite solid anyway.. will see play regardless of handbuff.
Ancient of Lore cries.. why it's fine to draw 2 cards with this but not with 1 7 cost card? also this has better stats (Stealth>1 hp) and can't really be removed by most classes.
It's a quite sticky minion thank to Carrion Studies it can be played earlier than 5.... and there's still some DR synergy in hunter.. there's also the prime.. the DR hunter failed last expansion but it got nice tools this time around.
It becomes unfair around 8/8 so 7 minions have to die while this is in your hand.. will see how those token decks do.. have sick synergy with Unleash the Hounds
if you have a use for those tokens it will see play but the current tempo DH won't play it. it's not aggressive enough.
You can always outcast the card you draw so it's kind of cool actually if you are playing a deck that isn't high tempo you can get those outcast effects more commonly.
Corridor Creeper was quite strong this summons 3 minions that feel other copies of this card, it's still a card even thought it was nerfed by 3 attack! still sees play in odd paladin.
this doesn't probably fit the normal DH but a token DH deck that was pushed but found inferior to tempo DH might want this.
So you are getting an animal companion like spell for 1 mana.. there are some 1 drops that are weaker thna this like the vanilla 2/2 that sees play.. I guess it will be tested not sure if it will replace that card.
With the discover nerf too many bad spell damage minions going around.. sure you can get the good ones but not as often.. there's a reason those minions rarely see play, they are understated and normally too expensive.. the upside of this card is that it makes them cheaper at least..
Odd dh isn't the only dh around specially if you play standard.
(Also just noticed there's no sholomance tag)
So was there any reason that I put my opinion on cards I have weak opinion on this expansion, apart from inflating my pointless post spam and the ability to to go back and think I am stupid for overrating/underrating them? :D
Doubt it.. Why nerf a core paladin card because of a mistake they did?
It's situational at best in that deck.. They prefer to not trade shr anyway don't think it will break wild or anything..
Works well with the deck buffs for beasts introduced.. You will need at least 7/7 combined stats for it to be even worth it.. I guess if your beasts are at least 3/3s and max 5/5s you will get it. M
Quite slow honestly the effect is strong but it costs wzy too much.. Need to be cheated out to see play which dh can do.. So maybe it could work.
Quite slow honestly the effect is strong but it costs wzy too much.. Need to be cheated out to see play which dh can do.. So maybe it could work.
And there are murlocs there.. but no murloc cards.. YET