Can you use spellburst once per turn for this minion, or just once overall?
Because if you can activate the divine shield each turn, that is very, very powerful.
Once overall. it's like a delayed battlecry of sort.
Anyway rating, I rate this 5/5, 4/2 DS for 3 is already quite amazing, we saw a 4 mana 4/2 with DS see no play, but 1 mana difference is a lot, plus it has quite a great upside.. though it's weird in sequensing, since you can't buff it to trade, you trade and then buff it, sometimes wasting the spellburst will be the right play though.
If you have something to say, then say it.. also I am not sure are you replying to someone or do you mean the announcement won't happen until tomorrow?
Anyway It's exactly what Aifi said that's my logic + the usual early august expansion timing.. t6hat being said corona is a thing so it might get delayed..
I reckon it'll be Thursday at the earliest. I don't think blizz would have two significant events in the game (major nerfs and expansion reveal) hitting on the same date, as they would dilute one another's coverage. Could be wrong, though.
The nerf announcement event is essentially over as far as news go
Looking at the nerf patch date and the proximity to august, the new expansion WILL be announced before the 14 July patch that means either tomorrow or in 2 days cause they normally patch the game to put the pre-order bundle.
So any guesses/expectation what's the expansion is gonna be about?
hoping for an expansion about an old warcraft event since I didn't play wow, TBH I didn't see any hint or something about the expansion.. looking at the nerfed cards we might see more impactful dragons, high cost rogue cards and strong warrior weapons.. but as a theme.. no clue apart from the article in the site.
Dragonqueen Alexstrasza is hit HARD she is hard to play as is on 9 so IDK she might get pushed out of the meta but she was quite BS anyway so.. it's probably ok.. highlander is/was too strong.
Corsair Cachedunno if this card will continue seeing play it's 2 mana draw 1 and play half an upgrade, sounds much worse now.
Sure, but they could give a reward that won't feel bad for veteran players without making much of a difference for new players I don't think they will ever go with a 80 gold reward, but they could make 100 gold instead I would really prefer those to guranteed dust.
2/3 "draw" a spell once you cans a spell.. seems good, 2/3 which grant card advantage are really good,
works wonders with serpent portal.
Once overall. it's like a delayed battlecry of sort.
Anyway rating, I rate this 5/5, 4/2 DS for 3 is already quite amazing, we saw a 4 mana 4/2 with DS see no play, but 1 mana difference is a lot, plus it has quite a great upside.. though it's weird in sequensing, since you can't buff it to trade, you trade and then buff it, sometimes wasting the spellburst will be the right play though.
yeah but that's a finisher..
The collector in me wants it (I missed it, joined in october..) but I don't need i... I NEED IT
rip 500 gold.
1 mana 1/4 for priest, no tag, tbh might see play seems good for buffs and inner fire is still standard.
Is it op? 2 overload is a lot..
Took them 6 years to do this XD was confusing in reveal seasons..
Oh yeah, didn't see you in a while, welcome back :D
Told you, they wanted to patch the preorder bundle :D
If you have something to say, then say it.. also I am not sure are you replying to someone or do you mean the announcement won't happen until tomorrow?
Anyway It's exactly what Aifi said that's my logic + the usual early august expansion timing.. t6hat being said corona is a thing so it might get delayed..
The nerf announcement event is essentially over as far as news go this week for sure
Looking at the nerf patch date and the proximity to august, the new expansion WILL be announced before the 14 July patch that means either tomorrow or in 2 days cause they normally patch the game to put the pre-order bundle.
So any guesses/expectation what's the expansion is gonna be about?
hoping for an expansion about an old warcraft event since I didn't play wow, TBH I didn't see any hint or something about the expansion.. looking at the nerfed cards we might see more impactful dragons, high cost rogue cards and strong warrior weapons.. but as a theme.. no clue apart from the article in the site.
You called the nerf didn't you?
nerf patch at 14 july so 100% announcement until 14 july, they normally patch the game to add the preorder bundle.
Dragonqueen Alexstrasza is hit HARD she is hard to play as is on 9 so IDK she might get pushed out of the meta but she was quite BS anyway so.. it's probably ok.. highlander is/was too strong.
Corsair Cachedunno if this card will continue seeing play it's 2 mana draw 1 and play half an upgrade, sounds much worse now.
Warglaives of Azzinoth is still very good
Metamorphosis- lowers the burst damage of DH,but the card is still quite good.
Kayn Sunfury still does what he is intended to do.. will still see the same amount of play.
Dragoncaster- still powercreep over Inkmaster Solia
Fungal Fortunes- yes was too much draw makes more sense at 3.
Galakrond, the Nightmare- deserved nerf, happy they did it it was too much really..
Good news then.. 13 july is the expansion announcement! (they patch the game to have the new expansion banner and preorder)
Sure, but they could give a reward that won't feel bad for veteran players without making much of a difference for new players I don't think they will ever go with a 80 gold reward, but they could make 100 gold instead I would really prefer those to guranteed dust.
It made problems with patchs, so they didn't change the patch timing (which is good at mid week) instead they changed the vaults.
same :(