This card is crazy good, 7 mana 7/7 rush AND a value generator? which is relevant to curve? also the best mana slot for late game minions.. also we got really good 8 drops now..
Looks great, specially in quest druid which lost loti now.
The base body is decent enough, and the payoff is strong when played, just hope you don't draw it before you can play it.. both parts work well with embegen.
In aggro this one will see a lot of play in control.. it's hard to run outcast.. 2 mana draw a card is kind of garbage but with 1 mana hero power you might be able to play it more easily.
Can't see this outside of some combo deck with Kael'thas Sunstrider.
We had a 1/3 buff in paladin with essentially taunt since boomsday (magnetic) the buff is not that impactful.
I don't think you have to run 0 minions in your deck you can run some of them like in mage... just don't run more than 10
there is quite a lot of support for "low minions druid" this expansion.
Seems like it could see play mostly in combo decks, don't see this as a tempo tool..
just like Molten Reflection
Think token druid could try to jump on this card.
Will be interesting to try, there were versions with few minions back in RoS.
This card is crazy good, 7 mana 7/7 rush AND a value generator? which is relevant to curve? also the best mana slot for late game minions.. also we got really good 8 drops now..
and there's Gruul.
Looks great, specially in quest druid which lost loti now.
The base body is decent enough, and the payoff is strong when played, just hope you don't draw it before you can play it.. both parts work well with embegen.
This probably won't see play right now but one day they will print a spell kun for some reason.. maybe.. IDK I think it's a meme for now.
auto include in every fast DH deck it's Kobold Librarian but outcast is not as consistent
In aggro this one will see a lot of play in control.. it's hard to run outcast.. 2 mana draw a card is kind of garbage but with 1 mana hero power you might be able to play it more easily.
This is really strong aoe for really cheap.
I think this is the cheapest 2 dmg AOE in standard ATM.. and it would be too op with Acolyte of Pain in standard
Voidcaller but not a demon, much slower.. and other text for some reason.
Do they intend to continue supporting murloc DH though? I doubt they will print more since this one seems a stretch artwise
This is weird for people who don't know Gul'dan is long time dead I didn't knew some HS heroes are dead in WOW by now when I started playing HS.
This card is probably not worth running in control since the outcast is hard to fullill.
in aggro this is such a good card though.. it's quite insane, it's like wand for those aggro decks.
The dormant cards are such a bait in my opinion sure it's strong but you play an empty turn.. you probably can't afford to do that.
This might be the best dormant card along with mage though and I think this is the only 2 worth running if any is run.
Edit: looked up the others the druid and priest ones are worth as well I reviewed cards in order they show in the AOO page.
It took me a while to realize this is a better Ragnaros the Firelord.
One of the strongest cards of the expansion for sure DH will be insane.
Well 8 mana cost minion.. it should be this good!
This is such a great late game card, luckily for the game it doesn't have the demon tag so it can't be discounter/cheated out as easily..
I am ok with the power level of the card it costs 8.
I don't think this card is that great you take too much damage to clear minions.
Same reason Fool's Bane didn't see play.
This card looks really really strong we had a card that was a 2/4 with no taunt no tribial, same cost and it was played in ramp druid.
Btw *recruit*
The face plays taunt?
me still go face!
7 mana Pyroblast over 2 turns? sign me in!