seems like a meme to me.. inspire hunter? the other cards are stong but you are not gonna run this one I think since the card is kind of too slow while tryign to do something fast.. that being said, face hunter/odd hunter could really use this card in wild maybe.
yep like [Hearthstone Card (cable rat) Not Found] maybe a class will need additional invokers... it's probably the worst one but the invoke effect + the need for more of them is enough of a reason to run this card.
Unbelievably powerful. Turn 7, draw FOUR CARDS, and each costs ZERO????
Game over on turn 7? Leeroy, eviscerate, eviscerate, cold blood... you can imagine the possible combos.
you need to invoke 4 times before it's that effect
the invoke cards in rogue are lackey generators though so you might want to play them anyway.. but still it's probably not gonna happen on turn 7 unless you are really lucky.
Seems powerful to me, if you are looking to control the board and get mroe value this card is really good, dragon mage has been a thing as well in early RoS so it might be back, mage has some cheap spells to control the board.
invoking twice is hard then. cause both this and the warlock card that draw 3 are really strong.
how easy can you invoke twice really? in priest we have Assassinate + invoke to do one proc, we saw 2 neutrals one at 4 mana and one at 5 mana, so I doubt you can actually play this card on curve...
we had a 2 mana 2/3 that had the same effect this card powercreep that card but that card never saw any play and hunter was all about the face back then.. looks good.
and that card was an epic, this is a common. That means it is easier to test than the old one. :)
And you know.. this is the aspect that annoys me the most in HS you can't test cool stuff (back then "control hunter") cause you need to invest so much dust into it.. back then if you wanted to start to test that card you had to pay 800 dust.. ye.. feels bad..
I don't think this card is about testing.. you 100% drop it into your highlander hunter anyway and there are some other cards that care about hero powering so maybe that's a thing?
We don't know yet what does invoke do for warlock, every invoke card has extra hidden text based on the dragon's hero power for the class so it's too early to judge how strong invoke cards for warlock are..
Edit: every warlock invoke card has "battlecry: summon 2 imps" as well, so the cards are fine if you run a swarm heavy deck.. impzoo.
we had a 2 mana 2/3 that had the same effect this card powercreep that card but that card never saw any play and hunter was all about the face back then.. looks good.
Calling yu gi oh cards 0 mana cards is weird they just don't have a mana system there at all but a star system and various other requirements "free text requirements"
But I guess you could say 0 mana to make it easy to understand to mana based card game players..
I don't necessarily think that LoR will overwhelm Hearthstone. But rather, that it will appeal to a specific subset of Hearthstone players. LoR feels a lot like classic Hearthstone, decision-making and interaction were king in it originally. Introducing too many powerful cards has pushed HS to ridiculous levels.Those playing the game for the competitive side and decision-making (like myself) have begun to feel like every game is won or lost on RNG. God curves, lucky draws, created by, etc. Add to that the fact that some matchups are completely unwinnable. It makes it hard to keep grinding HS.
Hearthstone's staying power for me has been the lack of another game which is relatively easy to begin playing and hard to master. LoR felt learnable to a competitive level in the brief period of me playing it, with tons more to do and learn in the future. It's barrier to entry is nonexistent, since there is no paywall. The game is easy to watch and follow on Twitch. It has all the makings of a potential replacement for me.
Well, I agree I think hs lately has been a lot about those broken cards in general giant + CC, desert hare + evolve, having the right board clear at the right time the god curve of warrior in the early game..
Well in LoR I had a few really good curves as well, curving draven into jinx in a discard deck is also kind of unstoppable..
but you know what is probably the best mechanic to counter the bad curve in LoR? the spell mana, I think that it just makes decks that skip turn 1 and maybe 2 have a chance in the game they would otherwise lose hard that mechanic is amazing, at first I wasn't sure why they did that but the more I played I realized that's the "perfect curve vs high cost hand opponent scenario" answer or LoR which is quite great, it's also a skill experecion that will stay forever in the game of "do I save my mana now for later?".
Now we say that other DCCGs didn't succeed as well as HS but I am sure there are also plenty of people who play ShadowVerse, Gwent, Eternal.. (not artifact though XD - RIP artifact).
LoR just have a lot of stuff HS players were asking for years that are just not game mechanics such as "react on enemy turns". "fix early curves", "lower rng", "monthly balance patches", so people who dislike HS for those reason will go there.
but casual players/heavely invested players will probably stay.. or people will play both..I hope I will be of those who will quit hs.. since let's be honest the game is not gonna Evolve in any way
I haven't played the game so correct me if I'm wrong but the way attacking works is one player says 'i'm attacking you with minions A and B' then the defender says 'I am blocking minion A with X, and minion B with Y'.
This is the same way it works in Magic, you cannot attack with a 2/2 as long as your opponent has a 2/3. it is a lot easier to protect yourself when the attacker doesn't choose the blockers.
Again, I haven't played the game yet, so I won't pretend to be an expert, but from what I know of MTG (which to me seems like the best game to compare it to) 20 health should be good as long as the game designers don't mess it up.
You got it right, but at the same time I think aggro might be a little too overwhelming at times and I feel like the games I played ended up too quickly, it might be that some people played the starter decks though (Which are terrible as far as I played them) so I might be biased vs the wrong opponents.. we will see once there is ranked in the game and we can actually know how well players do.. (cause some players might be new to card games and such..)
do we know the shaman,warlock and warrior HPs yet?
so for priest every evoke card is evaluated as this effect as well.
seems like a meme to me.. inspire hunter? the other cards are stong but you are not gonna run this one I think since the card is kind of too slow while tryign to do something fast.. that being said, face hunter/odd hunter could really use this card in wild maybe.
2/3 + discover effect was strong enough, then it has both poisonous AND dragon tag seems quite insane to me.
let's play it safe.. god tier in arena :)
yep like [Hearthstone Card (cable rat) Not Found] maybe a class will need additional invokers... it's probably the worst one but the invoke effect + the need for more of them is enough of a reason to run this card.
what are the upgraded spells? are they only those 3 or is there a pool of cards?
this is close enough to the original Deathwing, now you can play 3 of them in the same deck.
you need to invoke 4 times before it's that effect
the invoke cards in rogue are lackey generators though so you might want to play them anyway.. but still it's probably not gonna happen on turn 7 unless you are really lucky.
the 2 warlock invoke cards seem really weak, wonder what is the galakrond hero power for warlock it's better be good.
if not it feels bad warlock gets bad cards every expansion..
Seems powerful to me, if you are looking to control the board and get mroe value this card is really good, dragon mage has been a thing as well in early RoS so it might be back, mage has some cheap spells to control the board.
invoking twice is hard then. cause both this and the warlock card that draw 3 are really strong.
how easy can you invoke twice really? in priest we have Assassinate + invoke to do one proc, we saw 2 neutrals one at 4 mana and one at 5 mana, so I doubt you can actually play this card on curve...
Divine Strength + divine shield? sounds great... finally a decent dragon synergy card for paladin..
so.. another 3 mana draw 3 with deck restriction.. hmm .. Raiding Party was surely stronger but ti's still 3 mana(or 1 with prep) draw 3...
And you know.. this is the aspect that annoys me the most in HS you can't test cool stuff (back then "control hunter") cause you need to invest so much dust into it.. back then if you wanted to start to test that card you had to pay 800 dust.. ye.. feels bad..
I don't think this card is about testing.. you 100% drop it into your highlander hunter anyway and there are some other cards that care about hero powering so maybe that's a thing?
We don't know yet what does invoke do for warlock, every invoke card has extra hidden text based on the dragon's hero power for the class so it's too early to judge how strong invoke cards for warlock are..
Edit: every warlock invoke card has "battlecry: summon 2 imps" as well, so the cards are fine if you run a swarm heavy deck.. impzoo.
we had a 2 mana 2/3 that had the same effect this card powercreep that card but that card never saw any play and hunter was all about the face back then.. looks good.
Blizzard: "don't you guys have phones?"
Riot gameS: "cause we know you guys have phones"
Wonder which embarrassing statement blizzard will say this year.
So.. Tavern brawl?
Calling yu gi oh cards 0 mana cards is weird they just don't have a mana system there at all but a star system and various other requirements "free text requirements"
But I guess you could say 0 mana to make it easy to understand to mana based card game players..
Well, I agree I think hs lately has been a lot about those broken cards in general giant + CC, desert hare + evolve, having the right board clear at the right time the god curve of warrior in the early game..
Well in LoR I had a few really good curves as well, curving draven into jinx in a discard deck is also kind of unstoppable..
but you know what is probably the best mechanic to counter the bad curve in LoR? the spell mana, I think that it just makes decks that skip turn 1 and maybe 2 have a chance in the game they would otherwise lose hard that mechanic is amazing, at first I wasn't sure why they did that but the more I played I realized that's the "perfect curve vs high cost hand opponent scenario" answer or LoR which is quite great, it's also a skill experecion that will stay forever in the game of "do I save my mana now for later?".
Now we say that other DCCGs didn't succeed as well as HS but I am sure there are also plenty of people who play ShadowVerse, Gwent, Eternal.. (not artifact though XD - RIP artifact).
LoR just have a lot of stuff HS players were asking for years that are just not game mechanics such as "react on enemy turns". "fix early curves", "lower rng", "monthly balance patches", so people who dislike HS for those reason will go there.
but casual players/heavely invested players will probably stay.. or people will play both..I hope I will be of those who will quit hs.. since let's be honest the game is not gonna Evolve in any way
You got it right, but at the same time I think aggro might be a little too overwhelming at times and I feel like the games I played ended up too quickly, it might be that some people played the starter decks though (Which are terrible as far as I played them) so I might be biased vs the wrong opponents.. we will see once there is ranked in the game and we can actually know how well players do.. (cause some players might be new to card games and such..)