Great both to reduce damage taken or to set up a board clear, but I doubt it'll be played much. Still a good card to get from discover or random effects.
Since both classes have a way to generate Charge/Rush tokens that can make this grow, it can be quite strong. Sadly, it's near useless when drawn later on.
Combined with the new 1 mana 1/4 minion, it'll give Priests more offensive power and make them even harder to deal with.
Great art, good stats, overall a decent card.
Can be good, but most likely it'll be used only in Arena since Priest already has so many cost effective removal options in their arsenal.
Great both to reduce damage taken or to set up a board clear, but I doubt it'll be played much. Still a good card to get from discover or random effects.
A strong card, but I doubt it'll see much play since it seems a bit too slow compared to the alternatives on turn 3.
This can be insane in the late game, and it's quite hard to play around.
A strong board clear, we might see decent Control Demon Hunter decks soon!
A card I'll be sure to try on my Deathrattle Teron Gorefiend deck!
Seems quite strong, specially if used for some OTK strategies such as Malygos.
It looks like an okay temporary removal tool to mess around with your opponent, but it seems a bit too unreliable.
Lord Jaraxxus' new best friend!
Nothing special, perhaps if it was a discover it'd see some play. In this case, I doubt it will.
Since both classes have a way to generate Charge/Rush tokens that can make this grow, it can be quite strong. Sadly, it's near useless when drawn later on.
Very strong card, I can see it being played even by aggressive decks since it's so easy to make it a 0 cost 8/8.
6 mana to play a 3/3 and destroy a minion is decent, but nothing insane. Doubt it'll see play in Warlock, perhaps it will in Priest though.
Since they're pushing the Spell Damage archetype, this card will really shine if that kind of deck works.
Too hard to remove when played early, since it has a ton of health for a 1 cost minion. Will almost certainly see play.
Very strong card. Worst case scenario it's two cards for one, with a minion trade on top of it. If that wasn't enough, it has Beast synergy as well!
Considering some Spell Damage minions just aren't that great, it's a bit too random to see much play, in my opinion.
Very strong, considering the cost and how much damage it can deal.