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  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Is that a reason to go Yasuo in Targon? Let's GOOOOOO!!!

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Well, it's not exactly a hidden issue that Taliyah is the worst champion in the game by far. I held some hope and expectations that the new Landmark synergies such as Zilean or Malphite would be enough, but I often wouldn't include her in the deck in the end. Regardless if Landmark decks are good, not a lot of the new cards synergize well with her, in my opinion, so she would probably still be unplayable.

    Now I'm not going to suggest what kind of buff she needs because she has a lot of issues that any buff suggestion would become reasonable. The question now is, will she get buffed? Will Riot think ahead and buff Taliyah alongside the release of the new expansion so that people will actually play Taliyah?

    If they are going to do it, I don't actually think that we should wait for 2-4 weeks after the release because I don't want to play the new decks with Taliyah in them and get absolutely stomped. I'm actually betting that they are going to buff Taliyah, and I'm also going to bet that the buff will not be enough to make her playable as a competitive deck but rather a meme deck. I did hear through some rumors that Shurima's landmark support won't end here but would also continue towards the next expansion, but I really don't want to wait for 2 more months for Taliyah to be sorta ok. So hopefully, by the end of this, I was either wrong and Taliyah is actually good, or I shouldn't have doubted Riot in the first place and they actually had buffed Taliyah. I'm not even a Taliyah simp or a Taliyah main in League. I just don't to see a Champion with a depressing 30% WR.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Is it really that bad against aggro? It's in Targon which is a huge difference from Shurima. It has some early tools, such as Ancient Preparations, which could allow you to curve into Chip or vice versa. You're probably just better off not playing some of the bad landmarks and slot in Targon cards instead like Solari Sunforger. You also don't have to level Malphite on turn 7 because you might not get good value from Unstoppable Force right away even if you do.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Even more importantly, there's a Chip in (almost) every full card art here!

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years ago
    Quote From Icyfoe88

    I really don’t understand the problem, your problem seems to be it... gets used in a variety of decks over the lifespan of the game? You named 3 absolutely unique decks, and 3 of the decks were similar but still different. How is that worse than a card showing up in exactly 1 meta deck patch after patch

    While I disagree that Atrocity is at a point where it needs a nerf/rework, I do understand the sentiment. Think of TF. You can argue that TF Swain, TF Go Hard, TF Fizz, TF Ezreal may all be different decks, but they're all still running the same cards that it occasionally just feels like they're all the same deck with some different cards.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Although I don't think Buried Sun Disc needs a SpellShield, giving both Azir and Renekton ways to defend themselves while doing so in tempo is probably going to be important enough to warrant a spot or two for Soothsayer. Though I don't think Mono Shurima is going to be good by substituting out one or two cards. Could possibly be a 50% WR deck if optimized properly but I think it lacks a proper finisher.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Well crap, I didn't think I'd win that honestly. That was my first win :D

    Best of luck to you guys for the next competition.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years ago
    Quote From minuano28

    Personally I would prefer they go back to realizing everything in one big expansion with champion expansion in between but that just my opinion.

    Yeah, this was my point. Sorry if I wasn't being clear enough. I think that in the future when we would have 10 regions this will be possible or at least I'm hoping it will be. After all, they no longer need to introduce new regions with like 8 champions for it so there'd be fewer things to divide.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    I feel like people say that the next region will be better, but I feel like that's going to be hard to achieve. The way they design it is always awkward because some archetypes wouldn't get support until much later on while also giving tools to only certain regions, which could lead to some disastrous outcome if they didn't plan for it. They have always designed sets in advance to splice into 3, so unless they decide to design 3 separate expansions exclusively, I think the issues will stay similar to the previous expansions.

    I think this system would be much better after they released their 10th region, where they would try to add 1 champion for each region so that they don't have to release part of a complete set and rather focusing on smaller sets focused on each of the champions. Bilgewater felt like a good expansion because it was complete. But yeah, it's probably impossible to get another expansion like that because they have to design a lot more cards compared to before. I do think it's better for the game long-term, but we'll have to wait and see for that.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    I feel like instead of doing something like that, I'd be much happier if they buffed up the bad buffs. I mean, some of the Commons are just useless like Deep Meditation which almost never works except maybe once per run. Another choice would be adding exclusive starting buffs and, of course making that choosable. I just don't think it feels right to make it so that you can pick the first buff when the options just become redundant with the Epic buffs.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    I think a Pentakill event would be pretty cool, though my worries for Pentakill and KDA are the same. None of the champions are in Runeterra yet, so if we are getting cards like we did last time, it would be hard to fit them without making them out of place. The champions themselves don't have enough diversity and they can't fit into all regions, KDA's cards were rather forced like Ahri's Feel The Rush because Akali's Go Get It had already filled the Ionia spot, and then they left two other regions completely without a new card. The cards themselves weren't bad but the name felt like they could've been easily replaced. I just hope they can make a new card that doesn't sound as dumb as Go Hard.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    I feel like what duckling did and what runeterra.ar did are two completely different things. What he did was a post-match review and remembering what to watch out for. What runeterra.ar does is give you the review during a match. The difference is like reading your notes after an exam and reading your notes during your exam, so I'm not exactly sure what the point of comparing the two is. I feel like there's almost no debate that what runeterra.ar did is equivalent to an unfair advantage since if the other player doesn't have the same program, then one clearly had the upper hand.

    Also, I'm not too fond of the fact that people think it's better for the game to have open decklists. That just sounds... dumb. Sure it might be better for the more competitive players, but that's the point of tournaments, right? If you were to implement this system in casual or ladder, then the games would be a lot different. Why change the game format when there's already one that fits that description? Extra work just so the top 10% would benefit while screwing the other 90%.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    I tried out each difficulty now, it definitely felt like each difficulty got much harder than previous difficulties. I can definitely say that I like that there are more choices in difficulty now, though it kinda sucks that you have to unlock it one by one for each champion, it's annoying but it makes sense. So far, I've gotten everyone but Lulu to Legendary and only Heimer and Azir to Heroic.

    It's funny to me because Azir is actually the first champion I got to Heroic (I haven't won Heroic yet), but I beat Legendary pretty easily with him. Pretty much everything that's good with MF will be good with Azir. Scouts, Rally, 1 cost spam, etc. All-in with Azir and just buff him up so you play him either earlier or make him stickier. That's my strategy at least. The only outright horrible card in his starting deck is Weight of JudgementBADCARDNAME but if you can get a mana discount treasure on it, it becomes playable in the Freljord and PnZ stages. The passives you want to try to get are mostly the epics such as Yipp's Genius, Lil' Buddies, Nature's Revenge, Domination. Any combination of that and you should win pretty much every fight on turn 5.

    Also, I second the opinion that Taliyah is egregiously bad. I've tried winning using Landmarks only and just try to use her starting deck, but it's much easier if you find a second champion and just dump as many treasures as possible on that one instead. It took me a while to get her to pass Hard and I only got through barely with Elise spiders + Yipp's Genius. I hope they buff her soon so that I can actually win with her in Legendary.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Reminds me of the Spirit of the Dragonhawk and Ice Walker interaction.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    I think it should be notable that some of the bugfixes mentioned are just straight-up card changes that were dumped in that section instead because they weren't impactful enough. Katarina, Draven, Viktor will now be a summon effect and not a play effect. (Katarina is probably the most impacted one out of these since you can probably make a Harrowing/Rekindler deck with her to some success.)

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Quote From Author
    The new perk was just there to make his lvl up possible in all decks, if my suggestion was to go through without the perk, it would be outright impossible to lvl him up without extra card draw, which not every deck has.

    I would argue that it's not that hard to draw two cards in a single turn. Every region that TF wants to play it in has a way to play it, and also TF is in Bilgewater which also means he already has access to draw. Buffing TF's red and yellow card is just going to make him even more of a menace. He never needed his level up to be good and by doing this TF/Fizz will be the least of your problems.  Not every champion needs to be self-sufficient and definitely not TF. You also definitely do not need to level them up to be the main focus of a deck. Sejuani hardly levels in Ashe Sejuani but she gets used often because of her stats and her ability to frostbite.

    Quote From Author
    Quite simply you will always be able to choose a keyword you can afford, perhaps having some sort of "fixed RNG" could do the trick too, as you will always roll a random cost 1 keyword, a cost 2-3, and 4+ let's say, if you already have all keywords from a certain cost range you will just get more options for the ones ur missing.

    Thanks for clarifying, I understand a bit more how it works. It just works a bit more like Heimer which is alright. However, it's a bit hard to judge what keywords cost 1, 2, 3 or 4 and it's much worse than Heimer in that regard because of how much more keywords there are. It's just really confusing and hard to play, especially for beginners.

    Quote From Author
    For Vlad I think Imma edit it so it's more clear what I meant, simply when Vlad hits an ally with his skill for the first time he will deal 1 to them, and every other time he'll "do 0 damage" aka strike them for 0, meaning that "if I survive the damage" effects will be triggered without actually taking any damage.

    I don't think surviving 0 damage counts for surviving damage btw. Doing Thermo with 0 mana doesn't proc survive damage. I tested this out, so I don't think Vlad will work. If you were to say to make it so it does, then it will just make his interactions much more confusing. Otherwise, it's a really unnecessary buff to Vlad. More text, more confusion, no good.

    Quote From Author
    For Atrocity I just think it makes people lazy, or forces them to be lazy, instead of being creative and thinking of a good strategy that uses the nice design Nasus has they just slap this card and call it a day cuz it's the fastest. I just don't like how it's the best way to play decks with high-power characters, it's not only about Nasus but also Nautilus. Like there is all that creative stuff you could do with those champions but then this card says NAH, screw your strategizing if it has power just kill it and you win. Not a fan.

    I don't understand what you mean by it makes people "lazy". Every card game needs to be attractive and easy to understand for casual players, so you're bound to have simple cards with obvious build-arounds. Atrocity actually just fits in a place where I think it's one of the best-designed finishers because it has so many counterplays. Reducing the attack, killing the unit, recalling the unit, countering the spell, killing the opponent yourself, healing outside of range. You also say that it's bad because you just slot it in any big power decks and win the game but that's the point of the card, it's to build a deck around it, and just because it revolves around using big minions doesn't mean it's braindead. Hell, Atrocity is actually being run in other decks as well like Nightfall Aggro or Aphelios Kindred and they don't run 10+ power followers.

    Then again, I'm just biased.

    Quote From Author
    About Hush, so how would you nerf it? 4 cost perhaps?

    I want to say make it Focus speed, but that's probably just going to significantly nerf it.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago


    I think that your change about his level up makes sense enough but I don't think you should give him another ability. The main reason is because Red card and Yellow card will become insane and it will actually make him even better than he is right now. It doesn't matter if he doesn't proc it more than once after that because all he will be is a 4 mana 2/2 that does X and draws a card, and that is currently half his issue. His play effect gave the user so much advantage and this will make it even worse. I do like the level up requirement change though.


    I think that nerfing him to 4 mana is such a huge nerf because it messes up his curve too greatly. I think his main issue is more towards cards like Veiled Temple and the protective spells Targon has. Making him 4 mana will overall make Aphelios worse but that means that there's a potential for Aphelios decks to just cut Aphelios for another card. Might be wrong on this because I haven't played too much Aphelios but I can say for sure that it will definitely void him from seeing play in the current meta.

    Changing it so that his moon weapon phase resets is more of a change that I dislike not because it's just not consistent with other champions that reset their abilities when leveled up. e.g. Lucian, Sejuani, Kindred.


    Good change? The only issue is as you pointed out some keywords are indefinitely better than the others and should cost more. The issue is that how can you determine what the cost is before being played? It's a bit too confusing so I would say that you shouldn't really change it too much.

    Making his level up requirement weaker but his level up payoff stronger isn't a good idea imo.

    I think that all Viktor needs is a stat buff out of anything to be playable. As of now he just doesn't trade well into anything when dropped on 4, though I suppose that's the point.


    Yeah, 100% agreed. Though at the same time I feel like you underestimate how often you will actually level him up by doing so. It will just make it so that Nocturne will be stronger without Nightfall package therefore making Targon's Nightfall cards to be worse.


    Just say she needs 6 to kill btw.

    Also while I think this is a decent change, the main issue is that her 4 kill effect is due to her flavor. Her LoL counterpart needs to hit 4 times and this is their translation into the game so I don't think they would want to change the number of kills needed to win. Would be nice to see them forego this notion though.


    A bit of a hot take but I think Vlad is in an okay position right now. He doesn't really need too much to make him good and operates more like a Deep deck where it's a worthy consideration but not a deck to ever go above tier 2. Changing it so he won't be able to hit his allies more than once is a nerf because you can just choose who to take the hit by repositioning their attack.

    Also, Lifesteal is busted on him because it basically means that Vlad just heals to full when you play him. Consider that his skill damages his minions and drains the enemy Nexus as well.

    Jarvan IV:

    Why Tough? It makes him stronger definitely but not by that much imo. I think what they need to do is just change it so that attackers need to strike and not survive so cards with Quick Attack and attacking 0 attack minions counts towards his level up. Your suggestion isn't bad, it's just that it won't fully fix some of his flaws. (Not saying that mine will though.)

    Soul Shepherd:

    Uhh, why? Just out of curiosity. I don't see many Azir Hecarim decks. I get why you want to nerf it but seeing as how this deck isn't performing particularly amazingly I actually think that it's unnecessary. It's a pretty important card in matchups where the opponents have Ice Shard or Withering Wail. I think it's fine and nerfing it will just make Ephemerals outside of Azir decks even worse.

    Iterative Improvement:


    Wiggly Burblefish:






    Despite it looking like a nerf, it's actually a buff. It makes it weaker to reactive cards such as Bastion, Deny, Nopeify, but it makes it so much more incredibly stronger to cards that buff stats. You can no longer react to it when you have Sharpsight or Riposte which is not an uncommon answer at all.

    Silence and Frostbite cards should NEVER EVER be Fast speed.


    I like Atrocity actually so this is more of a bias than anything else but keep it this way, please. I also don't think Atrocity is the issue in Nasus decks.

    Ravenous Flock:

    Hardly ever needs 4 damage to kill stuff and I actually like having a card that deals 4 damage in this game. I think making it 2 mana is better.



    Overall, your suggestions aren't bad but some are definitely flawed.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Also, make it so that her ability works even when she's stunned or killed in combat. That thing is much more annoying than anything else imo.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    I'm all down for making Pick a Card cost 4 or Wiggly Burblefish being a 2/1 or Boxtopus becoming a 3/3, but just because other cards are better nerf targets than TF himself shouldn't entirely discount the fact that TF himself is already insane. Just nerfing the proponents that make TF/Fizz OP is good and all but it doesn't mean that another TF deck won't appear and showcase the same level of strengths. We saw this with Go Hard and we saw this again with TF/Fizz. EZ/TF, TF Swain, TF/Aphelios all use TF mainly because he's really efficient even when not leveled up because he always comes out on top in terms of value because you'll always be wasting a card about 95% of the time. Making him weaker on level up will make it so that people aren't as pressured to kill TF to make sure he doesn't level up. Instead of being a card that is flexible and good when played and also puts a countdown to end the game within 1-3 turns, he just becomes a card that is flexible and good when played.

    I would love to be wrong about TF nerf becoming necessary because I really like TF decks in general. (Yes, even TF/Fizz.) That said, the fact that we've been seeing a pattern about TF recurring in tier 1 decks despite using different sets of cards should speak volumes of how good he is.

    Also removing Quick Attack and making him a 4/2 is literally the same treatment Aphelios got. He was never attacking and now you're just making sure he never will. So I don't think changing TF's stats will do much.

    In reply to NERF TF/FIZZ!
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