I....may not be pre-purchasing the next HS expansion and instead putting more time into MTGA. I don't know how seriously I'll end up taking the game, but at the same time, I don't mind spending $50 if it's a good value and can let me play some cool decks.
Cool idea! Depending on the class and tribe, It could have synergy with existing cards like (Standard only because the list of synergies is potentially very long):
Ok there's a lot more potential synergy here than I thought initially. Basically anything that benefits from a handbuff, from a minion dying, or has tribal synergy could make this useful. Gotta be careful too because if it's neutral, it could be pretty powerful in Rogue.
What I also find quite funny is that hearthpwn is already having problems as the site is down right now and I currently can't access it. haha, not sure if it's currently down and not working for everyone but I found it quite amusing.
It has to be uploaded first somewhere yes. Your google drive won't work as far as I know. Luckily, imgur is quick and easy and doesn't even require you to have an account.
To be more precise, the image must be hosted somewhere first. In this case, I took a screenshot, edited in MS Paint, saved it, then uploaded it to imgur.
Right here with ya! I may not have always been the most....'in line' member of Hearthpwn (ahem.......salt thread........) but I always respected the work you and your team did and I'm happy to move fully over to outofcards.
I've slowly been playing more MTGA and less HS for many reasons. Relatively speaking, you could say I'm new to MTG (although that's not entire true, as I played a long time ago when I was a kid, but there have been a lot of new mechanics introduced since then). Are there any guides for new players, specifically on how to maximize my experience in MTGA and on basic strategy? I often find myself topdecking as early as turns 5 and 6 - since mana comes from cards in your hand, this seems really easy to run out of resources early in the game, am I better off not playing creatures??
(edit - I've played through and unlocked all the starter decks, have not yet used those codes for additional free packs)
Also, I opened up an Ugin, the Ineffable last night - it seems like a pretty powerful card but maybe I'm just seeing all the flash and none of the practicality. How good is this?
I feel like pogo rogue will become better when people can run pogos without it being a pogo centred deck. Most rogue decks are running a decent amount of bounce and honestly i feel it might be best to try and slot in pogos into some of them, instead of making a pogo only deck
Can you imagine how insane Storm Chaser would be in this deck?
I was running Spirit of the Shark and it can certainly put an immediate clock on your opponent, and is also really useful for drawing with Witchwood Piper. I suppose that could be considered 'core' too, eh?
With Pogo Hopper being buffed to a 1-drop, I believe this now offers a lot of flexibility and possibilities for building a successful Pogo deck. It's less the fact that you can and will play PH on 1, but the fact that it's faster to combo with cards like Lab Recruiter and Daring Escape.
After trying out some ideas last night, here's what I would consider to be "core":
I'm still undecided about which draw engine(s) are best. We could add a couple of Preps and Auctioneers. We could add Thalnos and Acolyte of Pains. Probably want to add at least one FoK. Last night I was trying out 2x Daring Escape but two might be overkill. There's also the possibility of Sprint and/or Vanish. Lastly, because this deck can take a few turns to get going, we need some early survivability. That will either be through spell removal (like Walk the Plank) or contesting the board with tempo oriented minions, like SI:7.
What are you all playing with? What are your ideas for resurrecting this deck?
Get fucked, Mech Hunter in casual.
Ah gotcha, thanks guys! So this is the last set before rotation? How often do they rotate and what sets rotate?
Currently I'm just messing around in non ranked, trying to optimize a deck with my very limited collection.
Would this be worth it for a new player?
I....may not be pre-purchasing the next HS expansion and instead putting more time into MTGA. I don't know how seriously I'll end up taking the game, but at the same time, I don't mind spending $50 if it's a good value and can let me play some cool decks.
Strange, I have a link to this site right in my signature on HP.
IDK, there are multiple threads regarding OoC and which I have participated in. No warnings on my end. Perhaps it was for some other reason?
Cool idea! Depending on the class and tribe, It could have synergy with existing cards like (Standard only because the list of synergies is potentially very long):
Ok there's a lot more potential synergy here than I thought initially. Basically anything that benefits from a handbuff, from a minion dying, or has tribal synergy could make this useful. Gotta be careful too because if it's neutral, it could be pretty powerful in Rogue.
It's working for me just fine
It has to be uploaded first somewhere yes. Your google drive won't work as far as I know. Luckily, imgur is quick and easy and doesn't even require you to have an account.
To be more precise, the image must be hosted somewhere first. In this case, I took a screenshot, edited in MS Paint, saved it, then uploaded it to imgur.
Good luck everyone!
My username on Hearthstone was simply one that was randomly generated when I registered.
My username here is from Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive series.
My username on Steam was a stupid play on words I made up because I didn't like my old name.
My reddit name is taken from the name of a Sufjan Stevens album.
Right here with ya! I may not have always been the most....'in line' member of Hearthpwn (ahem.......salt thread........) but I always respected the work you and your team did and I'm happy to move fully over to outofcards.
Hearthpwn was great because of the people that built and ran it.
Long live outofcards!
Quests. I don't like netdecking casual to complete quests so I'll usually try to build something from scratch using unpopular cards.
That said I really love putting Weaponized Pinata in every deck possible. :)
I've slowly been playing more MTGA and less HS for many reasons. Relatively speaking, you could say I'm new to MTG (although that's not entire true, as I played a long time ago when I was a kid, but there have been a lot of new mechanics introduced since then). Are there any guides for new players, specifically on how to maximize my experience in MTGA and on basic strategy? I often find myself topdecking as early as turns 5 and 6 - since mana comes from cards in your hand, this seems really easy to run out of resources early in the game, am I better off not playing creatures??
(edit - I've played through and unlocked all the starter decks, have not yet used those codes for additional free packs)
Also, I opened up an Ugin, the Ineffable last night - it seems like a pretty powerful card but maybe I'm just seeing all the flash and none of the practicality. How good is this?
Just wanted to say I appreciate all the work you and the rest of the OoC team is putting in to make this site great!
Can you imagine how insane Storm Chaser would be in this deck?
Ooh I hadn't even considered Magic Carpet.
I was running Spirit of the Shark and it can certainly put an immediate clock on your opponent, and is also really useful for drawing with Witchwood Piper. I suppose that could be considered 'core' too, eh?
With Pogo Hopper being buffed to a 1-drop, I believe this now offers a lot of flexibility and possibilities for building a successful Pogo deck. It's less the fact that you can and will play PH on 1, but the fact that it's faster to combo with cards like Lab Recruiter and Daring Escape.
After trying out some ideas last night, here's what I would consider to be "core":
I'm still undecided about which draw engine(s) are best. We could add a couple of Preps and Auctioneers. We could add Thalnos and Acolyte of Pains. Probably want to add at least one FoK. Last night I was trying out 2x Daring Escape but two might be overkill. There's also the possibility of Sprint and/or Vanish. Lastly, because this deck can take a few turns to get going, we need some early survivability. That will either be through spell removal (like Walk the Plank) or contesting the board with tempo oriented minions, like SI:7.
What are you all playing with? What are your ideas for resurrecting this deck?
Well I'm here, that means this site is alive and well!