guys, please. i don't hate the hunter class objectively. please dont reference things from other irrelevant threads. please don't turn this into a hearthpwn thread. I'm trying to be a better person over here. lets discuss the card. some of us will be wrong, some of us will be right. its okay to speculate and have an opinion. it's not okay to turn this into a pissing match and bait each other into fight. can we please keep it civil and on topic?
can we please please please not turn this into hearthpwn?
edit: surely you have done something besides hero power on 2 as a Rogue. Surely you have built a deck to include a bunch of good early game such that you rarely hero power on 2. surely if a 1/2 dagger on 2 is good, coining a 4/2 dagger is also good if not better.
^ because AFAIK, you never "play" a spell, it's always considered as "cast" when it goes into play from hand, unlike minions which can be "played" and/or "summoned."
3 mana != 4 mana, I don't know what you're trying to point out. coin, backstab, prep, shadowstep, go nuts. You don't have to play this on T4 with a 1-cost card.
Totally fine card in a world where Waggle Pick doesn't exist. But Waggle Pick exists.
Why not both?
Unless they added a new rule that says you can only run 2 weapons per deck?
"Cute" snark aside, I think you could maybe play 1 copy of this with the two picks to flesh out Raiding Party. But you're 100% playing 2x Pick first.
I just dislike the close minded approach to evaluating cards, "SI:7 exists, so every other 3-drop forever is unplayable," "Waggle Pick exists, so you are banned from playing another weapon." Why not both? do you remember old Pirate Warrior? You were definitely running 4 weapons in that deck and going face. This weapon doesn't even compete in the same mana slot, and Rogue has other cards that have synergy with weapons.
This from the guy who literally posted this yesterday?
Remember, this is "add 3 random cards to your hand." When have those been super strong? You want to draw cards you actually and specifically put into your deck, not random cards.
Also, keep in mind what other 3-drops this competes with and ask yourself how the hell this would fit into a Hunter deck (not listing the unplayed 3-drops):
Totally fine card in a world where Waggle Pick doesn't exist. But Waggle Pick exists.
Why not both?
Unless they added a new rule that says you can only run 2 weapons per deck?
"Cute" snark aside, I think you could maybe play 1 copy of this with the two picks to flesh out Raiding Party. But you're 100% playing 2x Pick first.
I just dislike the close minded approach to evaluating cards, "SI:7 exists, so every other 3-drop forever is unplayable," "Waggle Pick exists, so you are banned from playing another weapon." Why not both? do you remember old Pirate Warrior? You were definitely running 4 weapons in that deck and going face. This weapon doesn't even compete in the same mana slot, and Rogue has other cards that have synergy with weapons.
This is that except cheaper and you can run two of them.
Exactly. There will be a thread calling for this to be nerfed after some lucky Rogue drops this on 10-mana and goes Cold Blood, Cold Blood, Evisc, Defias, Coin, Edwin, having only started with two of those cards in hand.
guys, please. i don't hate the hunter class objectively. please dont reference things from other irrelevant threads. please don't turn this into a hearthpwn thread. I'm trying to be a better person over here. lets discuss the card. some of us will be wrong, some of us will be right. its okay to speculate and have an opinion. it's not okay to turn this into a pissing match and bait each other into fight. can we please keep it civil and on topic?
here we go again...........
can we please please please not turn this into hearthpwn?
edit: surely you have done something besides hero power on 2 as a Rogue. Surely you have built a deck to include a bunch of good early game such that you rarely hero power on 2. surely if a 1/2 dagger on 2 is good, coining a 4/2 dagger is also good if not better.
^ because AFAIK, you never "play" a spell, it's always considered as "cast" when it goes into play from hand, unlike minions which can be "played" and/or "summoned."
Would you play a 2-mana 1/2 weapon (with deathrattle: add a 2-mana 1/2 weapon to your hand)?
If you were forced into getting perfect curve every game, then sure, you don't want both a 3-mana and 4-mana weapon.
I am prepared to be 100% wrong on this, I don't care.
""entirely different mana cost"
3 mana + combo vs 4 mana"
I literally have no idea what point you're trying to make here.
3 mana != 4 mana, I don't know what you're trying to point out. coin, backstab, prep, shadowstep, go nuts. You don't have to play this on T4 with a 1-cost card.
We will certainly see then!
Agree to disagree for the time being.
You're oversimplifying for the sake of making your case, I get it.
In a class with a ton of playable, good, and already played 3-drops, yes - another good 3-drop has a tough time making it into a deck.
In a class with currently one weapon that is at an entirely different mana cost, yes - you can totally play both. Not a big deal.
8-mana "Cast Flamestrike and summon a 5/5."
I hope control mage gets more support!
I just dislike the close minded approach to evaluating cards, "SI:7 exists, so every other 3-drop forever is unplayable," "Waggle Pick exists, so you are banned from playing another weapon." Why not both? do you remember old Pirate Warrior? You were definitely running 4 weapons in that deck and going face. This weapon doesn't even compete in the same mana slot, and Rogue has other cards that have synergy with weapons.
Exactly. There will be a thread calling for this to be nerfed after some lucky Rogue drops this on 10-mana and goes Cold Blood, Cold Blood, Evisc, Defias, Coin, Edwin, having only started with two of those cards in hand.
Tip the Scales
in favor of your opponent. This is an 8-mana "Hope you didn't draw your good Murlocs already."
Why not both?
Unless they added a new rule that says you can only run 2 weapons per deck?
Probably a lot stronger in Wild with Totem Golem, but I could see someone using this to set up a T5 Bloodlust.
good lord.
conditional fireball on a stick with really strong curve with existing cards. this will see play.
This card is crazy good.
Meanwhile, Priest is stuck with Holy Nova for a 2-dmg aoe.
I am about this card. :)
There will be 13 combo cards in Standard, very few of them are totally unplayable. I suspect this will see play, a lot. .
This won't be tipping anything. I'd rather drop a Tirion.
I am really getting tired of murlocs.
If you aren't prepared to deal with Murloc Shaman on ladder, start preparing now.