Guys if you're going to downvote, can you please explain why? Let's have a conversation. Getting zero interaction for why you disagree with me is kind of a downer and honestly makes me not want to post here.
Remember, this is "add 3 random cards to your hand." When have those been super strong? You want to draw cards you actually and specifically put into your deck, not random cards.
Also, keep in mind what other 3-drops this competes with and ask yourself how the hell this would fit into a Hunter deck (not listing the unplayed 3-drops):
First off, you aren't playing this in a deck that plays Master's Call, Nine Lives, Spider Bomb, or Ursatron. It's a Secret Hunter card.
Second, "add 3 random cards to your hand" have seen competitive play as recently as this expansion in Crystal Song Portal. But also Cabalist Tome.
It's worth noting that this card is (A) much cheaper than most "add 3 random cards" (B) unconditional and (C) adding a specific set of different kinds of tools.
I agree with the people saying it looks good but probably isn't as great as it looks. Reminds me of Revenge of the Wild which sees little play. People thought it was bonkers when it was revealed. Still, it looks like it will be a lot of fun and I'm sure we see it in the highlight reels.
I overrated Revenge of the Wild. However, this is a lot more simple to evaluate.
Secret Hunter isn't played because it's much worse than Mech Hunter. Perhaps this card and Secret Hunter will see play when mechs rotate out, but until then, this card is mediocre.
Re: Crystalsong Portal and Cabalist's Tome - CP was played around with in early versions of Token Druid but I haven't seen it played in a long time. CT didn't see play becuase of the value generation - it saw play because it was fuel for the Mage quest and nothing better existed.
I stick to my assessment, this won't see much play beyond the first week or two of hype.
Remember, this is "add 3 random cards to your hand." When have those been super strong? You want to draw cards you actually and specifically put into your deck, not random cards.
Also, keep in mind what other 3-drops this competes with and ask yourself how the hell this would fit into a Hunter deck (not listing the unplayed 3-drops):
Too many good early mechs (remember Keleseth and Neutralstone?)
Magnetic is then too easily utilized
Magnetic in general is a broken concept, essentially turning every mech into a threat
As a Control deck, instead of asking "Can I afford to take 6 damage?" you have to ask yourself "do I have removal for the three mechs summoned by a single minion?"
Tough to say. Handbuff decks have historically been fun but quite fringe, and Control decks in general usually are spell/removal heavy, and Control Warrior in its current form is mech-based, with few taunts - I think this is pretty unlikely to change.
That said, standard disclaimer that I can't really make a fair assessment having seen only a few cards from the new expansion, we'll have to wait and see what else is released, Unicorn Taunt Warrior, etc etc.
I think it's a meme and as such until we see how viable that meme is (and given the power levels of aggro at the moment, might not be very viable at all) we shouldn't worry too much about it. It requires all cards in the combo to work.
In wild particularly this concept loses pretty ard to even shaman and odd paladin alone, let alone the many other hyper aggressive decks.
When I first saw this I thought "That shouldn't exist at all," and I still think that, but now I'm not concerned about it ruining the meta, just catching me off guard the 1-2 times it can even happen in the first month of SoU coming out.
On the flip side, Druid has a lot of ways to gain a crazy amount of armor in Wild. This is both a 'win more' condition and also an 'always win in fatigue' condition. They've allowed two turn "win now or else you lose the game to your opponent's combo" things to exist in Wild and totally dodge nerfs, so probably this will too, even though it's really unfair and should be nerfed.
I always assumed that Overkill only triggered whenever the Overkill minion made an attack, which feels much more intuitive, imo. The "during your own turn"-thing doesn't feel right. I think that they should change it to either work as my first assumption, stated earlier, or keep the current functionality of triggering even when defending but still remove the "during your turn" requirement.
I'm not even arguing for balance's sake btw, just for a more intuitive and consistent game mechanic.
I agree with you (and was downvoted to hell on reddit for suggesting the same thing). It feels weird to me that Overkill can be triggered without even attacking.
Agreed, this is one of those cards that will have a purpose, whether that's right now or not until later in future sets.
Guys if you're going to downvote, can you please explain why? Let's have a conversation. Getting zero interaction for why you disagree with me is kind of a downer and honestly makes me not want to post here.
I wonder if the inspiration for this was drawn from the Neverending Story's Sphinx Gate.
Secret Hunter isn't played because it's much worse than Mech Hunter. Perhaps this card and Secret Hunter will see play when mechs rotate out, but until then, this card is mediocre.
Re: Crystalsong Portal and Cabalist's Tome - CP was played around with in early versions of Token Druid but I haven't seen it played in a long time. CT didn't see play becuase of the value generation - it saw play because it was fuel for the Mage quest and nothing better existed.
I stick to my assessment, this won't see much play beyond the first week or two of hype.
Because I got excited and don't have every Warrior card memorized.
Or Leeroy + Warpath + Bloodsworn Mercenary in Standard for exactly 10 mana.
Decent card but probably overrated.
Remember, this is "add 3 random cards to your hand." When have those been super strong? You want to draw cards you actually and specifically put into your deck, not random cards.
Also, keep in mind what other 3-drops this competes with and ask yourself how the hell this would fit into a Hunter deck (not listing the unplayed 3-drops):
4 mana to summon 8/8 in stats, seems right in line with what warlock normally does.
So if you manage to get 3 of these things, it deals 5x3 damage? Seems like Rogue could pull this off, maybe Priest.
Duplicate legendaries.
I'm not sure. It does allow you to play three Chef Nomis, which may be a win con. I like the continuity of Elise always being a 5-mana 5/5.
pretty unimpressive for a highlander requirement.
edit: also there's a 0% chance that's the actual card art.
Magnetic is the real culprit.
Taunt minions in your hand. Taunt minions that cost more than 6-mana, or that cost less and for some reason you didn't play them on curve.
I think this card is a bit overrated.
Tough to say. Handbuff decks have historically been fun but quite fringe, and Control decks in general usually are spell/removal heavy, and Control Warrior in its current form is mech-based, with few taunts - I think this is pretty unlikely to change.
That said, standard disclaimer that I can't really make a fair assessment having seen only a few cards from the new expansion, we'll have to wait and see what else is released, Unicorn Taunt Warrior, etc etc.
On the flip side, Druid has a lot of ways to gain a crazy amount of armor in Wild. This is both a 'win more' condition and also an 'always win in fatigue' condition. They've allowed two turn "win now or else you lose the game to your opponent's combo" things to exist in Wild and totally dodge nerfs, so probably this will too, even though it's really unfair and should be nerfed.
I agree with you (and was downvoted to hell on reddit for suggesting the same thing). It feels weird to me that Overkill can be triggered without even attacking.
I think overkill should only trigger when you specifically choose to attack with a minion.