At this point the site’s pretty much getting all the kinds of content I could even consider wanting from it. Really glad to see how it’s been growing recently.
Might be interesting to hear some of the lore about the Loas from a few expansions back
Makes me happy to see that a series like this is going to be made, really looking forward to seeing more of it.
Haunted Creeper definitely was one of the cards that carried my midrange hunter back in the day, a small part of me does miss it.
For Stalagg and Feugan I still put them in my decks sometimes, even if I know it won’t work I just love them, it’s cards like that that I end up saying the voice lines myself when I play them.
If you’re wondering how the bucket system worked, basically the current system placed every card into various groups (called buckets) based off of generally how good they were. That’s why usually when you get offered a good card in arena, you’ll have a choice between 3 good cards, and the same with bad cards as well
MTG >>>>>> HS because of many reasons: no RNG, multitude of archetypes, better art, more adult feel etc
On the ftp side, as people above said very well, you can slowly build your collection for free, but it's gonna take a looong time to build really good decks, except the hyper aggro ones, which you use to grind. Anyway, it's a very satisfying game, with more than 20 years of successful history. Really, what are you waiting for??
Personally for me, the land system ends up being a lot more frustrating than bad rng in hearthstone. Every now and then I play some more Magic, because I do enjoy the game, but just like Hearthstone it does have its problems
If the pity timer is somewhat > 350 packs why would someone ever want to trigger it? Seems like a huge waste of money or gold for to small a reward.
Most people wouldn’t be grinding it out for golden legendaries (hell, most people probably haven’t even considered a pity timer for golden legendaries might even exist). I’d imagine it really only exists for whales, and for classic packs (since that’s the only one most people could reasonably hit)
What made Spiteful competitive was a lot of very specific conditions. Namely it pooling from 6 - 10 mana drops in a smaller list. There are a lot and I mean a lot of minions you cannot benefit from and even some you don't want on board at worst from Wild's larger 6-10 mana drops.
If you want to play a slot machine effect like Spiteful Summoner then you're better off with something like Evolve Shaman instead.
Jeez, the amount of low rolls even in the 8 mana slot is amazing
When I eventually get the new Priest Quest I’ll probably try running both. The old quest gives you survivability, while the new one helps give board presence (which is something Priest has needed)
Not sure if it’d fit too well for the theme you’re going for, but you could go with one of the loa for it. They’re powerful beings that take the form of beasts a lot of the time from what I know. I believe there’s a good few that weren’t used in Rastakhan Rumble
[edit] Question - so if I am reading it correctly, the HP gives +3/+6, right? It restores 3 health AND grants a minion +3/+3. That's very strong.
Yeah, pretty much. Long as the minion is damaged it’s up to a 6 health gain on it.
Really the only downside I see to running this card is that it effectively shuts you out of using Auchenai, but that hasn’t really been too popular lately anyways.0
You can "cheat" if you are able to load Hearthstone 3 times and play against yourself. Note, this will take 3 computers (like a tablet, phone and PC) and 3 accounts.
I mean, I just got the cardback at some point and I have no clue how, one day I just logged in and it gave it to me
Yeah, since turn 5-6 is where the better board clears start to show up, you drop this on turn 4 or 5 and it just kills their turn, and then you clear afterwards
People keep talking about using Myra’s with this, but that’d really only work if you have only a few cards left in your deck, since cast when drawn doesn’t activate when it’s milled
For those questioning it's legendary rarity I think it has to do with the power level of the card, not how interesting it is. Can you imagine decks like Big Shaman and Big Priest running 2 copies of these instead of 1?
Just thinking about them pulling it from Barnes makes me shudder.
I really don’t see why people are saying this is unplayably bad. You only need to attack 5 times, not play 5 weapons. It’s a card that, if it gets the support it needs, would be strong enough to win in the long term. The most similar card to this would be the old Warlock quest, but for this one you’d just be playing some more weapons, which Warrior is already okay with
If only Plague of Wrath was printed back when the Death Knights were released, could maybe justify the hero power (but what am I complaining about, I only play wild). I’d say that this would almost certainly see play, too easy of a board clear effect to not see play. Only downside really is it’s basically worthless against Aggro.
Even if it’s ridiculously slow, I want to try and make Colossus work. For some reason I just really love the card
At this point the site’s pretty much getting all the kinds of content I could even consider wanting from it. Really glad to see how it’s been growing recently.
Might be interesting to hear some of the lore about the Loas from a few expansions back
Makes me happy to see that a series like this is going to be made, really looking forward to seeing more of it.
Haunted Creeper definitely was one of the cards that carried my midrange hunter back in the day, a small part of me does miss it.
For Stalagg and Feugan I still put them in my decks sometimes, even if I know it won’t work I just love them, it’s cards like that that I end up saying the voice lines myself when I play them.
If you’re wondering how the bucket system worked, basically the current system placed every card into various groups (called buckets) based off of generally how good they were. That’s why usually when you get offered a good card in arena, you’ll have a choice between 3 good cards, and the same with bad cards as well
Personally for me, the land system ends up being a lot more frustrating than bad rng in hearthstone. Every now and then I play some more Magic, because I do enjoy the game, but just like Hearthstone it does have its problems
Until we learn otherwise, it’s probably safe to assume it’s gonna be the same as Dalaran.
Most people wouldn’t be grinding it out for golden legendaries (hell, most people probably haven’t even considered a pity timer for golden legendaries might even exist). I’d imagine it really only exists for whales, and for classic packs (since that’s the only one most people could reasonably hit)
Jeez, the amount of low rolls even in the 8 mana slot is amazing
When I eventually get the new Priest Quest I’ll probably try running both. The old quest gives you survivability, while the new one helps give board presence (which is something Priest has needed)
Not sure if it’d fit too well for the theme you’re going for, but you could go with one of the loa for it. They’re powerful beings that take the form of beasts a lot of the time from what I know. I believe there’s a good few that weren’t used in Rastakhan Rumble
I mean, I’d be lying if I didn’t say Zephrys wasn’t looking pretty amazing to me, I play plenty of Reno decks already. Definitely gonna craft that one
Well I know what I’m crafting day 1 now.
Yeah, pretty much. Long as the minion is damaged it’s up to a 6 health gain on it.
Really the only downside I see to running this card is that it effectively shuts you out of using Auchenai, but that hasn’t really been too popular lately anyways.0
I mean, I just got the cardback at some point and I have no clue how, one day I just logged in and it gave it to me
Yeah, since turn 5-6 is where the better board clears start to show up, you drop this on turn 4 or 5 and it just kills their turn, and then you clear afterwards
I’d imagine it’s a 1/2 because of just how slow of a mechanic reborn is. Not many of them are actually that threatening the turn they’re played
People keep talking about using Myra’s with this, but that’d really only work if you have only a few cards left in your deck, since cast when drawn doesn’t activate when it’s milled
Just thinking about them pulling it from Barnes makes me shudder.
I really don’t see why people are saying this is unplayably bad. You only need to attack 5 times, not play 5 weapons. It’s a card that, if it gets the support it needs, would be strong enough to win in the long term. The most similar card to this would be the old Warlock quest, but for this one you’d just be playing some more weapons, which Warrior is already okay with
I really do hope we get to see more of Deathwing with the third expansion. A Madness of Deathwing card would be so cool
If only Plague of Wrath was printed back when the Death Knights were released, could maybe justify the hero power (but what am I complaining about, I only play wild). I’d say that this would almost certainly see play, too easy of a board clear effect to not see play. Only downside really is it’s basically worthless against Aggro.
Even if it’s ridiculously slow, I want to try and make Colossus work. For some reason I just really love the card