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Joined 05/29/2020 Achieve Points 590 Posts 1235

Nifty129's Comments

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    Two aggro decks enter one leaves.

    No mismatching no shenanigans.

    Just my aggro built custom for Eternal as a hyper burn deck and meta Samara daybreak.

    Who wins, the crowd waits with bated breath!

    Well its obviously me, because I understand the format and I built custom

    And the opponent lost because those standard play patterns are boring, predictable, and downright underpowered by eternal standards.

    I remain the king of that format always, until Riot formally adopts it, and then the pro players pool their resources to make a tier list.

    Even then however with this many decks and card choices I will still rain Supreme.

    I love that people keep trying to one up me, I saw someone who was all in on burn literally precious pet nothing but one drops, but he lost too. You can try to counter me, you can try to one up me, you can try to beat me.

    But it won't work, I'm the eternal master.

    How long will it take before you all get that through your heads?

    Eventually you'll all give up and start asking for advice, Nifty how is it that you build different and play different.

    You'll get your answers from the eternal master, the only one in LOR right now.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    Also in case you're curious there is a precedent for the technique I'm referring to.

    It's called mismatching in MMA 

    Basically if someone throws a punch, your counter with a grapple, if they grapple you go to the ground, etc.

    You essentially never give the opponent the matchup they want and are prepared for because they will have the advantage.

    But with mismatching you do.

    All the deck tracking, all the foreknowledge, all the matchup tables.

    All that shit pro play revolves around is useless to mismatching in a broad wide open meta.

    This is the main reason pro players insisted on standard ^ they need to control the variables

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    Well first of all I'm off meta masters which literally doesn't exist.

    But if you want me to whoop your ass in eternal along with everyone else I'm happy to.

    Like the thing is my decks require hard counters.

    If they say oh man we sure are gonna own up his illoi brew with single target denial, then I'll just say great did you tech hard enough into the aggro matchup?

    Then if they tech aggro I go ramp, like this is objectively easy off meta climbing advice.

    Well not easy because no one but me seems to be able to do it.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    I can't say enough about this format.

    I went like 10/0 last night all with my own decks.

    Illoi (midrange) 

    Pirates (aggro)

    Asol (ramp)

    Ryse (combo)

    It doesnt really matter what you play, as long have that advanced concept of deck building you will win.

    Doesn't matter if an entire army of people try to stop you, they can be the best players, or the worst players.

    At the end its all the same to Nifty.

    So here's hoping Riot does the right thing and formally adopts this format long term because honestly standard is for grade schoolers at this point.

    I really wish Swim didn't get canceled because he's bad with women. Because his oppinion on this debate would be the only one I'd listen to with our play styles being very similar.

    Like how many people do you know can hit insane winrates with absolute trash? 

    I can count those people on one hand, there's me and then there's him.

    Streamers will pretend that hey time bomb printer is the best deck ever! I face it and it crumbles to me in two seconds.

    Hey why don't you go peddle your garbage brews to someone else and leave the house cleaning to the professionals?

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    Man I absolutely destroy in eternal.

    And pretty soon this format is gonna have a legit ladder and then the pro players can complain about the meta all over again.

    Well sorry but some people like to play optimized lists that do things instead of aggro jank.

    Adapt or fail, because eternal is here to stay and I'm the big dragon baby.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    Standard is already done and decided, there's nothing really interesting to talk about there.

    Let's move on to the cool format instead, eternal and how it might shape up in 30 days when ladder unlocks:

    1. Ryze - obviously it's a very good deck into anything slow, it will be cool to see how the list adapts to new card additions 

    2. Elites - will always be the best midrange list for now, just because battle Smith into three 3/3s on mana 3 is bonkers

    3. Aggro - I think it's pretty fascinating to ask how the new aggro tools work in a world of pings. My response I would definately consider running Samara over TF in pirate aggro, that sounds super broken.

    4. Shromes - I play a lot of Temo and the eternal version is definately better, thermo, the one of landmark, but you can do better in this format for sure.

    5. Ramp - doesn't have any new tools yet but when the new set makes its way to this region boy howdy I can't wait to make the most busted ramp list possible

    6. Jack - eternal jack sounds awesome because the card isn't doing anything in standard eight now, literally the opposite. 

    7. Sett - being able to play Sett with Lee Sin is obviously better than Karma because Karma doesn't really do anything without ezreal or go hard thats why the standard version is barely playable right now.

    This is all early speculation but man when we start getting official eternal ladder in 30 days this format is gonna be nuuuuuts...not just aggro good, beat stick LeBlanc good, zzzz

    Yep I can't be beat in eternal, it's basically mtg masters aka for grown ups, little kids need not apply. I'm sorry guys but my eternal win rate is insane, I literally climbed with garbage last season you can't take me with your weak *** open attacks this ain't standard.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    Eternal ladder when Riot?

    Nobody cares about standard, it's a very simple meta with very well defined best decks.

    You know what's way up in the air and unknown right now?

    Eternal, no tier lists, no deck lists, just you and your opponent and the best player wins.

    Usually me.

    Sorry I don't want to play which standard aggro deck is best...ooh who will it be Samara sunbreak or Samara Fizz?

    Or will midrange frostbite the only playable midrange deck left, remain the only playable midrange deck left?

    Will control decks all still suck?

    Are combo decks non existent?

    The answer to all those is yes.

    So yes Eternal is where the good players go and we want ladder.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    While I've generally come to accept that LOR will be an aggro slug fest, and there's nothing you or I or anyone can do about it.

    There are a number of people still confused by the choices:

    Roughly 150 people on the main reddit are generally baffled by some of the design choices.

    Freijord not having acess to healing anymore, so no blighted or tavern keeper to help sustain in agressive metas and deal with 1 drop spam.

    Good removal cards like flock and vile feast and pokey are gone so once again aggro has less to fear and can openly board spam no problem (barely had enough to stop them in eternal)

    Entire archetypes were gutted but not the good ones and seemingly for no reason. 

    Overall it seems like rotation is very much for the hearthstone players and that seems to be the overall sentiment after listening to the devs talk about rotation.

    How players are worried that this direction is overall wrong, and not good for the game.

    But hey Mogwai is back so whatever, I and 150 other people don't need to be happy with LOR if the streamers are pleased.

    Like personally I can't really play too much standard and enjoy it. I would be super interested to know how that holds true for everyone else as well.

    Aggro slug fests are so fun, like man so glad we killed half the card pool so lurk could be better than it already was. Totally worth.

    Like I do understand better than you think, Marvel Snap told the LOR devs that doing things is more fun than not doing things.

    But LOR is much closer to MTG in terms of its balance than a Ben Brode game. There needs to be the give and take.

    The opponent says I do this and you need to be able to say nope. Well there is no more nope in LOR it's just do and get run over, or you run over faster. I hate it, but hey at least trournament line ups got a whole lot simpler.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    So I'm not going to keep on harping on rotation, people are enjoying the general lack of all purpose responses in decks and familiar play patterns.

    1. Play an akshan it would get mystic shotted

    2. Play scissor lady that's a thermo

    Now you can play those things and they will essentially always survive the turn now to swing. Good for proactive players bad for responsive players.

    Well I'm in the second camp, my joy of LOR came from looking at ladder and coming up with decks that countered what people played (responding)

    Now there are no responses only statements so for me that leaves me in a weird position where I basically have to wait for Eternal to turn into a real competitive format before I can play the game my way again, and that might never happen.

    So long story short Marvel Snap is a pretty fun game eh?

    ----the fun---

    So all rotation did was make aggro decks more aggro? Fuuuun and balanced and interesting

    So dynamic having all decks have to run 12 1 drops so cool and interesting

    Glad we have that now as the face of competitive LOR

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    So every single one of my decks is now outlawed in standard. Not one or two or three.

    But something like 20 seperate decks are now unplayable for me.

    I dont know if I can recover from that.

    I dont know if I want to.

    I will say Marvel Snap is looking a lot better now as much **** as I give that game.

    At least it didn't invalidate 3/4 of my collection and all of my hard off meta deck building work.

    I guess the pro community is happy, no longer losing to stupid stuff like insta ramp asol, but I also think the game is worse off because of it.

    Like they took their tree house and kicked off the ladder for everyone else.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    A little update I did a poll on reddit to see who was happy with the changes and there wasn't a single LOR apologist that could say they were confident in Riots choices.

    Thats a red flag for sure.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    99% of players have no idea how to play off meta Champs and archetypes in runeterra.

    Ask Majin Bae the last time he played yordal tribal and he'll say yordles have a tribe?

    Ask Nifty the last time he played yordal tribal in master ladder and he will say 5 minuites ago.

    So we end up in situations where poppy and her entire archetype get rotated?

    Why yordles aren't competitive, they aren't good, they aren't broken, they aren't even cheesy 

    Now you could say Taric Poppy infinite rally was a deck at one point, kind of like how star springs Tahm Kench was a deck at some point.

    Are they good decks now? No....not even close, not even in the same God damn solar system as what is considered good and playable right now.

    Want to know what's good?

    Annie, Annie is pretty good.

    Elites are pretty good.

    Yassao? Not so much.

    Sundisc meh kinda but also no.

    Want to know a really good one?

    Thresh, when is the last time Thresh tutored a champion and that was some how good?

    Or you jammed 6 anivas?

    But no killing these bad decks will some how slow the game down?

    When they weren't actually being played in the first place?

    No this rotation list reeks of arrogance.

    Nah you weren't playing those decks anyways right? I dont see them in the top 20 meta list so you don't need those decks, they didint exist 

    So yes I blame the runeterra community for not expressing the importance of the extended card pool.

    But when you get locked into the next rigid meta where only Sett is meta or whatever, you're gonna wish you could jam Rumble to blow off some steam.

    Too bad ya can't now, he dead.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 6 months ago

    At least you guys are showing your true meta slave colors now.

    Let me google harder for the next game lol.

    Wait I never do that nevermind and still got to masters anyways

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 6 months ago

    Board spam is a pretty big design issue in LOR.

    Removal is over costed.

    So by design the person who clogs the board with more stuff faster is usually the winner.

    There's only one instance where this isn't true.

    And that's burried in ice.

    The only one sided board clear that properly exists in lor, unless you count broadmane which is a follower.

    So having that ability to laugh at your opponents garbage as you go right over their head with asol level up into burried in ice.

    Thats the true LOR for me, that's the you were never on my level play.

    And boy will it always be satisfying.

    Yeeeeeah if you have to hard tech your entire deck to counter me I'm doing something right like usual.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 6 months ago

    Let's discuss the champ rotations and what they mean for LOR's future "new format'

    I'm gonna play legacy still but its no doubt that most LOR players will be in standard:

    1. Ziggs - midrange landmarks is a deck I hate to see die I really dont think the mountain man is gonna get it done

    2. Poppy - literally sees 0 competitive play although I think she is decent and I run her in yordal tribal

    3. Rumble - having a uninteractive all in one style champion is important for the game so let's kill him too?

    4. Gangplank - like yeah midrange plunder is one of the best decks since rising tides so obvious rotation choice, but again people like that deck and now it's dead

    5. Tf - this one they said already but he's the only champion that levels off draw ans now he's dead

    6. Tahm kench - he has some combo brews that aren't fun to play against but once again he's an "important" card in lor

    Note: not MF aka the pirate aggro super star???

    7. Fiora - another important card that doesn't see a ton of competitive play a little here and there

    8. Lux - umm k well 6 cost decks are gone hope you didn't enjoy that play pattern

    9. Aniva - wow got that 1 hard core aniva player since vanilla rip that guy I guess

    10. Braum - poros too strong confirmed I guess I heart of the fluffed 1 too many pro players

    11. Trundle - once again I'll wave as the 1 hard core ramp player left in LOR rip me

    12. Lee Sin- that was obvious I already said he can't exist when coins are a thing but its a shame I like his design

    13. Irelia - people actually play her a lot and she didn't really need to be rotated so rip azir irelia fans I guess

    14. Lulu - lulu Jinx too strong confirmed cuz you know I've seen the discard challenger combo once this year?

    15. Yassao - okay this format is dead to me yassao is LOR - not because he's good but because he isn't and that's the point

    So without going into any more of the leaks I had said that rotation was gonna be a shit show and man the show has been pooped hard.

    I feel like this rotation list was chosen by the pro players who got mad at off meta but niche effective list and decided to kill them.

    Like hallowed is still a thing right?

    Because it's competitive cancer?

    But noooo yassao too strong boys I don't like losing to bad decks cuz it makes me look like a bad player.

    Well guess what hypothetical LOR player you are bad, like really bad and killing half the well designed Champs in the game won't change that.

    ----bold prediction---

    This is the gold card phase of LOR for those familiar with Gwent.

    Where a perfectly amazing and well balanced card game gets killed because the pro player community gets whiney when the linear set of plays and decks doesn't work under new circumstances.

    Well guess what this ain't chess card games evolve, they change, they become something new. Just because you were top 50 one year and now you're only rank 0 masters doesn't mean the game is broken it means you're set in your ways and killing LOR to satisfy your competitive ego won't change anything cuz the game will just die and then where will you and your hard-core ego driven ass be? 

    On the road looking for a new game like the rest of us.

    ----more leaks---

    1. Zoe yeah cuz you know I tried bard zeo lately and it is in fact aaaaa deck like there are cards in a pile that you can play no she isn't too strong so she has to die

    2. Taric ummm what? He isn't even niche good like he's just straight bad

    3. Aphelios - come on I know gravitum spam is annoying but he's a cool card let the meme stars meme Jesus

    4. Katarina - yeah rally spam I understand that since all rallies became 4 mana Katarina is literally better than all rallies but she dies to mystic so let people have her I say

    5. Ezreal - literally non competitive for a while now I know the spell play priority change made him frustrating but he's well designed now after 20 balance changes

    6. Vi - again what does P and Z not get bad challenger champions now?

    7. Viktor - he's a bad card for bad players so let's kill him? Again why so many non competitive cards?

    8. Vlad - I knew this and guess what I still don't like it shockers. He is a well designed bad card and I like that he exists

    9. Draven - he's as LOR as Yassao and now Draven doesn't have his fan and I'm no longer a fan of LOR simple as that

    10. Xerath - yep niche competitive decks like sundisc have no place in the new LOR it's too uninteractive and frustrating for the hard cores sooooryyy

    11. Zillian - what's the deal with time bombs he just gets infinite draw thats sooooo broken? Sarcasm

    12. Sivir - spellshield too op guys you mean she doesn't get vengenced kill the card too broken

    Okay now it's just wtf? 

    I went from incredulous, to frustrated, to just defeated and sad reading this list.

    The more competitive the champion the more likely it survived rotation.

    The more niche and intriguing the more likely it dies.

    Hearthstone players ruling the dev team I see?

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 6 months ago

    Don't get me wrong it's not great into elites and Annie, cuz you know hand vommit is cheaper then removal.

    But man into everything else this deck puts in the work and it's my favorite list going into the expansion for that perfect balance between memes and competitive play styles.

    1. Removal heavy makes the deck durable and responsive

    2  follower curve gives you some resilience with chump blockers

    3. Lots of burn in case your shrome play patterns get responded to

    4. Otk combo obviously your primary win conditions of doubling traps or procing 5 cards deep

    5. Easy catlyn level for an additional burst wincon

    6. Lots of puffcap peddler fuel

    7. The one of hexcore foundry is just perfect more than one is a liability and you have your draw card anyways

    I gotta say I'm proud of this you can measure the weight of an LOR player by his Temo and my furry bastard is strong.

    ---expansion talk---

    Where does flashbomb peddler fit in? He might actually exist in a different deck where you also run the 4 mana card and now you're not a combo deck you're full on flashbomb control.

    And then you're combining it with a champion that likes free removal maybe Kindred? Maybe something different who knows. There is an interesting world where you hit a critical mass of flashbombs to hard lock opponents into ladros atrocity. That would be funny.


    Okay I'm gonna say this again my brews I easily go 30 games over two weeks against everything.

    Jamming a bunch of aggro and burn into a list without cohesion doesn't make a deck that you can actually play into any relavent matchups where the opponent isn't drawing you cards.

    Like if your deck is good if you're confident in its performance actually play it! That's the only test. Not oh I one off memed and that matters somehow in your own mind.

    Good decks are playable into the meta for months and months on end. My diamond dragon deck has seen play since the last expansion, I modify I tweak but the deck stays the same, do your brews see play on ladder or anywhere actually outside of a one day binge?

    I even see players mirroring my decks now because they are confused why I keep winning. Well be confused you're not me, you never will be but you can try to emulate or counter me if you want. It just won't work for long.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 6 months ago

    Pay to win mechanics.

    A rigid meta with clear power ratios for cards

    Randomized locations

    0 mulligans

    0 removal

    I've said it before and I'l say it again I don't really know what Mogwai sees in this game

    I usually just use it as a casual distraction from LOR when I want shiny lights and to hear the announcer say "animated!"

    But as a competitive experience no thank you I'd rather buy a loto card.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 6 months ago

    So Set is a new Lee Sin champion for LOR he challenges, he kills a unit on level up, and he has a spell casting level up condition.

    Now I don't know for certain but I assume Lee Sin can't exist in the same rotation as Set because coins cost 0 mana essentially.

    So you just play 10 coins to level Lee Sin by 5, and then you can play Set later on if Lee dies.

    I assume that's totally bonkers broken.

    It has to be better than Akshan in that deck 100% of the time.

    --- small rant---

    If you're playing jhin Annie in casual que you better be in masters cuz otherwise you're awful and you're cancer.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 6 months ago

    So let's get this out of the way, yes this can be seen as a 3 deck meta:

    Aggro: Annie jhin

    Midrange: elites

    Control: heimer jayce

    all 3 decks are tier 1 in there respective categories.

    But as soon as you start to move away from the obvious choices the rest of the deck selection is incredible even.

    To the point that you can basically play whatever you want. 

    Me personally I run brews from all across the deck spectrum and go on incredible winstreaks.

    Just today I burned out 10 players with shromes, the meta can be adapted to and re-adapted once players make adjustments.

    Are they value hungry kill them outside of board presence by loading their deck with lethal.

    Is there deck nothing but burst spells?

    Just ramp over there head there's nothing they can do about it.

    Are they too spell heavy, well ephemerals and hallowed always exist.

    My point is that as soon as you move away from the I kill you with Annie, create a big board with elites, or destroy all your stuff with jayce, outside of that the game is beautiful right now.

    Me personally when the new set arrives I'm still going to play classic Runeterra I don't think rotation is something I'm going to enjoy when the game has only gotten better with time.

    Yeah 3 deck meta yatta yatta thats not enough to prevent me from enjoying the game, like if I didn't have 20 life and Jhin Annie wasn't easy mode then I would be unstoppable so gotta give players something to hold on to.

    Although I do imagine playing the same deck over and over again would probably get boring for most players not to mention the fact that they googled it so they don't even have anything to be proud of?

    Hahhahaha caught ya you're even playing my decks you'll never live it down!!!

    You guys keep using my decks that's soooo cool like I've become the defacto runeterra meme king. Thanks for the crown.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 6 months ago

    See there's this little deck called elites 

    it curves out better then every other deck.

    So unless your garbage pile of curve followers and compete with theirs.

    Your deck shouldn't exist 

    K thanks bye

    Hey look brain dead curve decks sure you guys can handle the math there?

    Wow we are even turning lissandra into curve yetis now?

    Are you shameless playing this hearthstone garbage I would say so.

    Why do anything? 

    Like I'm an mtg player my decks are interesting and high synergy.

    But like yeah you can take every single deck in the entire game of LOR and boil it down to I put numbers down while drool runs out of my mouth.

    So good job I guess you killed the game. Go play marvel snap now plz.

    Yep the games basically done just turbo your wincon, don't try to do anything dont try to be anything. Just vroom vroom vroom cool stuff.

    Like never have I had to ask what's in his deck because it's literally 3 cards.

    I likes that control deck you were playing with literally one card in hand because you curved out so hard? I had fun cool deck.

    Hemier is in there somewhere right? Maybe some draw, some level up wincon you know like the whole game was in there somewhere? Let me know when you find it.

    You know this whole experience has been the strongest argument for rotation in LOR I have yet to find. When every single deck in the entire game just boils down to play your threats on curve kill their threats, and replace your threats when they die there isn't really a game at all.

    It's just solitaire.