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Joined 05/29/2020 Achieve Points 590 Posts 1235

Nifty129's Comments

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago

    It must be frustrating to essentially throw everything you have at a player, knowing that they have 0 inside knowledge of your deck

    You can play any card, any list, any tech, and I will know nothing

    and you will know everything

    and despite that I will win 90% of my games.

    I'm sorry it must be frustrating, but think of me as Eternal Majin, right I did the DBZ thing I hit my next form

    You guys don't stand a chance. 

    Once again put your gamer tags in the comments for private eternal tutoring

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago

    Emote spam and concede?

    Sounds about right.

    I told you eternal is a rude awakening, now you can be salty about it.

    Or you can just learn from me on how not to suck.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago

    For those that don't know, every region in LOR has a 10 mana chunker.

    Typically they all read the same, I cost one less when x condition is met.

    These cards are historically terrible and haven't been played competitively for as long as I've been playing so lets say 2 years plus.

    But right now the top deck in standard is bandle know that 10 mana card you have never looked at or seen before and basically wrote off immediately.

    That is the card that is dominating standard right now lol!

    yeah man these players are gonna be in for a rude awakening when they play Eternal in Runeterra open.

    They'll be like man why is my garbage not working anymore?

    Like I have to build high synergy decks with clear wincons?

    That's nuts!

    bandle gunner...hahahahahaha standard is such a joke.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago

    So it's been confirmed that the next Runeterra open is going to be in Eternal to celebrate the unlocking of eternal ladder in 30 days.

    One interesting problem tho, with all pro players busy arrogantly dismissing this format nobody actually knows what's good right now.

    I might come the closest because I've literally spent all of this season playing and winning in Eternal casual with no ladder available.

    But I was masters last season and that was as close as we've gotten to the eternal card pool thus far.

    So  for all the pro players out there let me illuminate you by starting with updating the old tier lists:

    1. Jayce - still a fine deck but the difference from eternal to last season is that aggro got all the tools

    2. Elites - also a fine deck but it will feel quite midrange compared to the most aggresive options out there

    3. Anna - I'm not convinced anna is better than the new pirate aggro, just the fact that pirotte exists and now you can have a cheap stun outside  of Runeterra region, so probably 50/50 for ana vs Samira

    4. Ramp - while there were no competitive ramp lists last season except the ones I piloted this is an archetype that has massively advanced with the addition of Jack. Coins, plus trundle, plus auto level for 12 mana, plus regular ramp tools equals a deck that is probably faster then ASOL.

    5. Ryze - Another deck that keeps getting better as the card pool expands I wouldn't be surprised to see the winrate of this deck go from 50/50 last season to 53% this season

    6. Nora - while there is no such thing as an amazing Nora deck, she shows up in so many lists that I'll just say the Nora deck that gets played this eternal season

    7. Sett - sett is one of the best new ionia control tools available he's very strong and there's a decent chance he will have an eternal list worth playing

    8. Shadow control - I think shadow control has changed quite a bit from it's previous iterations just because it got new control spells. There's the mini ruination for 6 mana that will help quite a bit with the more aggressive matchups. I will say Heimer has felt very bad for my opponents every time they play that old list into my new aggro decks.

    But like that's kind of it, this is all uncharted territories here and it doesn't matter if your name is Majin Bae, or Mogwai, because honestly they will have no idea what the Runeterra Open is going to look like with all their recent standard experience being practically useless.


  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago

    Like let's be real here if anyone won as much as me and was right about the direction of LOR as much as me

    They would idk open a little 100 viewer youtube channel and pretend they are special.

    Instead I have a fulltime and fulfilling career and I win this much and I'm right this much.

    Who's in a fantasy world now?

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago

    No need to be insulting it just means they finally started listening.

    It's funny how often my world and the real world keep colliding in a predictive fashion.

    Aka being right about the future of an entire card game and format.

    Smart ass

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago

    This happened ages ago, yes standard rotation brought back a few people who like having a significantly reduced cardpool at the cost of shafting anyone who wants to play OG Runeterra making them wait 60 days just for ladder.

    Was it worth the trade? Not in my eyes and not in the eyes of many others.

    Eternal has its own distinct and complicated meta a fact that will never see the light of day as long as Riot continues to ignore its legacy format.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago

    Sorry the star springs deck is a little hard to pilot I didn't say all my decks were easy, just that they have there place if you aren't a monkey. 

    I should start offering tutoring lessons, provide your gamer tag and I can give off meta piloting advice free of charge.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago

    So low and behold I'm browsing current standard tier list to admire the shit show.

    What do I see in A tier.

    Illoi Jarvan a deck that hasn't been popular since initial release and that I've been playing competitively ever since.


    It's got the one of nakaboros from my list, they replaced the 3 mana buff with cataclysm thats a meta decision, and added single which again is a meta decision.

    So all told they rotated two cards for strikes and jammed two copies of Riptide.

    So yes better for standard where there's more agressive targets and you need 8 removal cards but Jesus this is literally just my deck and not even in the format I like.

    This is getting saj guys if you're gonna steal from the king at least say so. What's next 30 days from now I look at eternal tier lists and its like copy paste 5 of my decks you run into on ladder?

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago

    Hey look you stole my Asol ramp deck that's the spirit if you can't beat them copy them! Only way you can beat the king of eternal is to be him glad you realized.

    That is the problem when you single handedly define an entire format. Is that people can go to your decks from last season and this season and be like hey that's pretty good and then change two cards and pretend they are clever.

    Like no its my deck I played Asol ramp competitively before rotation and I play it now and yes it is insane.

    What have you built that's stood the test of time?

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago

    Also there's a huge difference between here's my game 1 with sandstone general in Azir heckarim vs here's my 100 games won eternal powerhouse pirate aggro deck.

    In case you're wondering the difference is me winning in 3 turns checkmate.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago

    So on a possitive note even though we are 30 days away from competitive I'm gonna talk about the only format I care about and that's eternal.

    Specifically the decks I think got better with the last set additions. I'm gonna skip over the obvious  ones like pirate aggro, like we know this last set was huge for bilge noxious.

    What else we got?

    1. Star springs - pretty dope with eight punch Pablo. Providing both a good body with attune, a healing activator cuz of strike, and potentially contributing to removal efforts is amazing value for this deck. Cosmic youngling is less great but good into hyper aggro, where star springs usually suffered. So now it's do you want toad for the draw or youngling for the sustain?

    2. Echo - the fact that shurima got its own version of a 4 mana tutor follower is insanely good for echo. Clocking predicts and draws and gives you that annoying little body all at once.

    3. Shen - I personally believe Shen Sett is the new Shen Jarvan, or Shen Fiora once you see that interaction of Sett getting barrier on attack triggering a.cascade of effects and generally being cheaper and harder to kill then jarvan you won't go back.

    4. Azir Irelia - fallen sands general is a pretty solid finisher for this deck when sometimes it feels like your deck doesn't do enough on its own and you just need that little extra late game. Not a deck I play but pretty sure you can just copy paste a list and add him.

    Again, this is just the beginning for me. While a lot of players will A use old tier lists for Eternal or B meme with a dumb otk wincon I will continue to provide quality decks that win not because they are amazing but because they are well balanced and durable.



  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 2 months ago

    So the 3 year anniversary celebration for Runeterra is happening right now.

    It's a great chance for new players to get old champions, and for established players to get free currency.

    One problem though Nora and Bard are essentially unplayable in standard.

    In eternal they are solid cards bard can turbo buff elusives with Zoe, and Nora can easily slot into grindy control decks with her infinite board value.

    It's just another case out of 10,000 why Runeterra standard is less a "format" for an established game and more a quick trimming of the card pool to keep a small subsect of players happy while screwing the long term fans who helped it reach 3 years in the first place.

    Here's a 3 year anniversary idea, we are making eternal ladder ever green to support the player base the helped make our game great

    There's an announcement I can get behind.

    Don't get me wrong casual eternal is amazing but winning every game does nothing for me, when it should be just as valuable as it is in standard.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 2 months ago

    I'm assuming by now the novelty of standard has worn off.

    The limited deck builds and selections.

    The premeditated leaning towards pro-players and number crunching vs creativity and memes.

    It's all exceptionally boring and limited.

    So I wonder how long till play rates drop, views drop, all the metrics people care about diminish.

    Because I'm not playing, a lot of people I respect aren't playing, because we all had to wait 2 months just to play the format we like, aka eternal, aka og real Runetera.

    Frankly this is unacceptable eternal ladder should have been established the minute rotation happened, anything else is just lazy.

    Another 30 days to go on top of the 30 I just waited yeeeeeeah woooo how fun Riot!

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 2 months ago

    So Jack one of the worst champions in standard currently actually shares new dialog with Trundle.

    Now 90% of players will never experience this content, and they will never know that the new Champs were actually built with rotated Champs not only "in mind" but literally based content around their interactions.

    I'm curious to see how much dialog there is with rotated Champs and new Champs, because pro players are making it sound like Riot didn't balance the new content with existing content in mind.

    But clearly they did, Jack was always meant to team up with Trundle due to the massive synergy inherent between them.

    Now standard players will never know this interaction was not only intended but is genuinely amazing.

    Just another reason why eternal is the real LOR in a growing list of reasons.

    ----big rant---

    I gotta be honest I'm a little pissed that pro players like Majin gutted half the game so.they can have an easy ladder climb.

    Because not only have they messed with the pre-existing core experience, they literally neutered Champs pre-release!

    Jack was a champion designed for Trundle and ramp, and pro players decided pre-release that this archetype was irritating and killed Jack before he could be played.

    Thats balls man, that's giant fucking.balls to say stfu Riot I know you designed this champ with Trundle in mind and recorded dialog and everything but I'm pro player x y z and I think ramp is annoying.

    Thats not an objective standpoint, here's an objective standpoint make eternal everygreen so I can play the game the way the devs fucking.designed it.


  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 2 months ago

    In my quest to get ready for Eternal ladder I've been pre-scouting what the new set brings to existing deck interactions.

    There is some insanely broken stuff here, infinite draw with tf, hyper burn aggro, and my favorite otk ramp.

    What other amazing mysteries does this red headed step child format have to offer?

    How will it develop long term?

    And who will be the new pro players of this format?

    All these secrets will be revealed in time and my God are things gonna get broken.

    But I'd rather that than a standard season that gets solved in a day comprising of things that are obviously good because they survived rotation.

    See you next time runeterra dragon out!

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 2 months ago

    There's a bit of an ongoing trend you will see with the new Champs where their power lies in their base form more so than their level up condition.

    First up is Sett - really strong as a natural upgrade on shen Fiora, because he has natural barrier built into his kit.

    So its possible to challenge on the left, level shen on the attack, proc your barrier dudes to boost attack all at once, very cool.

    Samara - obvious upgrade for pirate aggro, enabling you to say play a 1 drop, play Samara, and on 3 ping and play 2 plunder 1 drops which depending on your opponents deck is very hard to stop.

    Jack - the problem with Jack isn't Jack, he's actually pretty decent as a card, but all of the coin support is actually in Ionia not bilgewater which makes Jack very difficult to run in a flexible way, like say ramp Jack which could be a thing otherwise.

    I hate to say it but Jack should be a runeterra champion with the simple text that says I can run all coin cards, problem solved. But again you would run into rotation problems that way.

    -----huge edit----

    Sorry I lied jack Trundle is broken not only does ice pillar turbo level him, of you spend 12 mana on dance dance combo, it counts as 12 mana spent to instant level 10/10 jack.

    Then you can play ice pillars after for 8 points of free attack.

    Isn't eternal 10 times more interesting than standard where smart players can just break the game in half?

    Remember if everything is broken nothing is thats how modern works in mtg

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 2 months ago

    So before I showcased one of the best aggro decks in the eternal format.

    Essentially hard core pirate aggro that makes the old versions look like joke when it comes to pure speed and responsiveness.

    But how do you beat it?

    Well its actually exceptionally easy I'll list the cards for each region:

    Feijord: 3 of blighted ravine, 3 tavern keepers, 3 avorosan, and 3 catalyst (ramp) you're basically guaranteed any slower freijord deck will manage okay sometimes in the aggro matchup

    Ionia: got its own 4 drop tavern keeper in the new set, you have your standard ryze tools essentially burst followers and dragonlings.

    But I think low key the best Ionia tools are the simple ones people sleep on like palm and face smash. It pound for pound punishes development more than anything else.

    P and z: really shouldn't struggle into aggro ever, it's the ping region it's all pings

    Noxious: better at dealing with midrange threats but flock is still the best one mana card in the game

    Bandle: goes wide better than any other region

    Shadow: its again the cards that people don't use, 5 mana deal 2 to two followers is big value, or maybe it's just tripple vile tripple go hard.

    The point is that eternal has a massive card pool with so many good cards to chose from and given the diversity of the format the relative power of "Bad cards" is much higher.


  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 2 months ago

    With each new set released the complexity of the core LOR experience (eternal) increases.

    More variable, more interactions, more champions, old decks get better, new decks are born and everything in between.

    But standard is just that, literally a handful of 4 decks that are top tier, will always be top tier, and there are no balance changes that can freshen up a rigid format because there aren't enough variables to work off of.

    The reality is that standard is an experiment, an attempt to appease pro players doing there 3 deck rotation ladder grind, and a way of bringing back snap players who get scared by complexity.

    But you see core LOR still exists, it didn't go anywhere, it didn't stop functioning, and it didn't dissappear.

    And any attempts to turn a blind eye to the superior core format of the game will only end up hurting it in the long run.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 2 months ago


    So let's break this down I'm tired of winning so I'll open myself up to snipers ^ then inevitable switch decks and go right back to winning again.

    - 13 high value one drops every single one has 2 health or more to devalue pings like vile feast

    - mana 2 is all spells and burn. So make it rain plus pirouette is gonna seal the mirror

    - you have your burn pkg obviously noxious, demo, decimate

    - you have your standard draw so you can sustain in longer games so tenticle and elusive dude

    What makes this deck different?

    It's basically the simultaneously anti control and anti aggro considerations.

    How do we beat vile, how do we best the mirror we have big answers for both, and we don't fall into the trap of mirrai warden, it's a great card but it's not what we want necessarily.

    So yeah the only good answer is the hard counter basically freijord shadow that has teched specifically with nothing but chump blockers.

    Then once you face the counter you off match and go with a slower counter deck.

    So this is how I thought about and built one deck ^ all my decks go through this scrutiny and are similarly sucessful.