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Nifty129's Comments

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    Honestly, equipment cards need to go on the stack period full stop. 

    It essentially 100% fixes the control into equipment matchup which is currently impossible.

    Fisher girl goes down on 2, her equipment goes on the stack, you vile feast, her equipment now goes into hand.

    On curve creature, equivalent on curve answer.

    You play treasure of the sands on akshan, you respond with mystic he is not equipped yet so 1 mana burst only provides 1 life, so you can potentially ping again.

    This is 100% the most likely fix for the mechanic to increase interactivity for re-active players without demanding everyone play Ionia.

    So yes stackable equipment at slow speed but not counterable, this is how it should have been designed at the onset in a game about passing turn priority.

    Its like if Undirs buffs literally just didn't show up on the stack, and were the equivalent of burst, he'd be the best champion in the game 

    So Riot beyond the normal range of balance fixes this patch demands please make equipment intractable by treating it like a slow speed uncounterable spell.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    Equip cards actually good ones like treasure of the sands 3 mana 4/4 buff can not be proactively punished by on curve removal say a mystic shot or what have you because they don't go on the stack.

    Therefore the only thing that pro-actively controls a strong on curve equipment play is stuns and bounces which is why Ionia is running rampant right now.

    So if you want to say play ezreal right now or Catarina good ****** luck. Same thing with darkness, even if you tech quietus just to stay competitive its usually rough due to the sheer amount of value akshan scythe dude gets.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    Says it in the first sentence, new Champs bad (aka) the fun and central mechanic of your game.

    New cards however are so strong they now cary entire archetypes, aka broken.

    Majin Bae may not be as vocal as me about why this is problematic but even a blind man can see the light, even if he doesn't recognize where it comming from.

    Aka why this is ******* awful for the game.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    honestly, I think the one sided Shurima ruination is it for me.

    Like the game is essentially unplayable outside of Ionia, and Shurima right now.

    They have the best burst spells, counter spells, the best card advantage engines, like before I was like shurima is fine it was just a tempo region

    But now it literally does it all, even has better buffs then any other option. (bone club costs 5 in freijord, costs 1 in shurima)

    Not sure if streamers or "pro" players consulted on this expansion just like with Annie Bards initial release

    But it has that same broken on release flavor, that made the game unplayable for me till we got that game fixing patch.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    I've played transform, I can't say anyone has used it to rank highly on ladder it is fun though.

    The new set is actually insane, 1 mana burst that can be an elixir of iron or wrath depending on need and causes 2 spell procs for akshan and Lee Sin.

    An infinite 1 mana cycle for guaranteed card advantage in any Ionia deck.

    1 mana equipments that double as late game threats.

    Being able to simultaneously play an equipment creature and transform it to any other creature of the same mana cost 

    The reality is that all the Champs of the new set minus sythe boy aren't that great, but the epic slot specifically the 1 mana cards are powercreeped so hard that control is a dead archetype now.

    Also I haven't seen a single Kaisa deck, pirate aggro, darkness control. Like if you just jam a treasure of the sands on Akshan he becomes a Kaisa at mana 3, like why bother leveling Champs at all if they don't cycle when you can just buff smaller ones.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    So this should really surprise no one but the highest winrate card post expansion isn't a champion like bard or Annie.

    Its a 1 mana follower.

    Simon wind is a 2 mana cycle on paper this balanced.

    Zoe cycles at 2 mana right? 

    Wrong she cycles at 4 because dog costs 2

    So monkey is a better Zoe.

    This is really bad, like really really bad.

    Like we've seen cards like shadow assassin break the format and she costs 3 freaking mana.

    Because when card advantage costs too little tempo, like say 1 mana, then 2 mana at burst over and over you essentially negate tempo loss with Dragonling and can just bounce and stun everything else.

    Idk it's a head scratcher it's like if the 1 mana cycle in bilgewater could go infinite by design.

    Like its not a question of if nerfed to 2 mana plus 2 mana to put under par with Zoe (buffed to a 2/1 to compensate) but when.

    But like I just dont get it Riot like ask any card game player hey should we print an Infinite cycle at 1 mana at the equivalent of a common card, you would say plz God God plz God no.

    You would say 2 mana plus 2 mana with the spell proc is fair plz maths oh God I'm having an aneurysm. So to sum up Riot less stupids more card counting plz go ask a blackjack player.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    Here's a pretty good example of Majin Bae showing off in game 1 how old school removal decks ie Katarina and ezreal can not beat Ionia currently regardless of what they do.

    Now valid he is either A an excellent meta abuser which allows him to be one of the best players at the game  but B he also has a track record for being terrible with any deck that isn't meta across the board.

    So typically if he running something day 1 it's pretty much guarteed to be brokenly competitive.

    In reply to High Roll City
  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    Here are all the big problematic cards.

    1. Ionia gets a infinite 1 mana card generator that unlike droplet does not require synergy or allow room for interaction.

    2. 1 mana burst spells hard buffed, don't try to remove or answer things ever 

    3. Tempo tempo everywhere playing an equipment card that tutors a sheperds crook and becomes a batista with overwhelm something like 7/5 overwhelm stats on 3 is game breaking from a control perspective.

    4. Akshan essentially playing the roll of the infinite card generator for shurima, with equipment providing infinite landmark procs, swap 1 mana equipment for 1 mana equipment etc.

    5. Bounces being the only in curve answer to equipment in the game, further solidifying Ionia as the only valid control region.

    6. Removal nerfs across the board killing freijord and shadow and noxious

    7. Champs are bad again, essentially have no place in the game other then to tutor and draw and cycle

    Like I have to laugh that pre-expansion the most broken thing in the game was "darkness" aka I play dmg spells to remove your stuff.

    Now the most broken stuff in the game is I draw infinite cards (A) or deck (B) I play infinitely power creeped on curve threats.

    Like come on guys I can't be the only person who sees when World Waker and now Awakening comes out with this broken stuff its basically dumbs down the game to hearthstone levels, with only 2 valid play patterns.

    In reply to High Roll City
  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    So similar to world waker when it first came out ladder is basically a complete mess.

    Not sure if internal testing basically doesn't exist at Riot anymore.

    But its getting a little tiring having to wait 3 months for a new set to get balanced just so I can climb to diamond.

    Things like concurrent timelines, the infinite amount of Ionia running around, equipment decks everywhere, basically makes the game unplayable.

    So here we go wake me up for the next major game fixing patch and I'll see you guys in diamond.


    In reply to High Roll City
  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    Well yeah, if you're a net decker you shouldn't net deck till the decks are netted.

    The reality is a lot of the new decks are so strong they require hard counters.

    Things like quietus shadow (kill equipment or Zoe or like a heimer on curve) or silence and surpress  demacia(deals with fated followers and equipment)

    Here's a list of the best new decks so far:

    1. Jax forge - just midrange good stuff, slam jam and blam should easily win you the game

    2. Lee Sin Ip Master - cataclysm, rally rally rally, counter, burst protect your Champs are leveled. Strongest combo deck, besides Kaisa.

    3. Portals - hasn't been properly built yet so yes this one is "bad" right now but it's only inches away.

    4. Sythe Grapple - saying that akshan decks are good is a pretty big understatement largely better then the old akshan spellshield decks.

    So thats 3 great decks, and 1 "Fun" deck pretty normal for a new expansion. If you want lists I can share either mine or popular streamers.


  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    Yeah if hourglass is 3 now rez should be 4. Pretty hard to argue, with the latter being straight up better.

    Like it basically took them the entire life cycle of world waker to properly balance that set, and I wont be surprised if there's some super broken stuff here too.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    Forge is very good, again scaling without a great number of adequate answers is scary.

    And much like attach you get your buffed piece of equipment back.

    I feel bad for darkness you had 1 month again in the spotlight buddy oh well.

    Grandma bunny was my first craft because memes, and truthfully her kit is kinda bad but she's kinda good. So feels like a runeterra champ minus the inflexible deck building restriction.

    My first deck is a simple yordal tribal build with her and it seems good but not broken compared to how many forge and equipment decks well see day 1 and in the meta overall.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    Typically in these new sets I go card by card and try to weigh in on what's competitive for existing archetypes.

    But the genius of Awakening is now every region gets to play like Hearthstone warrior if it wants to, or Flesh and Blood a more recent card game released that seems to cough cough provide a little inspiration.

    Honestly all 3 new Champs Master Ip, Forge Master, and Weapon Master all look exceptionally viable.

    So let's weigh in on portal girl, I think she is strong if you have enough viable ways to slow down the game. So it'll be up to you if you want Freijord, Shadow or Ionia.

    5 drop scythe dude looks like the worst of the bunch only because we are playing a game where 5 drops come down as 6/6's with quick attack, and endless keywords that machine gun your board. He looks like thresh which is hard to play these days.

    Overall Awakening is positioned to hard shuffle the tier list because non of the released cards belong in existing archetypes and thats a good thing we don't want another bard situation.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    The competitive deck was Bard Illoi because at the time Bard everything was competitive thankfully not so much anymore. Equip is going to be a much healthier equivalent of chimes being properly integrated into the game.

    In reply to Healthy Tenticles
  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    So if anyone knows me I'm basically a 100% meme player.

    My own lists all the time, refusing to play anything established or popular, or even listed on a deck building website.

    But typically I get hard capped at diamond. Going from long winstreaks to getting countered by established archetypes by players willing to rotate through darkness, ramp, aggro, kaisa etc as their means of playing the game.

    So my question is has anyone made it to masters with a deck or decks that aren't listed on established sites like mobalytics or mastering runeterra?

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    Ton of reveals here so let's talk about them.

    1. Mecha Pulvarizer - Hey it's more discard synergy in Bandle that immediately makes this card good. Would really like to see the archetype have more flexibility outside of P and Z and Noxious

    2. Lode stone - hey it's a LuLu turbo leveler, counting most likely as two support triggers when placed on a support unit, or at the very least you target non supporter for additional triggers.

    3. Hard to level big pay off for a 3 mana champ - encourages all in on protection and burst similar to fiora, but with better stats it leads me to believe Yi will be a more competitive wincon for that style of deck

    4. Yi pkg hard to evaluate flow without seeing in action, but my assumption is strong, and down right scary.

    5. Catalyst 1.0 so you essentially get 4 mana follower that buffs spell dmg but it can go on any body, and costs 1 less, this is by definition higher risk due to the 2 for 1 but is more competitive at cost and flexible.

    6. loaded vessle, it's a monkeys card, where each monkey represents a free instance of dmg, but again that deck mostly just wants to kill you not draw so gonna go on a limb and say bad like loaded dice.

    7. hexbliterator extra flexibility for Jayce allowing him not to 100% depend on shadow isles to be competitive and might allow him to join lux again.

    8. Silence and surpress is better then purify across the board and is nice tech.

    9. Kayne - very cool design and look very playable


    Over all thoughts they should of called this expansion unload the armory or something because it will be 90% focused around the equipment archetype. More then ever there will be an incentive to protect your followers and champs and slap powerful weapons on them, fiora with a treasure of the sands just casually giver her 4/4 and watch your opponent cry.

    Like there will be broken stuff, hair will go gray, but if it shakes the open attack every round I have the token of aggro, vs the pass every round of control playstyle of LOR I think that a good thing.


  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    Update just hit diamond.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    So sitting around tier 1 in Plat right now with minimal time and effort.

    So we can talk a little bit about the decks that can help you climb in this new post patch meta, and more generally "what's good" without resorting to a mastering runeterra approach.

    Keep in mind these aren't the "optimal" versions of these decks these are brews that I use to climb and are very different from how others play the game...typically open attack spam.

    Deep was the underdog pre patch now it's just a dog, very flexible in terms of tech mine is anti aggro but you can go vengence and strike and that will give you the advantage in the value mirror.

    While Pantheon is kinda dead right now, leaning into midrange with the newly buffed burst speed battle bonds makes fated cards very scary, and post sunlight blade nerf you go crystal Ibex to grant overwhelm.

    Ramps very strong and similarly can be built a handful of ways, class shadow ramp, targon ramp, and my preference for fun demacia ramp. Has the added benefit of the 8 drop putting you put of range of burn and single combat is always a card.


    So thats my jank that works for me as a meme star, let's talk about whats actually good.

    1. Pirate aggro is doing better then Annie Jhin in the numbers right now for the simple reason it goes wide better, so if you don't have a way to deal with go wide strategies right now you will get blown up.

    2. Scissors pkg is one of the best grind you down value decks right now. Going less all in on the girl and her level up attack and more so just hey every attack phase I represent 10 dmg with garbage while you waste resources. I HATE it so it must be good.

    3. Kaisa - similarly doesn't really care about the champ as the wincon anymore and is more interested in jamming the 6/6 overwhelm plus going wide plus rallies and only then once you have delt with every other card in their hand do they play Kaisa for those final tics of life. Ironically this play style is harder to deal with then the old turbo Kaisa.

    Conclusion: There's a pretty healthy balance between aggro, control, Combo and midrange right now but some of the more popular play patterns do drag you down on the fun scale.

    Go wide, open attack, demand answer, play champ, demand answer, grind out the value game, and then and only then win or lose.

    Probably with the new expansion and the new 6 champions we might see a mix up in play patterns which should be fun. But the balance right now like I said is very strong.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    Honestly, I almost feel bad for all the meta players that got taken out behind the tool shed and shot.

    Well not that bad, but allllll the broken stuff is gone, time to find your new broken.

    Deep is still hela strong, ramp is very strong, and I'll let you guys know what else is great to climb with day one.

    Also I have a full time job and I only play seriously during strong metas.

    So don't be like ooooh end of season climb wooow.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    I once said that my two favorite patches in Lor history was 1 the massive champ re-work (Katarina still viable to this day) and sundisc rework (still viable too)

    But this patch beats both of them.

    It hit Kaisa hard the number 1 offender of this expansion, but it hit Bard, Annie and Illoi my 3 picks for over powered Champs from the streamer expansion.

    But thats not all it basically hit every other potentially problematic archetype too, thralls, aphelios P and Z, Xerath (hourglass spam) and buffed Ash and Anivia if that's your thing.

    Beyond that we see some nice tweaks to followers and spells for under represented archetypes.

    Like dont get me wrong I thought fixing thr dmg done by the last two expansions was in possible but they got it in 1 goof stuff guys, even aggro 4/4 got hit and like I didn't even think about that.

    What a good time to be a Lor player, because outside of these 4 Champs the game was perfectly balanced and diverse 

    Goodbye, Annie, Bard, Illoi, and Kaisa nobody is going to miss you.