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Nifty129's Comments

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    This is going to be fairly based on personal oppinion, in terms of decks I find sucess with and what other people are playing.

    1. Shurima - It's not so much that sundisc is good finally, it might be quicksand, it might be the landmark value pkg, it might not be any one thing but the overall value versatility.

    Playable decks:

    - Akshan whatever

    - Thaliyah whatever

    - Mono Shurima

    - Irelia

    - Ekko if you're a meme lord

    - Renekton if you're the same

    2. Demacia - It's very hard to beat 2 mana kill anything you want, even with the nerfs to the likes of sharpsight, and the 3 mana elite. That just means you have supplement with additional tools from other regions. Routinely has 56% winrate decks in the meta.

    Playable decks:

    - Targon Buffs

    - Scouts

    - Galio HP

    - Lux if you're a meme lord

    - Elites if you're the same

    3. Targon - The undisputed king of long game, tempo, Combo play style. Invoke has never been nerfed, their burst spells haven't really been touched, strong Pantheon followers, sunlight blade is amazing right now. Only problem is their deck count is low.

    - pantheon buff pkg

    - invoke not a meme but also not great

    4. Bandle City - Took a hard hit to its value identity last patch, but possible the best aggro region in the game full stop even after gutting Poppy just turns out that it doesn't matter. I only rank it low because every bandle deck is a bandle deck and makes me zzzzzzzz.

    - YIA (aka aggro stuff)

    - Multi region Champs are just good outside bandle and feature prominently everywhere

    - Cycle value if youre a meme lord

    5. Noxious - Only really does two things right now different flavors of aggro overwhelm vs discard etc. And being a flock/hard removal solution. For that reason it ranks lowly.

    - ezreal catlyn

    - discard aggro

    - overwhelm

    6 . Bilgewater - Essentially just a midrange good stuff region with the likes of Lurk and Scouts but in a game filled with midrange good stuff. I would need to see kegs, TF, plunder, ans deep see a resurgence to start ranking this region higher again.

    - Lurk

    - scouts

    - midrange plunder I'd you're a meme lord

    - deep if you're the same

    7. Shadow - Possible the worst region in the game right now besides Ionia. Spiders is highest winrate deck and continually their control identity is being supersceeded by other region choices.

    Deck option: 

    - spiders

    - darkness

    - ephemerals if you're a meme lord

    - burn if you're the same

    8. Ionia - This region is problematic where the better it is like with Ezreal or Karma decks the more people want to commit sempuku. That being said it kinda sucks at aggro, and control, and even combo right now.

    Playable decks:

    - Ahiri (there are way better aggro decks)

    - karma if you're a meme lord

    - yassao if you're a meme lord

    - Lee Sin if you're a meme lord

    9. Freijord , their midrange identity is kinda dead, and their tribal stuff is subpar, so all that's left is ramp. It does ramp things and that's about it. So for that reason they are at the bottom of the pile

    - ramp

    Over 9000 P&Z - essentially doing it all right now from a combo/aggro/control perspective but it's not a region I particularly enjoy right now but I acknowledge the power.

    - Viktor everything

    - ezreal being ezreal

    - buuuuuuurn

    So as you can tell from the rankings certain things feel very strong right now, other things feel exceptionally weak to the point of being a total joke like deep. Hopefully the champ reworks at the end of April shake things up a bit.

    I know I've gotten bored of my Targon, Demacia deck just for winning way too much and having a relatively straight forward powerful playstyle.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    This list is legit winning hard 5/5 games.

    People are soooo focused on snowballing they literally have 0 answers for any list that can A answer tempo and B present tempo

    Elites are like Poros secretly op but not really at all.

    If you let Garen level into a Galio that's really your fault lol.

    In reply to Best Elite Deck
  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    Gonna talk about 3 decks that have risen in popularity and power and more specifically the connecting thread that binds them.

    1. Viktor

    High value unit that can gain massive tempo with the likes of ambush

    2. Rumble

    High value unit that can gain massive tempo with discard

    3. Pantheon

    High value unit that can gain massive tempo with buffs


    We've had aggro metas, we've had midrange metas, we've had combo metas.

    This is the tempo meta, playing hard to remove things that can swing for massive dmg essentially.

    So how do you counter tempo or brew against it?

    You have to provide counter tempo, plays that kill their stuff while representing threats of your own.

    Shadow is too slow, Ezreal/Catlyn is great, personally I love my 80% winrate Jarvan list.

    But I've seen overwhelm decks, and yes even Ekko for the meme kings out there doing well because of their massive counter tempo plays.

    Requiring answers every turn of their own so the tempo decks never get rolling.

    So happy brewing, the answers are easy, the games are fast, just don't suck and you'll never need to grind.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    This deck may be too strong. 

    Played 10 games and only lost 2.

    1 I bricked till mana 5 with 20 spells there's a small chance that might happen

    The other was just the hard counter with catlyn ezreal 3 mana kill your buffed units feels pretty bad.

    But thats still an 80% winrate in Swim numbers.

    Aka not sustainable or realistic in the slightest and more indicative of player skill, and deck placement in meta.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    I was just running this in the mirror against Kindred Viego and it was an easy win.

    Plus the win rate of traditional darkness is minus 50% due to its slow tempo.

    So while many of these flex cards can be changed.

    Darkness aka Viegar plus Kindred is stronger then darkness or Kindred alone.

    In reply to Veigar Post Nerfs
  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    Percentages are a bit low, and there's some key representation missing largely because people have no idea what they should be playing even though the answers are obvious.

    But otherwise great report

    Even mobalytics is struggling a bit with accurate reporting with 7 gnar decks listed like they are somehow different from one another 

    Like glimpse bro I know pre-nerf gnar was stupid and even now he's free card advantage with 0 effort but different Champs exist I promise.

    Also glimpse is Swim so all jokes aside like he can get to masters with poros so his deck recommendations are generally a total mess and not stats based, or even roughly reflective of what is winning and for what reasons.

    I like everyone else believe this meta is super healthy, and is not dominated by play percentage by 7 gnar decks...that would be kind of hard to miss.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    Mono Shurima: 52%

    Lurk: 52%

    Spiders: 57%

    Viktor: 57%

    Pantheon: 55%

    Ezreal: 53%

    Irelia: 54%

    Scouts: 56%

    Thaliyah: 55%

    Yordles: 56%

    Shadow ramp: 54%

    Overwhelm: 57%

    Sivir: 54%

    Rumble: 56%

    That is roughly 15 decks that are very playable and strong right now in the meta. A healthy mix between midrange, aggro, Combo, and control.

    I said it before and I'll say it again this is LOR with perfectly balanced scales, now is that a good thing for every person, absolutely not perfect balance can equal stagnation but for me man this is beautiful.

    A few champ tweaks for underplayed champions like Ekko, or Jayce and the game is literally perfect right now.


  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    Right so if everyone agrees mono shurima is good, and cycling decks are bad.

    What the hell are you complaining about 

    If anyone is trolling or inventing controversy its you guys.

    My posts are generally pretty well informed and accurate.

    Have a good work week.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    Not really inventing anything.

    Yes anyone who understands how card games work is happy with the patch.

    But when Mogwai or Swim or any other streamer went on Twitter to complain about the over powered nature of manifest decks they got flamed straight to hell 

    And people actually like those YT personalities.

    So when I say there is a divide between those who understand card games and the general competitive player base I don't think I'm "inventing" anything so much as adressing a clear divide.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    Yep the obvious thing that would obviously happen happened obviously.

    When people see that Rumble Draven is almost as good at 58% they will start trying it too.

    Like everyone gravitates to what they think is good. Streamers said mono shurima was tier 0 everyone tried it until they realized it was just really good at beating value decks but suffered in the aggro matchup among other things.

    People find out Viktor is essentially a better aggro deck then spiders now and pretty soon they'll migrate there. 

    SSDD as they say in one Stephen King novel 

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    Cycling has existed in many iterations in this game, and each one of them past vanilla has been problematic from a balance perspective

    1. Yoink

    Play a creature and steal a card from your opponents deck the original OP Cycling mechanic that was so strong midrange plunder was a tier 1 deck for longer then memory serves.

    2. Invoke

    Play an expensive creature to get a card, now we no longer need a pre-condition we just spend 1 mana more. People are generally okay with invoke, tempo is an easy thing to balance and while there have been OP Targon decks invoke has never needed adjustment directly.

    3. Darkness

    What if every creature gave you removal and was fairly costed...hmmm yes now we start to see that we no longer need to pay for tempo or pre-conditions

    4. Manifest

    What if you could play a creature that gave you answers to things your deck wasn't built for? Yep Mogwai had been the most vocal for the nerfing of this mechanic and it finally happened a bit this patch.

    5. Counters?

    There is no hard counter for card advantage except for combo decks. Lee Sin offering otk options isn't great he can be removed. Ezreal/Carina is a control card he can be out card advantaged in situations he should be favored.

    So finally we have mono shurima a midrange (landmark) based combo deck that is actually good and doesn't care about card advantage.

    Cycling for the first time ever since LOR has existed is now being hard countered...and people are pissed.

    Welcome to how the rest of us have felt as you yanked, invoked, and manifested to victory winning games you shouldn't, with nothing the other player could do.

    Have fun for the next month till the end of April and mono Shurima gets gutted again because people can't auto-cue and auto-win with pure card advantage anymore.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    Guys and this isn't just you this is everyone.

    We need to accept the meta has changed.

    Want to know what the highest winrate deck is right now? It's Viktor at 60% why is nobody talking about him?

    Because he doesn't counter the previous meta decks that were popular like sundisc does 

    How about Rumble? 58% he's now in arguable the second best deck.

    Why is nobody complaining about him? Because again he doesn't counter cycling decks.

    Everyone just needs to chill out, let the meta settle and do some actual math and then swap decks to things that are powerful.

    Thats the game operating as intended.

    If your stuff you've been playing since bandle releases still didn't get countered a year later that would be messed up.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    This is undoubtedly the healthiest meta movement I've seen since bandlewood released in LOR so one year let's say.

    Why do I say that oh mono Shurima is OP no it isn't its at 52%

    What people really mean is that a lot of the value grinding lists that were oppressive are now bad.

    Darkness while never OP did start the trend of play a creature that give you a free card, rinse and repeat till win.

    Now we are seeing these "cycling" decks fall below 50% because even if everything cycles and they have infinite value they will still lose to mono shurima which is good 

    Ramp decks are back at 54% winrate whens the last time we saw that?

    Pantheon is still good for those that like him at 54%

    Aggro still does aggro things.

    So across the board the "decks" are getting better and the "card piles" are getting worse 

    I view that as amazing, but the people who have gotten used to this game being this way for so long will hate it.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    Because the way you beat mono shurima isn't landmark removal its presenting high synergy wincons before they complete their quest.

    Stop thinking like a meta slave. Graplr is out there turbo ramping into she who wanders and deleting all their creatures and Champs 

    You do the same, or be original and pick a different fast wincon like Nasus slay.

    All the patch did was take a 45% winrate deck and move it to 52% and people are so unused to seeing high synergy concepts win at all they all blew a gasket at the same time.

    Its not good guys its just good in a way the game hasn't seen before and that's healthy.


    So to comment on what the previous comment is saying Catlyn control would be worse then say an all in Temo concept. Old school decks were all hey here's my wincon now do yours we only turned into value wars more recently.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    So mono shurima is an archetype that I have experience with long before it was playable.

    Here's a list of counter decks beyond the obvious, landmark removal lists.

    1. Nasus slay, otk options are dangerous against mono shurima because of a lack of hard removal. So creating a champion that is 20/20 representing fast speed lethal is very dangerous back up by your own counter spell. Also quite agressive traditionally.

    2. Swain represents strong removal options but also stun lock endgame with lethiathan, always a valid option he's never out of style.

    3. Burn aggro, compared to the board reliant all in play styles of spiders that will struggle going into the buffed quicksand, sitting on the sidelines and slinging spells whether that's prankster ephemerals with monkeys or a more direct approach should be effective.

    4. Dragons, strong challengers with cheap demacia removal will present a problem for mono shurima when they have none of their own. Then you can ramp into Asol and see what wins.

    5. Rally/predict/sandman/scouts extra attack phases have always been extremely problematic for mono shurima to deal with. Just because they are a little faster now doesn't change that.

    6. Deep/lasandra hard to win without a deck God emporer or no he's not immune to mill.

    ***the meta is changing time to change back with it, to high synergy decks with unique wincons and not just value vomit***

    Do that and you'll be fine.

    Here we have two decks to show you which is better against Shurima.

    One is your standard value grind that is effective in the previous meta and the other is an even older school build that is fast and effective against high synergy brews should they get popular again.

    Neither one is inherantly better then the other, they just serve different purposes and learning the difference will make you a better player, and you'll spend less time arguing on Twitter about buffs to weak high synergy decks.

    So here we have the buffed deck why is the faster high synergy burn list better then the control list.

    Because they only have the following lines of play, play creatures to stall, burst speed interaction to stall, rite of the arcane, and counter spells.

    None of that is great at dealing with low curve fast win cons with a burn finish.

    Option 2 if you don't want to go under with high synergy, you go over with high synergy

    Turbo ramp into an Asol, or obliterate their deck, or play an old fashioned war mothers is honestly to strong for them to deal with

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    I'm very much in agreement with the topic maker and was gonna post the same thing if he hadn't already and received the flame in his place.

    High synergy concepts have a history of being bad in LOR with few exceptions. As opposed to something like mtg that is predominantly run by high synergy decks.

    So right now every aggro player, every value grinding midrange player, every combo Lee Sin player is wondering why a "Quest" deck is kicking their butt.

    The answer is because they are supposes to, don't nerf mono shurima buff more high synergy decks, bring back Fiora, Tf, Jayce God the list goes on.

    If every card in your deck belongs together, and triggers a wincon that is the game working as intended.

    If your deck has 0 synergy and is designed to value grind, or swing the opponent to 0 your deck should be below average not meta.

    Welcome to card games people aka every other cardgame that has existed isn't it beautiful?

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 3 months ago

    Mobalytics uses deck trackers for top ranked players.

    Pretty sure the stats are fine...

    But we can all find justifications for our delusions if we want to.

    I chose to belive Jarvan, Jayce and TF have valid meta decks and if I digged hard enough I'd find 53% winrate list.

    But is that meta? No respect the stats man it's literally math.

    Mogwai, swim pretty much all the top players have said bandle city is a problem and they got flamed for it.

    But they really wanted to say is its not the region its the current design philosophy.

    Easy to play and build Champs, that hit the board do their thing, and then get replayed. Because leveling is not important anymore or happens instantly like on Gnar.

    You have to understand that Legends of Runeterras unique "questing" mechanics was pretty much the only reason to play this below average ccg. You take that away and there's nothing unique about it not taken from other better card games.

    In reply to New Meta Breakdown
  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 3 months ago

    Been a while new job so we'll make this quick.

    Aggro aggro aggro, beaters beaters beaters

    A while back I said that this new expansion was deeply problematic because 3 flavors of I'm an op champ that kills my opponent easily.

    Looking at the stats now yeah that where we are at like 10 gnar decks, and the other beaters are seeing play too.

    Old aggro decks like scouts and spiders can out attack the new big beater decks in the early game so they still have a place.

    Control is dead, proper spell midrange is dead, Combo is basically dead.

    So hopefully this post doesn't get flamed just look at the stats they speak for themselves.

    Its hearthstone Runeterra right now.

    In reply to New Meta Breakdown
  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    Just an update Swim and Mogwai have both spoken out about the Bandle City problem.

    Or the obviously good beaters with insane play value problem as I would call it.

    Because again saying the problem is limited to Gnar, and all the 2/ attack cycles is kinda dumb when the problem is not region locked.

    For those that don't know there are insanely strong Power ranger boy decks too. Because he just comes down and get immediate value and his support cards are just obviously good beaters for insane value.

    So instead Mogwai should be on Twitter getting flamed for buff control, buff spells, buff high synergy Champs like Jayce and yeah obviously nerf gar like duh.

    Step it up Riot, less Hearthstone more MTG please.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    So the new expansion has dropped and what we are seeing from Galio and Gnar is good.

    They are beaters and they beat things.

    They have lists the can perform in the A and S tier.

    Or you can just pilot Elise to a 60% winrate.

    Like this is the thing, aggro, aggro-midrange these archetypes are kinda done.

    Like you can release a million Champs that fit in as competitive beaters but statistically it is just more of the same.

    Like gnars best deck is Zigs aggro, a deck that literally has existed for ages and has long since been competitive. Like it makes sense he burns and he's a big threat that cycles itself of course thats good.

    But its also just a better version of things that we've already seen in a deck that has already existed.

    Please Riot release control Champs, release alt wincons, give us more TF style cards, just anything other than hey here's a highly competitive card that goes face.