I purposedly left Shadow Word out because we already have a bunch of them between Standard and Wild (and because I think Shadow Priest is overdone within the class).
They may have yet to decide, but by the Release Date they will realize that Gatherings are unhealthy (or even forbidden, as they are already in Italy, and probably will still be at the beginning of April).
Carnivorous Cube on steroids.
This is nuts for any DR class, chiefly Priest, Warlock, Hunter (mostly Wild), Rogue.
Actually, this is nuts period.
He asked about what we find exciting and I answered with my point of view.
I am not supposed to just agree with the excitement or shut up. It's a forum, you know...
You are deluding yourself if you think the Wild meta will change significantly with these unnerfs. At least not at competitive ranks (or leagues).
Raza Priest may appear more often and be viable or even good, CW and Kingsbane might be viable, but that will be it.
Meta tiers and population will stay mostly the same.
Sure some unnerfed cards are cool, but then Wild is plenty of cool cards if one doesn't care about winrate...
Reno Priest will be back in the meta.
But that's it I think. The other unnerfs won't be able to tackle the current Wild meta and subvert it in any significant way.
My bad, I miscounted.
Wait, is this the full set of unnerfs?
I expected more?
Well, with this one i might be able to keep up with Standard even as a lazy F2P!
At least, apparently.
Frodan was quite right.
This was also my first thought about the class eheh.
In a way, Even DH is any DH, just with a suboptimal HP, but many synergic cards already.
And... What if the class itself is behind paywall? Jk (but not so much).
The idea of adding more class cards makes sense anyway. Although, it'd quite a lot of cards.
As for Wild, the mode already has whole classes that are barely viable, so I guess a full-Standard DH in Wild is ok with the devs.
DH as a class doesn't even support Odd/Even so far, so...
Read better my comment.
I said Power Word or Holy Word.
I purposedly left Shadow Word out because we already have a bunch of them between Standard and Wild (and because I think Shadow Priest is overdone within the class).
Flavor-wise, I am not really excited by DH (I'd have preferred Monk).
And I am sad that the Priest overhaul didn't add any new Power Word: X or Holy Word: Y, again, for flavour.
And who's this Seline, where's my good boi Faol(undead)!
Finally, I wish Friars were included into the Priest theme. Friars are cool!
But well, the overhaul is still for the best I guess. Better than before probably.
Let's see what's left with the release.
They can still stream with each host from home.
Not optimal, but doable, if they know in advance.
They could even register the stream and make it available slightly later.
Hopefully, we won't get delays over releases.
Getting salty over HS is a good hobby during quarantine. :p
I am honestly hyped about what could change in Wild.
I hope we get Kibler also for the last reveal stream.
I am sure they won't risk Fireside Gatherings.
They may have yet to decide, but by the Release Date they will realize that Gatherings are unhealthy (or even forbidden, as they are already in Italy, and probably will still be at the beginning of April).
It poses a strong condition in the design of 3-attack minions or lower.
That does not fit a Basic card.
Commander is a Basic card, not a rotating one.
Too complicated for a Basic card. And dangerously powerful as well, considering Lackeys.
If they're to include Rush as a Basic keyword, they'd better make commander a simple (3) 2/3 Rush (or Rush+Taunt) and call it a day.