Handbuff is strong when it kicks in early, AND with other board-based synergy (eg Mech).
Dragonbuff is none of that yet, and while it may still snowball really hard, i can see this as part of a meta deck only if the Dragon Handbuff deck also includes decent Tempo swings, such as taunt, or removals.
I stay skeptical about Galakrond itself, as i think it requires too many support cards, with a generally bad Tempo ratio, and not enough room for other synergies (except Lackeys ofc).
On the other hand, a good Wax Explorer could be enough to unlock the Breath, and make for a small Dragon/Draw package for draw purposes in any deck.
I hope Dragons can be merged into Thief Rogue. It would be great, flavor-wise.
However, i think the new cards really push for the Face side of Even Hunter, hence going for "lategame threat" is actually redundant: hero power is the real threat for the whole game.
I already adjusted my Grimm Face Hunter in that direction, and i can't wait to try.
HP is bonkers if you consider it is activated by Invoke.
This means Invoke cards are decent or even good Tempo in Warrior.
The HP is the strongest part, because it means the Invoke cards you play during earlier turns are little to no Tempo loss at all.
So Galakrond could be the backbone for a new Tempo Warrior.
I really hope there is a well-statted tutor for Sidequests.
If anything because all of them sound pretty fancy.
Solid card, but dependant on Dragon Hunter being a meta deck.
Not good enough as deck filler.
Lazy reprint, unless they are finally going to release full-blown steal synergy package.
Fair card per se.
Nasty card, but kept in check by its cost.
Probably comparable to The Forest's Aid. But Neutral (so some classes may suddenly abuse it).
Handbuff is strong when it kicks in early, AND with other board-based synergy (eg Mech).
Dragonbuff is none of that yet, and while it may still snowball really hard, i can see this as part of a meta deck only if the Dragon Handbuff deck also includes decent Tempo swings, such as taunt, or removals.
Surely Talritha is an interesting card.
I don't like ads ofc, but i can understand.
My real hope is that these new ads don't become as visually invasive and technically crippling as they were on HP.
That would be truly unbearable.
Better Invoke than many class cards.
This card could only be strong in some Dragon Divine Shield Paladin.
But in a generic Dragonadin, i can only see it as a deck filler, not really relevant.
I reiterate what i said for Dragonbane: Even Hunter says hi.
(And i Secretly hope Wild Even Hunter can be at least as fast as Secret Mage and pay them with their own money).
Hard to assess the power of this card.
Promising for sure.
And for sure the art is sick.
The card is comparable to Kazakus.
Yet i'm unsure it can fit Wild.
I could watch some Constructed or Arena event, even for a long while, but with BG i can't watch for more than 5 minutes.
I guess it is because i only occasionally play BG myself?
Genn is a solid craft for Wild, if anything for Shaman.
Let's see about this one.
I know!
But nefarian should cost something like (2) less to be vaguely viable...
Ah, i missed it!
Well, if not explorers, hopefully other solid Dragons to make Wax Breath viable.
I stay skeptical about Galakrond itself, as i think it requires too many support cards, with a generally bad Tempo ratio, and not enough room for other synergies (except Lackeys ofc).
On the other hand, a good Wax Explorer could be enough to unlock the Breath, and make for a small Dragon/Draw package for draw purposes in any deck.
I hope Dragons can be merged into Thief Rogue. It would be great, flavor-wise.
I absolutely agree with Even Hunter opinions.
However, i think the new cards really push for the Face side of Even Hunter, hence going for "lategame threat" is actually redundant: hero power is the real threat for the whole game.
I already adjusted my Grimm Face Hunter in that direction, and i can't wait to try.
I need those damn reveals NOW!
So bored atm. I have only Zephrys the Great, Kazakus and Bazaar Burglary left, to (partially) save me from repetitiveness and Wild cancers.
These last days of SoU feel eternal...