But i am not moving to Standard. And Wild is bound to stay abysmal, (until they accept we need hard nerfs on all curve-cheating mechanics, but that will never happen).
I play the game because of my collection.
Having it cyclically crippled for Standard is not an option for me.
My problem ofc. But i was wondering and hoping that at least i'm not the only one...
PS: i am partly Spike, and that's why content myself with r5, sometimes reaching r3 by chance. I guess being just partly, not fully Spike is exactly my problem...
PPS: i don't mind powercreep, as long as it distributed AND it doesn't become brokencreep...
Solid card, but it doesn't make Pirate Warrior any better in Wild.
Not while Arcane Flakmage exists.
Complete Quest.
Duplicate with Elise on t5: 6x Claw now.
Throw 12 damage in the face of your opponent at t6. Plus 12 armor on your back.
Highlander Aggro Druid incoming.
Comparable to Saboteur.
And sick art btw.
Aaand, none of these cards can threaten Wild topdecks.
I also thought the new expansion could help.
But i am not moving to Standard. And Wild is bound to stay abysmal, (until they accept we need hard nerfs on all curve-cheating mechanics, but that will never happen).
I play the game because of my collection.
Having it cyclically crippled for Standard is not an option for me.
My problem ofc. But i was wondering and hoping that at least i'm not the only one...
PS: i am partly Spike, and that's why content myself with r5, sometimes reaching r3 by chance. I guess being just partly, not fully Spike is exactly my problem...
PPS: i don't mind powercreep, as long as it distributed AND it doesn't become brokencreep...
Mech Paladin, Secret Mage, Sniplock.
Now we have Evo Shaman too (ft. Corridor Creeper and Devolve, playing on the board is basically a stupid idea).
Games are often sealed at turn 4-5 (through retarded cycling in one turn, making old Miracle Rogue look like a dumb clown).
I am not enjoying the game at all. The main feeling is hopelessness.
Even sitting at rank5 floor, it's disheartening.
My long-built collection is basically a huge sh1tload of a waste of time.
I am not just salty, i am extremely disappointed.
How do you still enjoy this abomination? If you do.
Huge card. It would have been solid already without the rush keyword.
I just don't like rush flavor on faceless minions.
Murozond will be good against minion-based Midrange decks, inconsistent elsewhere.
Probably comparable to Sindragosa.
Decent Handlock tool, but nothing great.
This card suggests that they do not expect a real Dragon meta, but only few powerful Dragon decks surviving the meta.
Otherwise this card would be broken.
2/5 for the vanilla body, but actually unplayable in Constructed.
The effect lingers up to the next HP, even after several turns, but since it applies on a generally weak action, the impact is pretty low nonetheless.
The new cardback is cool, but her face is too childish for a Hero.
Her colors are nice, but a fir-related ancient would have fitted much better with Winter Veil.
Too slow for a serious token deck.
Treant early game, taunt later on.
Quite flexible.
But not good enough for Quest Druid, unless more choose one support for treant is provided.
Curves into The Forest's Aid, but it's still too slow for a real token deck.
The spell is fair enough.
Neat outcome: +2/+2 - (1) = Prince Keleseth.
PS: however, the curve increase is a considerable problem.
This means that this card can only effectively work in an extreme Aggro deck that only aims at raw stats deployed as fast as possible.
Mmh, such a niche card.
So, quite obviously now, Dragon Paladin is going to be Healadin as well.
The archetype still lacks a clear wincondition tho. So far, it could be sheer lategame Value.
This one is a nice little fella.
Certainly too slow for Aggro or Tempo purposes.
Possibly useful in some Dragon Highlander deck.
But generally too slow, and not reliable enough.
Decent card, but i am not sure it can find a place, unless some Lackey Warrior deck emerges.