But a strictly minor one (although it's a pretty important buff), whereas Evolve-like mechanics are still generally problematic and abused (where they consider the original cost of discounted minions).
Kronx Dragonhoof (Galakrond Shaman and Warrior, hopefully decent in Wild).
Additionally, i really wish to drop these cards with packs, but i'm uncertain about crafting them (i'd hate to spend resources on cards that end up being unplayable for my Wild purposes):
I think she's just too slow and conditional (you either play 3+ spells, or nothing happens).
This deck aims exclusively at Tempo bursts or swings, while Chenvaala only provides Tempo.
This deck cannot fight toe-to-toe on Tempo with other Wild decks, and a Chenvaala turn means leaving the initiative to your opponent, despite building extra bodies.
You are better off with Flamewaker, Stargazer Luna, or simply playing spells towards Quest completion.
It's a good change ofc.
But a strictly minor one (although it's a pretty important buff), whereas Evolve-like mechanics are still generally problematic and abused (where they consider the original cost of discounted minions).
Clever on paper, but truth is, how often do you face an armor-heavy deck in current Wild?
Meta-wise, armor tech is pretty unnecessary. It's actually a liability when it occupies the place of a Chief Inspector or a Plague of Murlocs.
The Fungalmancer of the set.
I am going to try something similar, but definitely with Kronx Dragonhoof, and Spirit of the Frog.
And tuned for Wild.
Deck ID Not Found
Stowaway is a must in any shuffle deck.
Crafting BEFORE gives me more chances to drop in packs some legendaries I'd like to try, but I wouldn't dare to craft.
Basically, that way I end up with some less dust, but more legendary cards to toy around.
So, do you have any Insta-crafts for DoD?
Any cards you are going to craft for sure, before or right after pack opening?
Cards that come on the very top of your wishlist?
These are the cards i am surely going to craft (BEFORE opening, since i am sure i want them anyway) and their main purpose:
Additionally, i really wish to drop these cards with packs, but i'm uncertain about crafting them (i'd hate to spend resources on cards that end up being unplayable for my Wild purposes):
However, random is an upside against a stealthed Spirit of the Frog...
Not as scary as it seems in Wild.
You still have to summon and resurrect minions first, a process that can't start before turn-6.
At that point, an Aggro/Burn deck will have already killed you, or is about to, with some Devolve or Spellbreaker (barred RNGesus shenanigans ofc).
This card can only fit games against Midrange or Control, where BP is already favored.
In Standard tho, that's another story...
This card should have been "Hearth Elemental", an epic in the Classic set.
I think she's just too slow and conditional (you either play 3+ spells, or nothing happens).
This deck aims exclusively at Tempo bursts or swings, while Chenvaala only provides Tempo.
This deck cannot fight toe-to-toe on Tempo with other Wild decks, and a Chenvaala turn means leaving the initiative to your opponent, despite building extra bodies.
You are better off with Flamewaker, Stargazer Luna, or simply playing spells towards Quest completion.
Even Glacial Shard is a better Tempo swing than Chenvaala.
I will try Open the Waygate with Elemental Allies and [Hearthstone Card (violet brightwing) Not Found].
Even Hunter with [Hearthstone Card (rift stalker) Not Found] and Dragonbane.
The above should be around t3. Hopefully.
I am also interested in Wild Pirate and Galakrond Warrior (maybe hybrid?). But i doubt they can survive Wild.
Finally, i will try to switch Highlander Mage and Even Shaman (my best climbing decks) to Dragon package.
Hopefully, even more attention will be given to Wild thanks to some more players joining the ranks.
Mechwarper was also apparently fine. It is still a huge problem in Mechadin.
Same goes for Arcane Flakmage and [Hearthstone Card (arcane mysteries) Not Found] (unused in Standard).
(0) is not inherently broken, but it is inherently flawed. Bound to become a problem in an eternal format.
Hence my proposition, without nerfing this or that card, but simply perfecting the rules.
(0) should only be allowed when enabler and enabled cannot be played in the same turn, or when enabled is exactly a specific card (ghoul).
ALTERNATIVELY, (0) enablers should only cost, say, 5-mana or more, allowing a decent game for early turns. But this is even more unlikely imo.
In the same way they save handbuffed stats from hand to board.
It becomes a green stat and it stays that way on board.
Mana is already a stat, and it is actually inconsistent with current generic rules that mana is reset from hand into board.
If you double trasnform, it follows normal upgrades, it just starts from the discounted value instead of full value.
Ofc i think of what i say. At least, i try my best. ;)
But not enough.
With these two things, Wild would a decent place for a very long while...
And possibly become a source for additional money, with Wild packs (right now buying them is basically a hoax).
Wild turns from Sniplock, EvoSham, Mechadin, Secret Mage
EvoSham, Mechadin, Secret Mage...
Better than nothing, but far from enough.
One day we'll have a Sorcerer's Apprentice for Pirates... One day...
I do hope that this + Elemental Allies can bring Quest Mage back in the Wild meta.
To me, this is the most interesting card of the set.
Together with Violet Spellwing, it makes Quest Mage just as fast as Sniplock.