Im not sure i get what you mean. Do you mean like a poll for new revealed cards? Im sure we will have that for next expansion during reveal period. Kinda pointless for established cards (the guessing, you can still rate them how you see them), since we already know which cards are good or bad. Even tho good/bad is still not you kinda still have to set some parameters, since just sayin a card is bad can be false, since you would have to consider different play modes or situations (new player good etc.).
I could have sworn that the "proposed layout" by Snailborne was what we actually had lol. Maybe it was changed after a while, but yeah, the current window is way too small and makes things uncomfortable. The card search engine is not in its final form by a long shot, but lets hope this QOL feature will get back sooner rather than later haha :)
About being able to filter by keywords and card text, definitely something that will be added.
The weird thing is that it states the reason is "advertising" but also mentions "Our forums are not a place for you to advertise your own website."
I'm guessing you don't own OoC, Uilebol. And I also assume you have no real affiliation with them. So "advertising your own site" doesn't really apply as a reason here.
It also bothers me as I have seen so many threads in the past from people advertising their Twitch stream, etc, and some of those threads had a VERY long history of posts by the streamer promoting their own content on the forums. Where was their warning? Or the deletion of their posts? I know it's a different crew in charge now. So sre those threads being taken down and dealt with now as advertising? Or what about when people would make comments/suggestions to other users on the forums that HS Replay had the data they needed and to check there for deck lists, etc?
I guess it's only breaking the rules if you're mentioning a competing site that could be directly siphoning off their user base? HearthPwn really either should have stuck to their guns and let the site die or sold to Flux!
Yeah, as Chimera already mentioned, the msg you get from the warning system is an automated msg originally created to cover a broader area. There is an option to add a manually written msg, which was not used in this case.
Also, the warnings on hpwn werent too fleshed out, you usually had to find one that would fit the "crime" best, which often could result in the offender wondering, why they got this particular warning for their offense, most neutral one was "Non-constructive posting", which didnt exactly specify the problem, but it was usually the best of the available options at the time. I know ppl were often confused by that, it was just how the system was set up. We worked with the tools we got.
About the Streamers promoting their channels. We had a rule on hpwn, that streamers were allowed to create a single thread where they would promote their channel and they were allowed to bump it once a day. Thats why you could find months and years old threads with nothing but streamers promoting their channels and no other responses, they didnt do anything wrong, thats just how it worked.
Yeah, as Boozor said, HA is a great tool to give you an idea how you should draft in Arena. But the more experience you get, the more you should stop following its suggestions, unless they align with your reasoning why pick that card. HA skews heavilly towards any kind of synergy, often very unrealistic one or one that is not rly worth it, over just solid standalone cards. You should get an idea what synergies are worth it over time, so you can then decide for yourself what you should be goin for and what you should skip.
I dont know if recent updates bugged it so that it doesnt deal the correct amount of damage, but i did pick 2 of them in the past and every boss got 4 copies of Curse of Rafaam and they were gettin dealt 8 damage per turn, even tho the animation only showed "-2", but the correct amount was subtracted from their health.
I find the treasure worth it, if you can manage to get two of them. Early bosses just straight up die to it before they can get rid of it, but you can beat early bosses with literally anything so thats not really a selling point, but with later bosses it deals decent amount of damage to them (so kinda comparable to [Hearthstone Card (Fly By) Not Found], but you dont have to wait to draw it and play it) and it also gives you few turns worth of tempo, since they need to spend 8 mana to get rid of the Curses. Depending on how your deck is built, that can be an amazing advantage.
Im not gonna say that this treasure is one of the best, but it certainly is not bad.
They should have put it in as an Anomaly, would give us an option to do such a run from time to time while keeping their original vision for the Heist :)
I have trouble uploading images, posting links, editing my posts, and copy pasting tekst. So I guess the title is all you get for now :p Sorry. Mod xskarma dealt me a warning after mentioning basically. I'd share it if I could
Trouble with uploading images and editing posts goes far beyond current drama. The site/forum tools were/are so outdated, run on an archaic system and were not managed properly by Curse/Fandom, so many things dont work as they should
I think OP means he'd love to post proof that he got warned, but can't because he's having issues doing these things on OOC, which is weird because these seem to be working for me
Oh lol, guess i completely misunderstood, mostly cause no one complained about it here yet, but i know hpwn had these problems for years now and my mind went there right away haha.
If you have problems uploading images here Uilebol, tell us and we can try and help you (you basically need to use the direct link to the image tho, which usually ends with .jpg or .png or .bmp or something, that is the most common mistake when uploading pictures pretty much anywhere).
Ideally, you should have an option to either get to page1 or go back where you left off, cause you dont always want to go back where you started either. Good suggestion, im sure we will try to do something about that eventually ;-)
It's seems i triggered more people than i tought. :d
"Matchmaking rigged" is one of the common triggers for HS community in general, since it has been asked and (not) answered thousand times over. No one can really tell, since we dont see the code. One would need thousand games played, probably more, to establish a reasonable sample size, but other factors will also play role, so even if you could get those games down in certain conditions, it is just not possible to get any reliable data. So it ends up being a feeling and it always starts from someone getting crushed and then goes to forums complaining about matchmaking and the cycle repeats :) There is just no good answer, simple as that :)
I have trouble uploading images, posting links, editing my posts, and copy pasting tekst. So I guess the title is all you get for now :p Sorry. Mod xskarma dealt me a warning after mentioning basically. I'd share it if I could.
Trouble with uploading images and editing posts goes far beyond current drama. The site/forum tools were/are so outdated, run on an archaic system and were not managed properly by Curse/Fandom, so many things dont work as they should. I dont know if the new owners knew what they were gettin themselves into, but managing and/or even ideally (for them) transforming the site to be more user friendly will require an enormous amount of investment and effort, not sure they are ready for that. Only time will tell.
The change in the situation (shutdown > not shutdown) happened so fast, they probably werent ready for the task at all. Fired all of us mods without a single word and brought back some old mods who havent been active for literally years and have forgotten how stuff is done/handled plus they obviously are trying to stop the bleeding out of their user base to a competitive site anyway they can. And they apparently are not goin about it in a most friendly way.
I dont agree with how they handled many things so far, they will probably hire new mods soon tho from ppl who stayed, but the transition will be far from smooth and the work requires much more than ppl think, if you want to do your job well that is. Guess we will see how they fare after a while.
Hope you stay with us on OOC tho, obviously hehe :)
Very few decks actually have cards to support solid control archetypes with the current card pool and there are very good tools for fast tempo decks, so yeah, thats why. These changes, or any, will probably not help in this regard.
Looking good! :)
Amazing work!
Added. Thanks for the suggestion! ;-)
Im not sure i get what you mean. Do you mean like a poll for new revealed cards? Im sure we will have that for next expansion during reveal period. Kinda pointless for established cards (the guessing, you can still rate them how you see them), since we already know which cards are good or bad. Even tho good/bad is still not you kinda still have to set some parameters, since just sayin a card is bad can be false, since you would have to consider different play modes or situations (new player good etc.).
I could have sworn that the "proposed layout" by Snailborne was what we actually had lol. Maybe it was changed after a while, but yeah, the current window is way too small and makes things uncomfortable. The card search engine is not in its final form by a long shot, but lets hope this QOL feature will get back sooner rather than later haha :)
About being able to filter by keywords and card text, definitely something that will be added.
I just love the art of this card. Especially golden one. So good.
Sounds like something we could do for sure ;-)
Yeah, as Chimera already mentioned, the msg you get from the warning system is an automated msg originally created to cover a broader area. There is an option to add a manually written msg, which was not used in this case.
Also, the warnings on hpwn werent too fleshed out, you usually had to find one that would fit the "crime" best, which often could result in the offender wondering, why they got this particular warning for their offense, most neutral one was "Non-constructive posting", which didnt exactly specify the problem, but it was usually the best of the available options at the time. I know ppl were often confused by that, it was just how the system was set up. We worked with the tools we got.
About the Streamers promoting their channels. We had a rule on hpwn, that streamers were allowed to create a single thread where they would promote their channel and they were allowed to bump it once a day. Thats why you could find months and years old threads with nothing but streamers promoting their channels and no other responses, they didnt do anything wrong, thats just how it worked.
Yeah, as Boozor said, HA is a great tool to give you an idea how you should draft in Arena. But the more experience you get, the more you should stop following its suggestions, unless they align with your reasoning why pick that card. HA skews heavilly towards any kind of synergy, often very unrealistic one or one that is not rly worth it, over just solid standalone cards. You should get an idea what synergies are worth it over time, so you can then decide for yourself what you should be goin for and what you should skip.
I dont know if recent updates bugged it so that it doesnt deal the correct amount of damage, but i did pick 2 of them in the past and every boss got 4 copies of Curse of Rafaam and they were gettin dealt 8 damage per turn, even tho the animation only showed "-2", but the correct amount was subtracted from their health.
I find the treasure worth it, if you can manage to get two of them. Early bosses just straight up die to it before they can get rid of it, but you can beat early bosses with literally anything so thats not really a selling point, but with later bosses it deals decent amount of damage to them (so kinda comparable to [Hearthstone Card (Fly By) Not Found], but you dont have to wait to draw it and play it) and it also gives you few turns worth of tempo, since they need to spend 8 mana to get rid of the Curses. Depending on how your deck is built, that can be an amazing advantage.
Im not gonna say that this treasure is one of the best, but it certainly is not bad.
They should have put it in as an Anomaly, would give us an option to do such a run from time to time while keeping their original vision for the Heist :)
Congratulations again Pircival idd!
Oh lol, guess i completely misunderstood, mostly cause no one complained about it here yet, but i know hpwn had these problems for years now and my mind went there right away haha.
If you have problems uploading images here Uilebol, tell us and we can try and help you (you basically need to use the direct link to the image tho, which usually ends with .jpg or .png or .bmp or something, that is the most common mistake when uploading pictures pretty much anywhere).
Def something that will get implemented eventually. Forum/thread pages far from finished :) But thanks for pointing that out!
Some real effort put into this :) I like quite a few cards, keep up the good work!
Ideally, you should have an option to either get to page1 or go back where you left off, cause you dont always want to go back where you started either. Good suggestion, im sure we will try to do something about that eventually ;-)
How do disconnects and game crashes count? Do they reset your progress or nah? And what about pee breaks?:)
"Matchmaking rigged" is one of the common triggers for HS community in general, since it has been asked and (not) answered thousand times over. No one can really tell, since we dont see the code. One would need thousand games played, probably more, to establish a reasonable sample size, but other factors will also play role, so even if you could get those games down in certain conditions, it is just not possible to get any reliable data. So it ends up being a feeling and it always starts from someone getting crushed and then goes to forums complaining about matchmaking and the cycle repeats :) There is just no good answer, simple as that :)
Trouble with uploading images and editing posts goes far beyond current drama. The site/forum tools were/are so outdated, run on an archaic system and were not managed properly by Curse/Fandom, so many things dont work as they should. I dont know if the new owners knew what they were gettin themselves into, but managing and/or even ideally (for them) transforming the site to be more user friendly will require an enormous amount of investment and effort, not sure they are ready for that. Only time will tell.
The change in the situation (shutdown > not shutdown) happened so fast, they probably werent ready for the task at all. Fired all of us mods without a single word and brought back some old mods who havent been active for literally years and have forgotten how stuff is done/handled plus they obviously are trying to stop the bleeding out of their user base to a competitive site anyway they can. And they apparently are not goin about it in a most friendly way.
I dont agree with how they handled many things so far, they will probably hire new mods soon tho from ppl who stayed, but the transition will be far from smooth and the work requires much more than ppl think, if you want to do your job well that is. Guess we will see how they fare after a while.
Hope you stay with us on OOC tho, obviously hehe :)
Very few decks actually have cards to support solid control archetypes with the current card pool and there are very good tools for fast tempo decks, so yeah, thats why. These changes, or any, will probably not help in this regard.