I have always liked Blade of C'Thun and Shadowcaster :D I'll give this deck a try later - also because of the name.
I remember when Cthun decks were popular and when you would play mirror matches it was whoever dared to play Cthun first without the killing blow and would get his Cthun sniped by the Blade which would feed the opponentsCthun in turn. Haha good times.
I mostly know the value of each individual card and how they could interact together, but am completely clueless on how many of each type of card should go into a deck, or how to fill a mana curve. For me, HearthArena really helps here. I usually don't ignore any draft advice when it says I "really need an x drop".
That is also one of the things that becomes not entirely accurate with time. It heavilly depends on the meta shaped by the current card pool and then the class you are playing. Some classes in the past literally didnt need any 2-drops for example, when control RNGfiesta was the way to play. HA usually tries to push you towards midrange or tempo deck, which is fine, but you need to assess your own situation and know what archetypes are working for any given class at the moment and decide if it is a right direction to go or not.
Again, for unexperienced arena player, HA is a really amazing tool to help them get more wins fast and to get better, but you shouldnt religiously follow its advice once you get some experience ;-) Not saying HA cant be right most of the time, but you should think of why it appears to be important for your deck to pick the suggested card, not just pick it cause the app said so :)
I think it's a real hassle to enter everything in HA (I play mobile only) so I use it only when I need to re-establish my bearings. Since the rotation I really need it.
Long story short, if you haven't used HA you probably should, even if only to check what all the other people are using.
Oh yeah, if you dont use the Overwolf app, it is a pain in the ass to input everything manually.
Alternative colour scheme for the site is definitely something we have planned for the future based on your feedback, but it is not as easy as to flip a switch. Many elements like banners and such will have to be made in two (or more) variants to accomodate the change, so while we hear you and will want to do this eventually, other stuff takes priority at the moment. But keep giving us feedback and tell us what you want, that is what we need, thanks! ;-)
Hi, you have to go to your profile and select the border and title manually. If you dont have that option there, tell us and we will investigate further ;-)
I mostly know the value of each individual card and how they could interact together, but am completely clueless on how many of each type of card should go into a deck, or how to fill a mana curve. For me, HearthArena really helps here. I usually don't ignore any draft advice when it says I "really need an x drop".
That is also one of the things that becomes not entirely accurate with time. It heavilly depends on the meta shaped by the current card pool and then the class you are playing. Some classes in the past literally didnt need any 2-drops for example, when control RNGfiesta was the way to play. HA usually tries to push you towards midrange or tempo deck, which is fine, but you need to assess your own situation and know what archetypes are working for any given class at the moment and decide if it is a right direction to go or not.
Again, for unexperienced arena player, HA is a really amazing tool to help them get more wins fast and to get better, but you shouldnt religiously follow its advice once you get some experience ;-) Not saying HA cant be right most of the time, but you should think of why it appears to be important for your deck to pick the suggested card, not just pick it cause the app said so :)
I'm curious if outof.cards will be the home for other cardgames as well? The name it self is so fitting.
That is the plan :) We already have a forum section for MTGA as a starting point, but will focus mainly on HS for now until we flesh out the core features for the site and the content for HS. Once basics are done it will be much easier to add other card games properly.
If they are lucky, or rather if they are not too unlucky. Since this gives you 8 packs and starting pity timer for unopened sets of packs is 10, you could very well whiff on those 2 packs multiple times. But yeah, should be decent value for newcomers.
I changed indent, then reverted to original place, yet it's still the same to me. Please Sinti, have a look at this deck if needed. I'm sure my eyes aren't deceiving me, there's some issue about font type of numbers.
Also, you can edit my deck if you must for debug purposes.
Oh, i didnt understand what you meant. You mean the actual numbers are wrong, i thought you meant the text in the list. Ok, i see it now. Will investigate.
Sorry to bring old topic back because I don't want to create same new topic again. There's a font issue I noticed just now regarding "Numbered Lists": When I created numbered lists with Arial font type (or with any font type), font of list numbers look very different, as if they aren't Arial or other font type. It looks as if font of list numbers are locked to Default font type or something. I believe it's a trivial request from my side, but if you change its functionality, I will be very happy.
Thanks for your answer in advance and have a nice day!
At first it seemed to me like it looks a bit different as well, but maybe its just the dark scheme playing with your eyes. When i tried the example below and increased indent on the last line to have it start in the same place, it looks like the text is the same, font wise.
Im not sure they knew what they were gettin into either, or if they knew exactly how it is going to look like when they purchase the site and announce it. I wouldnt be surprised if Curse/Fandom omitted some "minior" details like Flux already working on OOC and entire mod team probably goin to move there. Maybe they read the "pls save hpwn" comments and thought it would be that easy, save hpwn and rest will resolve itself. Maybe they are a similar enthusiastic group of ppl like we are, who just want to make a great site for the community and saw an opportunity to keep the legend alive, who knows? They certainly dont share much information, so we can only guess.
Either way, we dont know much about the new owners and they didnt do a very good job at introducing themselves or giving out pretty much any info. At least the CEO or a spokes person? (too little info to be certain) jleclanche said that he has years of experience in the business and was in the original team that started HSreplay. He should then have enough experience to know that a good start is important and they failed miserably on many fronts in that regard. I dont know what to think about that.
Only time will tell if they will be up to the challenge or not, they certainly have a monster of a task ahead of them, so good luck.
Weird, i just select the deck and can play with it, dont have to do anything. It seems to act just as a visual bug for me :o
Also edited the name of the thread as to not confuse the in game bug with a bug on the site ;-)
I remember when Cthun decks were popular and when you would play mirror matches it was whoever dared to play Cthun first without the killing blow and would get his Cthun sniped by the Blade which would feed the opponentsCthun in turn. Haha good times.
Oh yeah, if you dont use the Overwolf app, it is a pain in the ass to input everything manually.
Alternative colour scheme for the site is definitely something we have planned for the future based on your feedback, but it is not as easy as to flip a switch. Many elements like banners and such will have to be made in two (or more) variants to accomodate the change, so while we hear you and will want to do this eventually, other stuff takes priority at the moment. But keep giving us feedback and tell us what you want, that is what we need, thanks! ;-)
Hi, you have to go to your profile and select the border and title manually. If you dont have that option there, tell us and we will investigate further ;-)
Actually, it might be a decent addition, since the card draw is so non existent.
/edit: removed one Corrupted Seer for Gral, the Shark :)
That is also one of the things that becomes not entirely accurate with time. It heavilly depends on the meta shaped by the current card pool and then the class you are playing. Some classes in the past literally didnt need any 2-drops for example, when control RNGfiesta was the way to play. HA usually tries to push you towards midrange or tempo deck, which is fine, but you need to assess your own situation and know what archetypes are working for any given class at the moment and decide if it is a right direction to go or not.
Again, for unexperienced arena player, HA is a really amazing tool to help them get more wins fast and to get better, but you shouldnt religiously follow its advice once you get some experience ;-) Not saying HA cant be right most of the time, but you should think of why it appears to be important for your deck to pick the suggested card, not just pick it cause the app said so :)
That is the plan :) We already have a forum section for MTGA as a starting point, but will focus mainly on HS for now until we flesh out the core features for the site and the content for HS. Once basics are done it will be much easier to add other card games properly.
Haha, thanks! :)
Definitely gonna happen, sooner or later ;-)
If they are lucky, or rather if they are not too unlucky. Since this gives you 8 packs and starting pity timer for unopened sets of packs is 10, you could very well whiff on those 2 packs multiple times. But yeah, should be decent value for newcomers.
"Arena" and "Standard" filters that would preselect current sets will eventually make it to the card search engine, not sure when tho.
Same goes for filtering by card text and keywords. Not sure what you mean by "body", you can filter by cost/attack/health.
Good way to hit some pity timers on multiple legendaries from old sets for new players i guess :)
Pogohoppor! :D
Oh, i didnt understand what you meant. You mean the actual numbers are wrong, i thought you meant the text in the list. Ok, i see it now. Will investigate.
At first it seemed to me like it looks a bit different as well, but maybe its just the dark scheme playing with your eyes. When i tried the example below and increased indent on the last line to have it start in the same place, it looks like the text is the same, font wise.
When I created numbered lists
When I created numbered lists
I love her line "Careful, im a sharp one" :D i always hope she is my first boss, it makes me smile :)
Im not sure they knew what they were gettin into either, or if they knew exactly how it is going to look like when they purchase the site and announce it. I wouldnt be surprised if Curse/Fandom omitted some "minior" details like Flux already working on OOC and entire mod team probably goin to move there. Maybe they read the "pls save hpwn" comments and thought it would be that easy, save hpwn and rest will resolve itself. Maybe they are a similar enthusiastic group of ppl like we are, who just want to make a great site for the community and saw an opportunity to keep the legend alive, who knows? They certainly dont share much information, so we can only guess.
Either way, we dont know much about the new owners and they didnt do a very good job at introducing themselves or giving out pretty much any info. At least the CEO or a spokes person? (too little info to be certain) jleclanche said that he has years of experience in the business and was in the original team that started HSreplay. He should then have enough experience to know that a good start is important and they failed miserably on many fronts in that regard. I dont know what to think about that.
Only time will tell if they will be up to the challenge or not, they certainly have a monster of a task ahead of them, so good luck.
Congrats :)
Really good suggestion, thank you!