Hunter was absolutely out of control. Even after this fix it's a good strategy to keep the board clear of every single mech. Magnetizing a Piloted Shredder is often just game winning.
Well, this arena rotation is focused on mechs from all expansions on purpose, so it was obvious Magnetic will be a premium keyword and will enable "non buff" classes to become tempo monsters, and it happened. Im looking forward to see how the changes influenced the meta.
Yes, site wide search function is in the works. Some more pressing issues are being worked on first tho, so give us time to set it up.But thanks for the feedback ;-)
Yeah, that was the intention behind this rotation. Might want to pick those Wargears, i dont think iv been givin them enough credit myself, but i recall that they do get offered quite often, had at least 3 of them offered in last few runs. Will have to focus on them a bit more, they swing games hard.
Second rotation in the Year of the Dragon happened on June 3rd and brought 4 new sets of cards to Arena!
How is the new rotation treating you? What classes you think are the top dogs right now? Did some jumped to the top or get knocked down? Or is it the same old same old? What cards do you like the most from current pool? And which drive you crazy? Tell us!
Current card pool for Arena:
Goblins vs Gnomes
The Grand Tournament
One Night in Karazhan
The Boomsday Project
Rise of Shadows
Classes by win rate (source HSreplay, at the time of writing):
Paladin (53,3%)
Mage (52,4%)
Rogue (51,7%)
Druid (51,2%)
Warlock (48,6%)
Hunter (48,5%)
Shaman (47,1%)
Priest (45,4%)
Warrior (39,2%)
Top 10 class cards that are being picked the most (+neutrals):
What can we see from the data collected so far, there is little to no AOEs, which shouldnt come as a surprise, since the current sets didnt introduce many, at least not in the common/rare slot.
Mage and priest, and to some extent rogue, have advantage from having good aoes in their basic/classic sets with high offering rates. Other classes are not so lucky. Early tempo is still the name of the game. Many classes that could play defensively and value decks in the last rotation, like Warlock for example, lost most of their control tools, so they are forced into aggro/tempo archetypes, which is further supported by the type of cards in the current pool.
Keep in mind that this is obviously a very early report, but should give you some idea about how Arena looks at the moment.
Comes to show how much the company dropped in status, they just dont care about their good name very much anymore, cause they have such big player base, there will always be someone playin, they dont have to try to maintain any standards no more. I mean it has been happening for years in bits, but it makes me rly sad.
I remember the Infinite Murlocs from that arena. It felt like it was almost a good card, but shame it was so slow.
Pretty much Pogo-Hopper. Except you have to shuffle them yourself, but they grow twice as fast.
It rly looked like Blizzard was trying out different wacky abilities and quite a few of them made it to the game eventually, as mentioned already as well.
Did you guys confuse the time the arena was out due to them fixing the lackey thing with a big lockout period? The big lockdown periods had happened in the past, but this time they were really short if there were any. I had a 6-2 arena I decided to roll the dice with because 7 win rewards are much better and I thought the deck was good enough for that, I messed it up because it was my first game of the day and while I was upset because it was only a bit over 3 hours until the update and I thought there would be a lockdown, I was able to buy a new arena. Then I thought I'd play until 2 losses, I ended up going 12-0 and I was still able to buy a new arena run about an hour before the update was scheduled.
I don't know if that will continue to be the case when the new expansion hits and if they have to take more time to ensure everything is ok when they introduce more cards, but at least in this case it feels like people are complaining about how they think things are instead of how they actually are.
Was that on Monday? Can you remember how long before the patch were you able to still start a run? Just for future reference, thanks!
No, Inkeeper is property of Curse/Fandom, therfore its dead together with hpwn. We will however have a collection manager in the future, most likely a plugin for HS Deck Tracker.
It's not that I'm greedy, I just like equal treatment. I actually think it would be better if the expired run did not give a card pack as part of the arena reward, the compensation is a bit excessive tbh.
Not really. The mechanic is in there, cause they cant very well delete your run that you paid for, gold or real money in entry fee. Can you imagine the outcry? So they give you your entry fee back (ish) and as an apology, they let you keep rewards for your current number of wins.
The fact that it is abusable is a side effect and they can do nothing about it. If you think it is cheating and unfair, it is your right, dont participate. But "free" stuff is free stuff and ppl always like more, so why not use the loophole, it is not hurting anyone, well maybe Blizzard a bit, but at least they get a good PR for once allowing us to get this small amount of free stuff from time to time.
It is not to stop ppl from abusing the compensation mechanism. It is to let ppl who want to play out their runs play them out. While i agree that locking it 6-8 hours prior is just ridiculously long interval for no real reason, you are overreacting.
It used to be once a year, now it might be once every 2 months, i think that one can refrain from playing arena for few hours from time to time, if one wants to take advantage of said compensation.
I could add a warning that would display on saving but there are no plans to put these hard limits in place. Sharing Arena and decks people have used in various Adventure modes is something we want to support so leaving it open like that allows us to do just that. Same would go for Tavern Brawls should they have weird deckbuilding rules.
Thats fine for other modes, but on ladder those hard limits exist from the get-go. This wasnt an issue on Hearthpwn since you could always check the "Arena deck" box and put in as many copies of cards as you want. I dont get why this functionality was taken away instead of brought over.
Hearthpwn works this way too. You don't have to check any box to select multiple copies and save the deck. I don't believe it's too hard to double check that the cards are correct, but perhaps something to aid with this could be added like an option to enable those limits, a button to remove any cards over the limits, some sort of visual indicator, or a combination.
We could add Deck Type "Arena" (should be there already anyway) and all but Arena, TB, PVE could have an automatic cutoff of the cards above their regular limit.
You could make it easier on anyone reading this and actually make the deck(s) in the deckbuilder, not just posting deck string, instead of every single person having to do that for themselves, if they want to see the deck(s) :)
Well, this arena rotation is focused on mechs from all expansions on purpose, so it was obvious Magnetic will be a premium keyword and will enable "non buff" classes to become tempo monsters, and it happened. Im looking forward to see how the changes influenced the meta.
Yes, site wide search function is in the works. Some more pressing issues are being worked on first tho, so give us time to set it up.But thanks for the feedback ;-)
Yeah, that was the intention behind this rotation. Might want to pick those Wargears, i dont think iv been givin them enough credit myself, but i recall that they do get offered quite often, had at least 3 of them offered in last few runs. Will have to focus on them a bit more, they swing games hard.
Second rotation in the Year of the Dragon happened on June 3rd and brought 4 new sets of cards to Arena!
How is the new rotation treating you? What classes you think are the top dogs right now? Did some jumped to the top or get knocked down? Or is it the same old same old? What cards do you like the most from current pool? And which drive you crazy? Tell us!
Current card pool for Arena:
Classes by win rate (source HSreplay, at the time of writing):
Top 10 class cards that are being picked the most (+neutrals):
What can we see from the data collected so far, there is little to no AOEs, which shouldnt come as a surprise, since the current sets didnt introduce many, at least not in the common/rare slot.
Mage and priest, and to some extent rogue, have advantage from having good aoes in their basic/classic sets with high offering rates. Other classes are not so lucky. Early tempo is still the name of the game. Many classes that could play defensively and value decks in the last rotation, like Warlock for example, lost most of their control tools, so they are forced into aggro/tempo archetypes, which is further supported by the type of cards in the current pool.
Keep in mind that this is obviously a very early report, but should give you some idea about how Arena looks at the moment.
Comes to show how much the company dropped in status, they just dont care about their good name very much anymore, cause they have such big player base, there will always be someone playin, they dont have to try to maintain any standards no more. I mean it has been happening for years in bits, but it makes me rly sad.
Pretty much Pogo-Hopper. Except you have to shuffle them yourself, but they grow twice as fast.
It rly looked like Blizzard was trying out different wacky abilities and quite a few of them made it to the game eventually, as mentioned already as well.
I think you are a bit confused :D Even tho it was called Taverns of Time, the event was Arena centric, the cards were added to Arena, not to Brawl! :)
Was that on Monday? Can you remember how long before the patch were you able to still start a run? Just for future reference, thanks!
We will definitely add that in the future.
No, Inkeeper is property of Curse/Fandom, therfore its dead together with hpwn. We will however have a collection manager in the future, most likely a plugin for HS Deck Tracker.
Your original post counts as one.
Probably just a wrong login screen on that page, thanks for the info, we will have this fixed.
Not really. The mechanic is in there, cause they cant very well delete your run that you paid for, gold or real money in entry fee. Can you imagine the outcry? So they give you your entry fee back (ish) and as an apology, they let you keep rewards for your current number of wins.
The fact that it is abusable is a side effect and they can do nothing about it. If you think it is cheating and unfair, it is your right, dont participate. But "free" stuff is free stuff and ppl always like more, so why not use the loophole, it is not hurting anyone, well maybe Blizzard a bit, but at least they get a good PR for once allowing us to get this small amount of free stuff from time to time.
Is this happening in Play Mode as well? So far iv seen ppl report this in Arena, tokens seem to be bugged and they dont generate.
"Fixed an issue which would occasionally leave the screen blurry after finishing a game under certain circumstances."
HOLY SHIT THANK YOU! I can tell you the EXACT circumstance, when i finished a quest it did that. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. ugh it was so annoying
More importantly, Mulchmuncher is not a card that makes it worth running the treants in the first place.
It is not to stop ppl from abusing the compensation mechanism. It is to let ppl who want to play out their runs play them out. While i agree that locking it 6-8 hours prior is just ridiculously long interval for no real reason, you are overreacting.
It used to be once a year, now it might be once every 2 months, i think that one can refrain from playing arena for few hours from time to time, if one wants to take advantage of said compensation.
We could add Deck Type "Arena" (should be there already anyway) and all but Arena, TB, PVE could have an automatic cutoff of the cards above their regular limit.
You could make it easier on anyone reading this and actually make the deck(s) in the deckbuilder, not just posting deck string, instead of every single person having to do that for themselves, if they want to see the deck(s) :)
Just unlucky. "A lot" is not a meaningful sample size :)