While your intentions are noble, the example you listed is a horrible one. Deleting resolved bug report threads or requests for a feature is a pretty bad idea. Leaving it up lets ppl know that the issue has been resolved or that we may already be considering (not) adding this feature etc., and can prevent from another thread on the same topic popping up from a user who might not have noticed that. Or it can be referenced, if the problem resurfaces etc.
It would depend on the actions, but it is a very interesting idea. Problem could be if it would be a fun one. Punishing your opponent for playing minions or spells or something etc., the problem is, if it was too severe of a punishment (big reward), it wouldnt probably feel fair, but if it was just something small (reward), it wouldnt probably be worth wasting a deck slot and mulligan slot for it.
I think what they did now is ok, but your idea could definitely make for some interesting cards.
Plague of Death (2): Oodles of mass removal for Priest. Another one to add to it, a bit worse then Twisting Nether, but this is another Priest removal you will find a hard time playing around.
Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron (4): Hard pressed to find a chance to draft this. It's a 10 mana hail mary - Guess it's possible to take this if you are lacking a meme condition.
Questing Explorer (3): Generic drop with most likely no upside, seems fine.
EVIL Totem (2): Similar to Cable Rat with a reoccurring effect. In some spots this is effectively far more powerful, should be pretty decent.
Jar Dealer (3): Fine 1 drop, although the deathrattle effect is not as strong as other 1 mana deathrattle cards like Webspinner
Anka, the Buried (3): Ok statline for the cost and an effect. The ability can be good or can be bad, probably mostly bad, i would assume that you might want the bodies of those deathrattle minions in arena. Not always, but most of the time. Still, the ability will most likely not trigger very often or on many minions, so its just a decent 5-drop, but nothing amazing.
Armagedillo (2): Very decent taunt with a very powerful ability. Obviously the ability will not proc that often or on that many minions, but even just one hit is good enough. And even zero hits the stats on the card alone with a taunt are good enough. So it can only get better.
Colossus of the Moon (2):Big baddy that will come back with protection of a divine shield. It certainly looks scary, but it is all you will do in a turn.
Dark Pharaoh Tekahn (4): First of all, you have to get Lackeys to get any value from the battlecry, so solely draft dependant. Then you have to play this before lackeys. Quite unrealistic that you would be able to do all that in an average deck. But it can happen.
Dinotamer Brann (4): Literally unplayable card without the battlecry goin off. It could happen, you could aim for it, if you draft it early and could become your win condition, but that aint gonna happen often. Also Hunter does not have that many good cards to choose from, so you def want to get duplicates.
Elise the Enlightened (3): Ok stats for the cost, so even without the ability she is playable. You probably wont be building your deck around her, but could be a nice value boost in a longer game, where you might have already drawn all them duplicates you had.
High Priest Amet (2): Interesting card, can provide game winning advantage, or can be a huge drawback, if it has low health and you cant kill it off. But since priest can heal it and otherwise buff it, i will remain optimistic for now that this will do more good than harm on average. We shall see.
King Phaoris (4): You usually dont have that many spells in arena and certainly not all of them at once in your hand. This could have potential in certain decks, but it will be a weak play most of the time.
Octosari (2): Interesting card for arena. Huge body and a deathrattle that will basically repelnish your entire hand. It might be too much for some classes/decks, but even if you draw like 5 card and burn 3, that seems like a good value.
[Hearthstone Card (Raid the sky templ) Not Found]e (x): Cant be drafted.
Reno the Relicologist (4): Barely playable stats for the cost, but better than Brann. Mage could definitely try going highlander route, there is a lot of cards to pick from and playing Reno will always net you a powerful tempo turn, could be worth it, but who knows.
Siamat (1): Very versatile card with decent stats for the cost given the bonus effects. Rush+Divine Shield would probably be the most common combo, but you can do whatever you need in any given situation. Very powerful.
Sir Finley of the Sands (3): Vanilla 2-drop with an upside, there are worse legendaries. Murloc tribe can come in handy as well.
[Hearthstone Card (Supreme archeology) Not Found] (x): Cant be drafted.
Vessina (2): An ok 4-drop with a pretty strong ability. But it is also very draft dependant. But id say worth goin for.
Zephrys the Great (3): Probably not gonna trigger very often, but if you get it early in the draft, might be worth trying a highlander deck for it. Otherwise vanilla stats, so regular 2-drop.
Anubisath Defender (4): If you draft some 5+ cost spells, this card can go in value significantly, but if you have to play it for its default cost, it is a pretty bad play.
Blatant Decoy (4): This card will probably be a bit tricky in arena. Could work out for you, but it could also screw you. The fact that it is a deathrattle gives the opponent some control over the effect as well. I dont think i want to risk this.
Bloodsworn Mercenary (1): Yes, you need to have a board and yes, the minion has to be damaged, but that shouldnt be too hard most of the time. The potential value you can get out of a 3-cost card looks insane for the cost. Can be something along the lines of Faceless Summoner, not quite, but probably close.
Body Wrapper (3): Below average stats for the cost and ability that can be good, or bad. Dont like it too much.
Crystal Merchant (3): Interesting card, weirdly enough will probably have more value late game, when you can spare some mana to trigger the effect. Should be decent draw option in general.
Desert Obelisk (5): Unplayable card. You will never have 3 of these in arena. And if you by some miracle do, you already won anyway.
Diseased Vulture (1): Good 4-drop on its own with a sick effect. Even as a "6 drop" with your hero power to guarantee one proc is a pretty good play. This card will provide some serious value.
History Buff (1): Great 3-drop with insanely strong ability, damn.
Livewire Lance (1): Stats on the weapon arent isnt very impressive, but it can generate pretty great value through the Lackeys.
Micro Mummy (2): Master Swordsmith is always annoying when opponent plays it, even if it has crappy stats. This has the same ability with more stats split among two bodies, making it that much stickier. I can see this card being very annoying to get rid of. Not hard to get rid of, but annoying, cause you will have to spend two attacks killing it.
Mischief Maker (3): Not sure how good or bad the ability will be for arena. Might be an interesting way to get a card from another class, but you are giving up one of your own as well. Probably not worth the risk, will depend on the bucket this falls into.
Mogu Cultist (5): Bad 1-drop and ability that will never trigger. Pass.
Mortuary Machine (4): It is a big baddy for 5 mana and the mech tag might make it even scarier. But the downside is quite big. I mean it could work out for you, but only in fast decks imho. If you are goin for midrange/control decks, the stats are not worth the amount of value your opponent can get in return.
Plague of Death (3): How often do you actually pick Twisting Nether? I mean warlock usually has other, better aoes, so in priest this is quite strong. But damn if it isnt a heavy play.
Plague of Murlocs (3): This card is interesting for arena and it will be hard to learn how to use it properly maybe. Probably best use is when your opponent has just one big minion; or more. Bad if he is just swarming, but can also be used to further your own board, most importantly to transform your totems that sometimes just lay there do nothing and just take up board space. Im rly interested to see how his card performs.
Psychopomp (1): This card is probably gonna be as good as Onyx Bishop. Yes, its stats are complete crap, but it is cheaper and will bring the resurrected minion back one again. This will make for one sticky board.
Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron (4): Pure RNG, nothing more, nothing less. This is all you will do in the turn. I doubt ppl will draft this after they experimented with it for the first time, it can screw you at any time, sure it can help, but do you rly want to put your hopes in this card? I dont. But Yogg is Yogg :)
Riftcleaver (1): Wow. That is one insane card. Obliterate on a stick, literally. Demon tag matters too for bonus synergy. Just wow.
Scarlet Webweaver (2): A bit understated 6-drop, but very powerful effect, which could very well let you play another minion on the same turn. The only problem is, you have to have a beast in your hand, which might or might not be a problem. Even if you draft plenty of them, as a hunter, you generally go through your cards very fast, so this card might misfire sometimes. I still thing that it will be a very powerful play most of the time tho.
Shadow of Death (5): This is not arena card. You cannot sacrifice a card and this much tempo for a potential gain in the future. Maybe priest or warlock could afford it, not rogue. Not to mention there has to be a minion worth copying in a first place. Just no.
Splitting Axe (3): Interesting card, weapon is always good, but this is a kinda bad weapon just for the stats. The battlecry can be a an advantage or a disadvantage. Dream scenario is to copy something like Nightmare Amalgam on curve or Flametongue Totem, but copying your basic totems might not be what you want to do, if you dont have ways to increase their attack, they might just clog your board space. We shall see. Could make some insane combos with EVIL Totem to generate lots of lackeys, but probably not very often.
Tip the Scales (5): This card is just unrealistic to provide good value in arena. You would need more than 7 murlocs for this to consistently be worth playing and often times you dont even get the 7. Nope, purely constructed card.
Tortollan Pilgrim (3): Interesting card. Very (solely?) draft dependent. Can be amazing and act as another aoe on a stick, or can be bad, if you have plenty of burn spells. Discover part might make it actually insane, so maybe im undervaluing the card, tho you do need to have spells (left) in a deck in a first place, so we shall see.
Vulpera Scoundrel (1): Without the mystery option, it is an amazing minion, lots of value. The mystery option is apparently a 4th discover option that is a random spell (from any class), so that gives extra potential.
Whirlkick Master (2): This card might look like crap at first glance, but it can became a game winning value generator. Only just one card from it is good enough, any more and ur set. Not to mention that the card pool with Combo is extremely small, even smaller when certain sets are out of the rotation, so you can consistently get very good cards out of it. I will admit, that it could potentially be anti-tempo play, but you could as well just get a card that can save your ass, and 2 mana "combo activator" that will keep the combo chain goin is not that expensive. Definitely not an early game card tho, that is for sure.
Wild Bloodstinger (3): Huge statline, but after the battlecry, it might not even stay Boulderfist Ogre. It can deny some battlecries, but this is still way too RNG for my taste. You are not getting anything that amazing where the cost might be you put yourself into a worse position; or even lose the game outright. The card is playable, but just way too risky for my taste.
Arcane Flakmage (1): Vanilla 2-drop with an insane upside. Maybe for the first time ever, you actually have incentive to draft secrets in arena, damn.
Bazaar Mugger (1): Lots of value in this card. Removal and card advantage. Often it will be able to survive the trade and even if it didnt, you get an extra minion out of it. Wow.
Brazen Zealot (3): Decent 1-drop, but nothing special.
Conjured Mirage (5): Huge pile of stats, it can and probably will buy you a turn, but what of it? You spend a card doing nothing. Maybe it could help you later on to protect your board when you have more mana to play other stuff, but drawing into a "dead" card over and over does not seem like a good solution. Maybe warlock can utilize it, but other than that, dont think so.
Dune Sculptor (1): This card is a huge value generator, granted it might be a bit hard to activate it, but it is an ok 3-drop with huge late game potential.
Earthquake (1): Super premium board clear. Volcano was amazing and it wiped your board as well, so the duality does not mean much (would be beyond insane, if it didnt touch your board lolo). The fact that the damage is split in two waves makes it so you can clear tokens like for example after you kill Eccentric Scribe, which is amazing.
Expired Merchant (1): Pretty much does not matter what you discard, you will get good value back. Only problem is that it is a really crappy stat line, so you cant be really happy playing it on curve. There arent that many silence/transform effects and if your opponent is spending those resources on a 2/1 minion, id say the discard was already worth it.
Garden Gnome (4): This card needs to trigger its battlecry, otherwise its unplayable. Solely draft dependant, but there should be decent options for the spells in the pool, so it has potential.
Generous Mummy (4): It is a really good stat line for the cost and you get a 5/1 back too, but the drawback looks way to severe. The tempo you gain from playing this can very well be lost and then some in the next turn. It can work in some fast decks, but it will be a dangerous play no matter what.
Grandmummy (3): The buffs are definitely nice and the card is a bit annoying, might also make you clear other minions so the wont get buffed, so it might end up performing a lot better than i give it credit for, but the stat-line is just horrible and the buffs come in very slowly.
Hidden Oasis (1): Incredibly strong card thanks to its versatility. You can choose to play a good taunt minion, or you can heal. Premium stuff.
Holy Ripple (2): Mini-Holy Nova. The effect seems pretty good for the cost. We sometimes draft arcane explosion, this is a lot better.
Hyena Alpha (3): This card can be super powerful tempo play, but the condition is quite hard to meet. You dont rly want secrets and if you do get them, it is pretty easy to trigger them. One saving grace is, since it is relatively easy to play around hunter secrets, opponent might leave it up; or be "forced" to pop it before T4 giving you some tempo back for playing a secret in your early turns.
Infested Goblin (3): It is a taunt, so there is that. And it generates more taunts, even tho shitty ones. Could be ok for rogue to trigger combo, or for warrior/paladin with hand buffs. For anyone else probably just an average minion at best.
Impbalming (2): Blastcrystal Potion was a premium removal in arena. This is pretty much the same, but with a different downside. Worse one, but not an immediate one. Id expect this card to perform well.
Into the Fray (5): One time effect of Armagedillo. Problem is, this can be a dead card for most of the game. If you draft a lot of taunts, this could be worth considering, but id argue most of the time the other two options will serve you better.
Khartut Defender (3): Decent taunt and heal split among two bodies. Taunt and heal is always nice. It might end up performing better than just an average minion, but we shall see. Reborn has one big weakness in arena and that is ping classes. As much as the reborn minion is nice value addition, vs the best classes it will usually just mean getting pinged by a hero power. At least you get some heals here.
Mogu Fleshshaper (2): There have to be 4 minions on the board to make this cost efficient, that doesnt sound so bad. Can be played for free in a rly bad situation, helping you get back into the game. Looks promissing.
Naga Sand Witch (3): Interesting card for arena, the ability can help or hurt. A lot. Stats alone are ok for the cost, depends on what spells you drafted to consider this or avoid it.
Neferset Ritualist (1): Regular 2-drop with a great effect. Healing your minions makes it that your opponent has to spend even more resources to deal with them, generating value for you. Just imagine how many times did Hozen Healer make your life miserable, this is even better.
Overflow (2): Amazing card draw for a druid. You probably dont want more than 1 in a deck, max 2. You will have to be careful when to play this tho, healing your opponent's board could cost you extra resources, but there are plenty of druid cards that have synergy with healing, so this card should prove really useful in many situations.
Pharaoh's Blessing (1): This card will be new T6 power turn, similar to the strength of Spikeridged Steed, mark my words. Obviously same downside as any buff card, you need to have a board, but when you do, oh boy. You will create a huge taunt what will be able to trade into an enemy minion for free. Will trade 2for1 most of the time with potential to absorb even more cards from your opponent.
Plague of Flames (3): I honestly dont know what to think about this card. Obviously it is super cheap, so that gives it a lot of versatility. You dont need to hold it for a full board wipe, trading up for just one or two big(ger) minions can very well be enough tempo to push forward. But it could also be very awkward to get into a situation, where you want to use it. I guess time will tell.
Plague of Madness (2): I am not sure how will this card perform, but at first glance this looks like super strong tempo card. Yes, you are giving your opponent a way to kill off two of your minions, but can he really afford the face hits? If you are playing fast tempo rogue as you should, i think this should give you more advantage than it gives to your opponent, more so cause you are the one dictating when the weapons come into play.
Plague of Wrath (3): This aoe is about as reliable as brawl honestly. Sometimes it can be absolutely amazing and sometimes it hurts you more than your opponent. Im sure we will be using it, but im not sure how much will it reliably help on average.
Quicksand Elemental (1): Kinda powercreep on Shrinkmeister. This card is an autopick for any deck and any class. The ability is pretty strong, allowing for safer trades and the body is just a good 2-drop minion. Powerful stuff.
Questing Explorer (3): Still no actual info about if quests, and cards that interact with them, will be removed from drafting pool, but at least with quests it is very likely. The two we have initially seen do not look like they belong in arena, you will either have very hard time completing them (warlock) or taking advantage of them (druid). So, if Questing Explorer will stay in the pool, it will most likely be just a vanilla 2-drop, which is fine.
Ramkahen Wildtamer (2): Good 3-drop that can potentially generate another minion. Pretty good stuff. Draft dependant tho.
Sahket Sapper (2): Im not sure what to think about this card, but i guess it provides some kind of tempo with its deathrattle most of the time, so it should be pretty good.
Salhet's Pride (4): Very draft dependant and even then it is kinda slow. It can work in some decks and paladins dont have that much card draw, but i dont think this will perform well in arena on average.
Sunstruck Henchman (2): I think this card will perform very well simply due to the fact, that your opponent will not want to leave it up either way. Tho there is a potential for nasty streaks of bad luck that could easilly cost you the game.
Swarm of Locusts (1): To be honest, i dont think i like all these powerful removal options for hunter that also have a lot of versatility.
Tomb Warden (1): Pretty great play for the cost even without the taunts and mech tags. I dont think you will want to draft any taunt-hand buff cards in arena since they are poor standalone cards, but in constructed, you will probably see this monster grow quite a lot.
Weaponized Wasp (3): If you can activate it then its basically Fire Elemental level broken, probably more. But the condition is quite hard for arena, so it will most likely be just an understated 3-drop. Maybe we will get more Lackey generators for shaman or neutral ones, then this could rise in value.
Wrapped Golem (1): Neutral Obsidian Destroyer that traded 2 Health for the Reborn keyword. Seems quite decent. I think i would prefer the original, but the reborn can bring a different kind of value and survivability, so im ok with the "copy" as well.
Wretched Reclaimer (1): Passable 3-drop with an extreme combo and/or lategame potential. Can trigger deathrattles and reborn effects bringing the original minion back. Can heal reborn minions or any minion in general by bringing it back with full health. This card will be annoying.
Ancestral Guardian (3): Decently sticky minion that cant rly be too ignored. Potential for some serious healing. Not super great tempo wise tho, so will probably depend on a bucket placement.
Ancient Mysteries (5): Can help make some spell or secret synergy plays easier by making the secret cost 0, but you have to have secrets in your deck, which is something you generally dont want; and if you do draft some, it is not many, so this will be super inconsistent and definitely not worth a card.
Anubisath Warbringer (3): The effect is super powerful, but it comes pretty late in the game and playing this minion is a pretty big tempo loss. It just might be worth it in the end, but only time will tell.
Candletaker (2): Arguably better [Hearthstone Card (scarlett crusader) Not Found], cause you cant ping it away both times.
Clever Disguise (1): Two mana gain two cards - spells - seems like a very good deal.
Cloud Prince (3): Super strong effect for the cost, but the requirement might be tricky. You generally dont want to draft secrets in a first place and then the secret has to stay up. If you can trigger the battlecry, then damn, otherwise meh.
Desert Hare (3): Ok for hand buff, token or evolve synergy, otherwise kinda poor 3-drop.
Desert Spear (3): It is not the worst weapon ever, but kinda awkward. You can distribute the damage, that is nice, but still. Im not sure how i feel about it.
Embalming Ritual (1): Pretty decent card. Look at this as a "Give a minion "Deathrattle:Summon a Magma Rager"" for 1 mana for example. Pretty good, eh? More bonus with deathrattle minions and auras and priest's hero power as well. This card might not end up being something completely broken (even tho it might), but i think it will be just something really solid for most situations and will definitely be worth the cost.
EVIL Totem (3): I actually kinda like this card for arena, only problem is that you have to wait a turn to play the lackey. But if you manage to get two or more lackey out of this, the card advantage is gonna stack up fast.
EVIL Recruiter (3): Without Lackeys, its just an average 3-drop. With Lackeys, this is a complete insanity. Definitely draft dependent, but can carry decks alone. Will be scary.
Faceless Lurker (3): Good taunt, wihout any extra synergy pretty much Fen Creeper. With hand buffs this can get insane.
Fishflinger (3): Average 2-drop that can provide some value. I never like cards that give any kind of advantage to your opponent. I guess you should have slightly upper hand, since you are the one deciding when to play this and the random murloc can even have some synergy with the one already in play, but still, i think if there will be only a slightly better card, you will happily take that one instead.
Flame Ward (2): basically Explosive Trap for mage, more damage to minions, but none to face. Can be played around to an extent same way, but 3 damage instead of 2 makes a difference. Not to mention mage hero power and all the other tools in their arsenal. You cant really just wait out the board vs mage as you can vs hunter, you will just give them more turns to draw into another clear and get the board back. Another annoying shit you have to play around/figure out. I hate it.
Hooked Scimitar (1): Amazing weapon for rogue. Shouldnt be hard to proc the combo most of the time. Can actually be a real scary to push 8 face dmg for just 3 mana in certain situations.
Hunter's Pack (1): Very good gard generator for just 3 mana. Looks very strong. The lucky King Krush will happen.
Injured Tol'vir (3): Decent taunt for a 2-drop. A lot better in priest.
Jar Dealer (3): An ok 1-drop, play annoying 1/1 and get another. It is no Fire Fly, but still playable.
Kobold Sandtrooper (4): Might be decent in an aggro deck, where 3 face damage might be quite good. Otherwise very shitty 2-drop.
Living Monument (3): It is a pretty good taunt overall, but you are not gonna do anything else in the turn and that is always dangerous.
Neferset Thrasher (4): I feel like the drawback is way too big. You want to keep it alive, but if you do, you are slowly killing yourself. Might be ok if you draft couple cards that have synergy with damage to your hero, but without healings, this card can very well loose you a game.
Oasis Surger (1): Extremely powerful card with some versatility. 5/5 rush for 5 mana is quite frankly insane. Spiked Hogrider was a premium card that provided big tempo swings and that didnt even work every time. This does. Granted cant go face, but definitely a great value-removal. Basically Militia Commander for one more mana that keeps the attack buff.
Penance (2): Great cheap removal with some bonus healing, whats no to like. Only problem is it cant go face.
Phalanx Commander (3): Not the best stats for the cost, not the worst. Ability that can be relevant from time to time. If you have lots of taunts, this increases in value quite a bit.
Pharaoh Cat (1): Good stats for 1-drop for a rogue and creates card advantage. What more can you ask for from a card like this.
Pit Crocolisk (1): One of the strongest cards of this set, if not the strongest, for arena. One of the strongest cards in a while actually. This card will dictate games and T8 will be once again the turn to win or lose the games off a single card like it was with pre-nerf Bonemare. This card is beyond insane.
Pressure Plate (3): Conditional Deadly Shot for one less mana. Secret aspect adds some value too, but it can be played around arguably easily enough, so i dont think this will perform very well. But it should trade for a card most of the time, so yeah.
Restless Mummy (1): 6 damage premium removal that you can split into two targets or leave a body on board, whatever you need. Not quite Fireball level good, but it's up there.
Sandstorm Elemental (1): Pretty much Twilight Flamecaller for one less mana and with elemental synergy. The overload can be seen as bonus in some cases too.
Sandwasp Queen (2): Pretty bad stats for a 2-drop, but the token generation saves it. Drygulch Jailor was a playable card, this is better in terms of temp and vs non-ping classes. Should perform rather ok. Even forcing 3 pings out of your opponent might just be worth it.
Serpent Egg (4): Nerubian Egg where token lost 1 Attack for a beast tag. Same with any egg, if you dont have deck for it, dont pick it.
Sinister Deal (1): This card is actually super strong due to its flexibility. You are not guaranteed to discover the lackey you want 100%, but chances are very high and any lackey gets great value anyway in the end.
Spitting Camel (4): Honestly i dont think it is worth it. Extra stats are so you can keep the minion alive longer, but keeping this alive will just keep damaging your other minions, not a great trade off. But if you are desperate for 2-drops, get it.
Subdue (2): Literally Hunter's Mark+. Paladin doesnt have much in terms of hard removal, so this should be a good pick up.
Temple Berserker (3): Not the worst 2-drop, not the best. Can be nice if you need some body to stick on the board, but if you cant capitalize on that, it is a slow roll.
Totemic Surge (3): Interesting card, not sure how well it will work in arena, but can make your totems useful. I guess if you think about it, at worse it is a 2/2 with an ability with 25% to get a naked 3/1 for 2 mana with your hero power, thats not that bad.
Vilefiend (3): Ok 2-drop. Less stats, some healing, could be worse. Warlock might like it for the demon tag.
Wasteland Assassin (3): Decent 5 drop. Stealth and Reborn make it very sticky, so chances are you will trade into what you want to trade at least once. For now im being a bit skeptical and looking at it as an average minion for the mana cost, but i would not be surprised, if it ended up performing better than i give it credit for.
Wasteland Scorpid (2): Good minion with a pretty big body. Can easilly trade for multiple cards.
Worthy Expedition (1): Very versatile card. Value generator. Good stuff.
Saviors of Uldum is Hearthstone's twelfth expansion and is set to release on August 6, 2019.
New Keyword: Reborn - After a minion with Reborn dies for the first time, it gets resurrected at 1 Health. Quests Are Back: - These Quests change your Hero Power. They will be removed from Arena drafting pool! Question is, if cards interacting with them will be too. Plague Cards: The five villain classes (Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock and Warrior) all get a special plague card that can clear the board. Arena: The cardpool availability will change to include the following sets:
League of Explorers
Journey to Un'Goro
Kobolds and Catacombs
Rastakhan's Rumble
Saviors of Uldum
This thread is dedicated to discussing the impact of these cards on the ARENA environment.
Click below to see how each of the Arena Mods rated the cards revealed so far!
You can read each Mod's detailed card evaluation by clicking on the links below.
Below you will find links for all of the cards that have been revealed so far.
Maybe i would like him in mage more.
I just realized that Queen of Pain is now basically Akasha from Dota lol :D
While your intentions are noble, the example you listed is a horrible one. Deleting resolved bug report threads or requests for a feature is a pretty bad idea. Leaving it up lets ppl know that the issue has been resolved or that we may already be considering (not) adding this feature etc., and can prevent from another thread on the same topic popping up from a user who might not have noticed that. Or it can be referenced, if the problem resurfaces etc.
I dont think we have that yet, but i agree there should be an option for it. I will add it to our list of requested features.
It would depend on the actions, but it is a very interesting idea. Problem could be if it would be a fun one. Punishing your opponent for playing minions or spells or something etc., the problem is, if it was too severe of a punishment (big reward), it wouldnt probably feel fair, but if it was just something small (reward), it wouldnt probably be worth wasting a deck slot and mulligan slot for it.
I think what they did now is ok, but your idea could definitely make for some interesting cards.
We have this in works, but will take us a little bit longer to implement it the way we want to.
Btw the current system rates it from left to right, so right most star = 5 stars ;-)
[Hearthstone Card (Ramkahen Roar) Not Found]
* = non-draftable cards
Saviors of Uldum is Hearthstone's twelfth expansion and is set to release on August 6, 2019.
New Keyword: Reborn - After a minion with Reborn dies for the first time, it gets resurrected at 1 Health.
Quests Are Back: - These Quests change your Hero Power. They will be removed from Arena drafting pool! Question is, if cards interacting with them will be too.
Plague Cards: The five villain classes (Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock and Warrior) all get a special plague card that can clear the board.
Arena: The cardpool availability will change to include the following sets:
This thread is dedicated to discussing the impact of these cards on the ARENA environment.
Click below to see how each of the Arena Mods rated the cards revealed so far!
You can read each Mod's detailed card evaluation by clicking on the links below.
Below you will find links for all of the cards that have been revealed so far.
This is a work in progress!