After another week I´ve hit lvl 90 with 90% achievements done (missing the 200 sigils, 600 Sermon buffs,100 rank spells, copying 5 secrets and building golems rank 2 and 3, since I don´t own the Kazakus). Got the coin and feel pretty much as h0lysatan above me, it´s getting quite boring. After hitting lvl 100 you got nothing to be excited for, just plain gold.
Anyway, where are you all? How far are you with your XP achievements? Which hero are you choosing this time? Any other thoughts? Let us know :)
Happy leveling all!
Im LVL 52 rn, seems like i havent moved much in two weeks from 35-ish. But that is fine, I dont play that much, mostly BGs every so often and doing Quests, so it goes about as well as expected considering.
Without the Tavern pass, it is kinda bare and you mostly just open gold rewards, and the occasional Year of pack or Tavern Ticket isnt that much exciting. The free legendary was nice tho, but not like it was my goal to rush it or anything. I dont mind the gold rewards in general, with the Hero Skins hitting shop for gold, iv spend a couple thousand gold on em already, so in a sense, that is my reward. I did like the golden cards, i like golden cards in general, more so the ones that generate another card, so that was cool.
I get that the Tavern Pass is the new way to monetize the game and you get extra bling, that is all fine, im ok with how the non-Tavern pass road looks, but it doesnt excite me, and it definitely does not keep me engaged to lvl up for some rewards down the road. I guess just knowing i will hit lvl100 eventually and will get to pick the skin is enough for me, if i had to actively play each day to be able to do that, in my position, i would probably just not do that, but would be bummed out about it. So like i said, nothing too exciting for me, but im fine with what im getting right now.
Not that it is bad no, but i would imagine with a limited deck space, you would want something more impactful. But i guess ping + 1/1 blocker is decent enough.
Wouldnt Thaurissan be a good card here? I feel like whenever you play BIG anything in Wild, why not include it? I guess Barnes might be argument against it, but at worse, you get an extra tick of reduction, no?:)
Are you aware that what you say is only true if you construct your deck in a very restrictive way? (spells only, no minions) Why do you simplify so much?
While factually true, there is too many spells that generate minions in the pool, so you are not that restricted in fact. Same way a Spell Hunter was actually dominating the board while not having any minions in the deck, there were just too damn many spells that generate minions. Mage isnt that far (yet), but it is quite close. You are definitely not not-playing minions as a Spell Mage these days.
The stats probably include time played in beta too, so not like these are stats for just one year, but nonetheless, impressive!
Yeah, no surprise that Elise is the most played champ at all :D I am a bit surprised that Vile Feast is tho, but maybe thats because it is the beginner spell we all started with and had it in our decks for a while, eh?
I get where you are coming from, but at the same time I think it is cool that those who got to the top can have some extra in-game bling to show for it, even long time after they might not be playing anymore, or at that level. It is just a nice commemorative item. I get you might want the card back too, and 'OCD' collectors will get crazy mad they can't have these, but I think its nice. And not like this is the first time there is a card back for competing in tournamets.
More windfury and menagerie action, im not sure i like that. The blood gems will actually make more impact as buffs than the blood gem synergy imho, but i guess we'll see. Very excited to play with the new tribe, and heroes, for sure.
Voljin i think will become a midgame powerhouse that will be able to transition into any strategy while keeping the stats on minions, or give good stats to weak minions with strong keywords, like the Spore, or any Divine Shield or Windfury guy, or Hydra. He will def be an interesting one to master.
Yeah, love her story, tho it seems like it is coming to an end. Dont see where she would go from a 10 mana 10/10 😁 that being said, she could become a champion eventually i suppose.
Good luck guys, i kinda forgot to make a card :D But iv seen a few i liked a lot! One note for future reference, if your submission needs more cards (tokens) than the prompt/submission form allows, maybe change your card. Just sayin :)
It is perfectly fine to only like certain streamers, and to not watch the event because your favorite one is not present. But consider this, Kripp is already a well established personality in the community, this would be just one more event for him, and would it be really that much "special" to see him in this for you than him streaming? Maybe, maybe not.
But another streamer might get a chance to shine and someone else might discover them and they could become their favorite streamer. Why not give a chance to "underdogs" on a platform like this? It is the perfect opportunity to do so. Kripp doing what he did actually supports this mindset, and if you like him, maybe you can consider seeing it from the other perspective too ;-)
Yes you could.
Im LVL 52 rn, seems like i havent moved much in two weeks from 35-ish. But that is fine, I dont play that much, mostly BGs every so often and doing Quests, so it goes about as well as expected considering.
Without the Tavern pass, it is kinda bare and you mostly just open gold rewards, and the occasional Year of pack or Tavern Ticket isnt that much exciting. The free legendary was nice tho, but not like it was my goal to rush it or anything. I dont mind the gold rewards in general, with the Hero Skins hitting shop for gold, iv spend a couple thousand gold on em already, so in a sense, that is my reward. I did like the golden cards, i like golden cards in general, more so the ones that generate another card, so that was cool.
I get that the Tavern Pass is the new way to monetize the game and you get extra bling, that is all fine, im ok with how the non-Tavern pass road looks, but it doesnt excite me, and it definitely does not keep me engaged to lvl up for some rewards down the road. I guess just knowing i will hit lvl100 eventually and will get to pick the skin is enough for me, if i had to actively play each day to be able to do that, in my position, i would probably just not do that, but would be bummed out about it. So like i said, nothing too exciting for me, but im fine with what im getting right now.
Not that it is bad no, but i would imagine with a limited deck space, you would want something more impactful. But i guess ping + 1/1 blocker is decent enough.
Not entirely excited about how Malphite was integrated, but I guess Landmark synergy is cool?
Wouldnt Thaurissan be a good card here? I feel like whenever you play BIG anything in Wild, why not include it? I guess Barnes might be argument against it, but at worse, you get an extra tick of reduction, no?:)
While factually true, there is too many spells that generate minions in the pool, so you are not that restricted in fact. Same way a Spell Hunter was actually dominating the board while not having any minions in the deck, there were just too damn many spells that generate minions. Mage isnt that far (yet), but it is quite close. You are definitely not not-playing minions as a Spell Mage these days.
The stats probably include time played in beta too, so not like these are stats for just one year, but nonetheless, impressive!
Yeah, no surprise that Elise is the most played champ at all :D I am a bit surprised that Vile Feast is tho, but maybe thats because it is the beginner spell we all started with and had it in our decks for a while, eh?
You are not the only one 😅 i thought it looked familiar, but i didnt make the connection until someone else pointed it out.
I get where you are coming from, but at the same time I think it is cool that those who got to the top can have some extra in-game bling to show for it, even long time after they might not be playing anymore, or at that level. It is just a nice commemorative item. I get you might want the card back too, and 'OCD' collectors will get crazy mad they can't have these, but I think its nice. And not like this is the first time there is a card back for competing in tournamets.
More windfury and menagerie action, im not sure i like that. The blood gems will actually make more impact as buffs than the blood gem synergy imho, but i guess we'll see. Very excited to play with the new tribe, and heroes, for sure.
Voljin i think will become a midgame powerhouse that will be able to transition into any strategy while keeping the stats on minions, or give good stats to weak minions with strong keywords, like the Spore, or any Divine Shield or Windfury guy, or Hydra. He will def be an interesting one to master.
Moved to Off-topic/Video Games.
Btw, the link leads to an empty folder, not sure if there isnt stuff yet, or maybe you didnt set it to public or something?
Yeah, love her story, tho it seems like it is coming to an end. Dont see where she would go from a 10 mana 10/10 😁 that being said, she could become a champion eventually i suppose.
Looking forward to new heroes :) And the new tribe, ofc!
Love the Thresh card, pretty cool use of Soul Fragments ;-)
Noxus playing Rock of Ages :D
Congratz! :)
Good luck guys, i kinda forgot to make a card :D But iv seen a few i liked a lot! One note for future reference, if your submission needs more cards (tokens) than the prompt/submission form allows, maybe change your card. Just sayin :)
It was a really good card. CG to the win, one more time!
Baron Geddon became a cool card again, when he got the Elemental tag and DK Jaina gave him Lifesteal :)
It is perfectly fine to only like certain streamers, and to not watch the event because your favorite one is not present. But consider this, Kripp is already a well established personality in the community, this would be just one more event for him, and would it be really that much "special" to see him in this for you than him streaming? Maybe, maybe not.
But another streamer might get a chance to shine and someone else might discover them and they could become their favorite streamer. Why not give a chance to "underdogs" on a platform like this? It is the perfect opportunity to do so. Kripp doing what he did actually supports this mindset, and if you like him, maybe you can consider seeing it from the other perspective too ;-)