I hate Murlocs, so this was thankfully a one-and-done. Protected my Scargil, dropped Megafin for 1-mana, and next turn dropped Old Murk-Eye with a wide board. Add a Heroic Strike and I abruptly ended the game with the full 30 damage.
Seems like a good update all around. "Play 3" instead of "Win 3" is a significant change; I occasionally rerolled them because I didn't want to spend so much time trying to win three games with a class I don't like.
It's not a bug: he just happened to only have one playable card at a time. If anything, you lucked out in a major way and punished his poor mulligan + card drawing.
I just finished a fight against him, and he had up to 4 possible options a couple times.
"There can only be one!" ...copy of each card in your deck. The movie is definitely the reason behind the name :D
It's also called a Singleton or Reno deck; Singleton is pretty self-explanatory, and Reno refers to Reno Jackson, the first Hearthstone card to employ the Highlander mechanic.
I've been playing a Quest Jade-C'Thun Shaman deck since I pulled Corrupt the Waters, and it has been entertaining so far. I think I might eventually drop the C'Thun package and start running more control-y stuff like you're doin'; it pains me to admit it, but C'Thun just can't keep up.
What was the point of this maneuver by Hearthpwn? It was really weird because as I understood, outofcards was supposed to become a replacement for Hearthpwn, but now we have two forums with low activity.
The original purpose of Hearthstation Out of Cards *was* to become a replacement for Hearthpwn, as we had known for a while that it was shutting down. Flux wanted to purchase Hearthpwn so he and the rest of us could keep it alive, but he was denied the opportunity. We learned after-the-fact that Hearthpwn would survive under new, completely different management. By then Out of Cards was already under way; hence the two websites/forums.
Trust me/us, it was not intentional that we would split the community :/
The question now is: when the refund drops, do I dust Barnes to make a Legendary I actually want to use, or do I keep him and maintain the integrity of the Karazhan set I paid money for?
Honestly disappointed that Quest Druid is moving towards Malygos and combo plays; I'd rather play the Choose One-heavy value deck that Blizzard intended :(
I'm one of the aforementioned Quest Druids lel; been using the deck recipe for now. When I'm not playing that I too have used Whizbang...and gotten the Quest Druid again.
I've been running into a disappointing number of Token Druids and other old decks, even in Casual. "I'm gonna take advantage of people experimenting by playing the same stuff I know is good." Sounds like a winning strategy, to be fair, but it's disheartening :(
I cannot speak for everyone, but I personally don't like it when people post images that would blatantly never make it into Hearthstone. I only post when I see an image I like that could conceivably be on a card.
Must be a spell with some other form of stat-stealing/draining effect. Not Lifesteal. The image should fit if you zoom in; I've used it myself.
Pretty standard game until turn-8, when I ramped up significantly. Kathrena's death -> Oondasta -> Charged Devilsaur + King Krush from hand was a sudden blast of damage they were ill-equipped to deal with.
Disappointed Lissandra wasn't part of the original Freljord lineup :( Leona and Lissandra are my favorite champs.
I bought Alleria and don't regret it, despite the price *shrugs* She's my favorite skin.
I hate Murlocs, so this was thankfully a one-and-done. Protected my Scargil, dropped Megafin for 1-mana, and next turn dropped Old Murk-Eye with a wide board. Add a Heroic Strike and I abruptly ended the game with the full 30 damage.
Seems like a good update all around. "Play 3" instead of "Win 3" is a significant change; I occasionally rerolled them because I didn't want to spend so much time trying to win three games with a class I don't like.
It's not a bug: he just happened to only have one playable card at a time. If anything, you lucked out in a major way and punished his poor mulligan + card drawing.
I just finished a fight against him, and he had up to 4 possible options a couple times.
"There can only be one!" ...copy of each card in your deck. The movie is definitely the reason behind the name :D
It's also called a Singleton or Reno deck; Singleton is pretty self-explanatory, and Reno refers to Reno Jackson, the first Hearthstone card to employ the Highlander mechanic.
I've been playing a Quest Jade-C'Thun Shaman deck since I pulled Corrupt the Waters, and it has been entertaining so far. I think I might eventually drop the C'Thun package and start running more control-y stuff like you're doin'; it pains me to admit it, but C'Thun just can't keep up.
The original purpose of Hearthstation Out of Cards *was* to become a replacement for Hearthpwn, as we had known for a while that it was shutting down. Flux wanted to purchase Hearthpwn so he and the rest of us could keep it alive, but he was denied the opportunity. We learned after-the-fact that Hearthpwn would survive under new, completely different management. By then Out of Cards was already under way; hence the two websites/forums.
Trust me/us, it was not intentional that we would split the community :/
The question now is: when the refund drops, do I dust Barnes to make a Legendary I actually want to use, or do I keep him and maintain the integrity of the Karazhan set I paid money for?
Honestly disappointed that Quest Druid is moving towards Malygos and combo plays; I'd rather play the Choose One-heavy value deck that Blizzard intended :(
Still no fix on Vulpera Scoundrel's text. Surely someone has mentioned it to them...
You're Frost Lich Jaina: you can win this haha
We go to http://hearthcards.net/ ...for now, anyway. We'd like to see our own card creator here at Out of Cards eventually.
I've been playing a lot of Quest Druid, and my favorite card currently is Oasis Surger. Two 5/5s with Rush for 5 mana is fantastic value.
I'm one of the aforementioned Quest Druids lel; been using the deck recipe for now. When I'm not playing that I too have used Whizbang...and gotten the Quest Druid again.
I've been running into a disappointing number of Token Druids and other old decks, even in Casual. "I'm gonna take advantage of people experimenting by playing the same stuff I know is good." Sounds like a winning strategy, to be fair, but it's disheartening :(
I've been using the Druid-Quest deck recipe for now, so I look forward to seeing how people improve upon it.
I cannot speak for everyone, but I personally don't like it when people post images that would blatantly never make it into Hearthstone. I only post when I see an image I like that could conceivably be on a card.
Must be a spell with some other form of stat-stealing/draining effect. Not Lifesteal. The image should fit if you zoom in; I've used it myself.
I won with a Kathrena Hunter:
Pretty standard game until turn-8, when I ramped up significantly. Kathrena's death -> Oondasta -> Charged Devilsaur + King Krush from hand was a sudden blast of damage they were ill-equipped to deal with.
If you want to be really technical, Jade Spirit was the first Druid elemental. It just also happens to be a Rogue and Shaman card.
The stream worked on me, as my interest in the expansion increased after watching it. I wasn't on board originally, but I'm comin' around.