First off, female members of the Silver Hand exist: Justicar Julia Celeste is one of their main leaders, while Commander Ansela is a teacher and "grizzled war veteran". Stands to reason that there are female Silver Hand Recruits. This "forced change" would merely be a reflection of the truth.
Second, despite your "Won't Someone Think of the Children?!" pearl-clutching, the truth of the world is that there is a whole spectrum of people out there beyond what is deemed the "normal", heterosexual mindset. If the art and flavor of a card allows for two individuals kissing, then making them both female (or both male) is perfectly acceptable. Recognizing reality and accepting it is part of how we grow as a civilization - yes, even the children. If we want to make change, we need to implement laws *and* change the way we develop future generations, so they don't turn into prejudiced jerks that perpetuate the status quo that is actively hurting people. If the current generation of lawmakers won't see reason, then we write them off and focus our efforts on cultivating the next one.
I'm not sure how to evaluate this one, but I don't feel like she is great. The bigger the hand the more impact it has, theoretically, but if they can "chain" the left-most or right-most like you can chain regular Outcast, then really all you're doing is messing up the order they play stuff in. As in, if they play the left-most card and now can play the new left-most card, you haven't locked them out of playing XYZ; they'll just play it ZXY or however it falls in their hand. Could be important against Combos, sure, but if they're just tempo-ing or dumping their hand it might not mean much.
Edit: Okay, thinking about it more, my real concern is the lack of a middle-ground. Either you lock them out like Brandon suggested above me, or you more-or-less whiff on it and they play their cards. Either-way, I'm not happy with this taking up a Legendary slot.
*shrugs* More disruption is more disruption, but did it need to exist and take up a Legendary?
October was always going to be a five week season: we've seen them move season starts to the second Tuesday before, and they're on record saying that some seasons will be five weeks to stay in line with the months.
Ah, okay, must have missed that information. Still kinda weird, but they have their reasons...
Hasn't dampened my enthusiasm to play Snap, by the by. Just found it to be an odd decision. The drama with the Nexus Events hurt, but they ultimately made the right choice there (i.e: burn that bitch to the ground lol). Perhaps this could still be my new card game of choice, given my diminishing opinion of Hearthstone.
Congratulations to R, our final winner of Season 5!
Don't fret, we'll be back before you know it. In the mean time, I suggest looking into other custom projects in-and-around OutofCards: give feedback, leave some likes, and/or maybe start making a custom class or expansion of your own! I would also provide feedback to us, regarding how we run the competitions. You can do so here. We're hoping this is our opportunity to make some changes, after passing on it a couple times now. Let us know if there's anything you'd like to see different...including perhaps how we can acquire more people to compete with lol.
Too late now, I guess, but I would have made the global release day coincide with a new month/Season. Just set it for November 1st: the rewards from October aren't going anywhere - they get added to the various Pools later on - and we don't have to deal with an add-on week to compensate. Is November now going to be a 3-week Season to reset the timeline, will it overlap with the October Season, or will all Seasons from now on be pushed a little outside their month?
Seems like a situation that could have been easily avoided. Everyone clamoring for the game would have to wait two more weeks, sure, but it's still earlier than most expected and I don't think anyone would have seen the November 1st start-date and been upset. "Okay, starts with the new Season; that makes sense." As it is now a fifth week of October's Season still has new players behind the 8-ball, as they only have roughly three weeks to work toward the pass instead of a full month like normal.
Wouldn't have been an issue at all if-not for the battle-pass system in place, but I digress.
Got around to reading the Firefly books I mentioned eight months ago: had them for when work laid me up. Now I'm just waiting on the third book of the His Dark Materials sequel trilogy to arrive.
Slap on the wrist for Questline Hunter, while Kael'thas Sinstrider takes a bullet to the face. I'm fine with everything else, but those two were frustrating to see. At least they didn't needlessly gut Sire Denathrius. I guess Brann Bronzebeard + Denathrius will be relegated to just the Druid, now.
I definitely prefer this over the other version, and I like it more than the Warlock Hero card. Replacing Secrets is a nice touch, to differentiate it from just being a Mage-esque Reno Jackson.
Something like this better? Not sure about the Combo, but if it means he can stay a 3/3/2 maybe it's fine. I don't want him to be too expensive.
The phrase "from the start of last turn" means Fenek is designed such-that you combo the previous turn, get it back from Fenek, then combo again the turn after him. The balance-check would be that you need three full turns to combo twice, with a "down" turn in the middle.
Using "from the end of last turn" instead means you prepared the combo for *this* turn, and Fenek is used at the end of the sequence to recover the pieces. You could then theoretically combo two turns in a row, but you must hedge 3 Mana off the top to use Fenek.
Cutting into the combo's Mana-consumption to save for Fenek sounds less fun, so I'm sticking with "start" unless someone changes my mind.
Show Spoiler
R - This is a great idea. I would do as Aero suggested: take the art from the first Keeper but use the "refresh" text from the second. Could definitely see this winning.
AeroJulwin - Unless I'm reading it wrong, this seems like a toxic card. R makes a good comparison to Doomsayer, but also it feels wrong if you can defend it behind Taunts or with Freezes; especially the latter, as it will reset the Freezes you did, thus making it way easier to lock them out a la Brilliant Macaw + Snowfall Guardian.
Moondreamer - I think "end of turn" effects need to be played with more, so this could be a fun possibility. But I agree with the others that the name is off-kilter with the flavor, and the Cost + draw effect is too enticing to ignore. Just a thought, but what if this was a DH card instead? Shaman has more End of Turn triggers by-way of existing longer, but this could be right at home with the Big Demons Priestess of Fury, Ancient Void Hound and Pit Commander. Plus the class received some "performance" flavor from Madness at the Darkmoon Faire, so it wouldn't come out of nowhere if this was in their Mini-Set to tie them all together.
BasilAnguis - I think this is a messy card :/ It would need to be Legendary to avoid double-Loops, and probably shouldn't cost 5 or more so Grey Sage Parrot can't replay it for absurd time-fuckery. It's a big headache waiting to be had, all-in-all…
Wailor - "Commission" is spelled with two Ms :P Regardless, I think I like Living Paradox the most.
Demonxz95 - I gave my thoughts on the Cartomancer, so just want to say that I prefer it over the Satyr. The Cartomancer is much more interesting.
Leona being my favorite champion - despite my icon suggesting otherwise - I would be extremely happy right now if I still played the game lol
First off, female members of the Silver Hand exist: Justicar Julia Celeste is one of their main leaders, while Commander Ansela is a teacher and "grizzled war veteran". Stands to reason that there are female Silver Hand Recruits. This "forced change" would merely be a reflection of the truth.
Second, despite your "Won't Someone Think of the Children?!" pearl-clutching, the truth of the world is that there is a whole spectrum of people out there beyond what is deemed the "normal", heterosexual mindset. If the art and flavor of a card allows for two individuals kissing, then making them both female (or both male) is perfectly acceptable. Recognizing reality and accepting it is part of how we grow as a civilization - yes, even the children. If we want to make change, we need to implement laws *and* change the way we develop future generations, so they don't turn into prejudiced jerks that perpetuate the status quo that is actively hurting people. If the current generation of lawmakers won't see reason, then we write them off and focus our efforts on cultivating the next one.
Habeas Corpses would go great in my N'Zoth Warlock deck I haven't played in years lol
I'd rather it didn't exist at all, is my point :P
I'm not sure how to evaluate this one, but I don't feel like she is great. The bigger the hand the more impact it has, theoretically, but if they can "chain" the left-most or right-most like you can chain regular Outcast, then really all you're doing is messing up the order they play stuff in. As in, if they play the left-most card and now can play the new left-most card, you haven't locked them out of playing XYZ; they'll just play it ZXY or however it falls in their hand. Could be important against Combos, sure, but if they're just tempo-ing or dumping their hand it might not mean much.
Edit: Okay, thinking about it more, my real concern is the lack of a middle-ground. Either you lock them out like Brandon suggested above me, or you more-or-less whiff on it and they play their cards. Either-way, I'm not happy with this taking up a Legendary slot.
*shrugs* More disruption is more disruption, but did it need to exist and take up a Legendary?
Interesting time to be introducing more Secret-hate. Guess we're hedging our bets against the upcoming Mage and Rogue cards?
Windshear Stormcaller, upon seeing Totemic Evidence: "Okay, hear me out..."
Went into Casual with a Control Shaman (threw out Kael for Noz). Procced just once - against a Priest - but I won all three so that's nice.
Ah, okay, must have missed that information. Still kinda weird, but they have their reasons...
Hasn't dampened my enthusiasm to play Snap, by the by. Just found it to be an odd decision. The drama with the Nexus Events hurt, but they ultimately made the right choice there (i.e: burn that bitch to the ground lol). Perhaps this could still be my new card game of choice, given my diminishing opinion of Hearthstone.
Congratulations to R, our final winner of Season 5!
Don't fret, we'll be back before you know it. In the mean time, I suggest looking into other custom projects in-and-around OutofCards: give feedback, leave some likes, and/or maybe start making a custom class or expansion of your own! I would also provide feedback to us, regarding how we run the competitions. You can do so here. We're hoping this is our opportunity to make some changes, after passing on it a couple times now. Let us know if there's anything you'd like to see different...including perhaps how we can acquire more people to compete with lol.
Hopefully we'll see you all for Season 6 :)
Too late now, I guess, but I would have made the global release day coincide with a new month/Season. Just set it for November 1st: the rewards from October aren't going anywhere - they get added to the various Pools later on - and we don't have to deal with an add-on week to compensate. Is November now going to be a 3-week Season to reset the timeline, will it overlap with the October Season, or will all Seasons from now on be pushed a little outside their month?
Seems like a situation that could have been easily avoided. Everyone clamoring for the game would have to wait two more weeks, sure, but it's still earlier than most expected and I don't think anyone would have seen the November 1st start-date and been upset. "Okay, starts with the new Season; that makes sense." As it is now a fifth week of October's Season still has new players behind the 8-ball, as they only have roughly three weeks to work toward the pass instead of a full month like normal.
Wouldn't have been an issue at all if-not for the battle-pass system in place, but I digress.
Good luck to our future finalists!
8.5 hours left to submit! Remember that this is the last prompt of Season 5, so get in while you can :D
Got around to reading the Firefly books I mentioned eight months ago: had them for when work laid me up. Now I'm just waiting on the third book of the His Dark Materials sequel trilogy to arrive.
Nope, you're not alone: I still have it as well :/
Yay, we can finally move on from the "yo but when does it come out?" phase and truly enter into the "grrr I hate this game 'cause (X)" phase lol
Also I think that was Awkwafina talking in the trailer.
Slap on the wrist for Questline Hunter, while Kael'thas Sinstrider takes a bullet to the face. I'm fine with everything else, but those two were frustrating to see. At least they didn't needlessly gut Sire Denathrius. I guess Brann Bronzebeard + Denathrius will be relegated to just the Druid, now.
I definitely prefer this over the other version, and I like it more than the Warlock Hero card. Replacing Secrets is a nice touch, to differentiate it from just being a Mage-esque Reno Jackson.
As someone who just bought and started Elden Ring yesterday, that sounds extremely difficult D:
Something like this better? Not sure about the Combo, but if it means he can stay a 3/3/2 maybe it's fine. I don't want him to be too expensive.
Cutting into the combo's Mana-consumption to save for Fenek sounds less fun, so I'm sticking with "start" unless someone changes my mind.
R - This is a great idea. I would do as Aero suggested: take the art from the first Keeper but use the "refresh" text from the second. Could definitely see this winning.
AeroJulwin - Unless I'm reading it wrong, this seems like a toxic card. R makes a good comparison to Doomsayer, but also it feels wrong if you can defend it behind Taunts or with Freezes; especially the latter, as it will reset the Freezes you did, thus making it way easier to lock them out a la Brilliant Macaw + Snowfall Guardian.
Moondreamer - I think "end of turn" effects need to be played with more, so this could be a fun possibility. But I agree with the others that the name is off-kilter with the flavor, and the Cost + draw effect is too enticing to ignore. Just a thought, but what if this was a DH card instead? Shaman has more End of Turn triggers by-way of existing longer, but this could be right at home with the Big Demons Priestess of Fury, Ancient Void Hound and Pit Commander. Plus the class received some "performance" flavor from Madness at the Darkmoon Faire, so it wouldn't come out of nowhere if this was in their Mini-Set to tie them all together.
BasilAnguis - I think this is a messy card :/ It would need to be Legendary to avoid double-Loops, and probably shouldn't cost 5 or more so Grey Sage Parrot can't replay it for absurd time-fuckery. It's a big headache waiting to be had, all-in-all…
Wailor - "Commission" is spelled with two Ms :P Regardless, I think I like Living Paradox the most.
Demonxz95 - I gave my thoughts on the Cartomancer, so just want to say that I prefer it over the Satyr. The Cartomancer is much more interesting.