Love the flavor but giving your opponents coins is always dangerous. I would think of using Mailbox Dancer so I'd get the coin first rather than the other way around even for that extra coin.
I don't think this is as bad as people think. SI:7 Extortion > SI:7 Skulker > [Hearthstone Card (SI:7 Opperative) Not Found] or SI:7 Agent this becomes a 4 mana 6/6. Not the strongest of the SI:7 cards but still decent on curve, especially pushing the quest or as a late game bomb.
2/5 is a good minion and triggers the self harm Warlock synergies. Seems real good.
Tamsin's Dreadsteed
I mean, cool. I like dreadsteed as a card. Not sure what I'm gonna do with it but still, free sacrifice outlet. Cool.
Very nice board clear and a body. Will be a stable in Handlock for sure.
Simple tutor. Probably not played but with Wandmaker, this is a great find.
Decent overload pay off. Getting extra minions out of your cards is strong, especially with taunt.
Strong lifesteal minion. Good high damage, unlikely to survive but still a good heal/removal.
Still think Whack-A-Gnoll Hammer is better. However this isn't bad. Discounts are always strong.
Great overload payoff. Especially good with the Questline completed. Good finisher for that deck.
Nice battle cry and elemental. Hitting deck too is great. This could be strong.
Interesting Questline. I like the gizmos mostly but randomness of getting them worries me. Will be fun to try and I like the SI:7 tribe idea.
Love the flavor but giving your opponents coins is always dangerous. I would think of using Mailbox Dancer so I'd get the coin first rather than the other way around even for that extra coin.
Seems good for early tempo and questline completion. SI:7 Agent may be better but not a bad card.
I don't think this is as bad as people think. SI:7 Extortion > SI:7 Skulker > [Hearthstone Card (SI:7 Opperative) Not Found] or SI:7 Agent this becomes a 4 mana 6/6. Not the strongest of the SI:7 cards but still decent on curve, especially pushing the quest or as a late game bomb.
Tradeable backstab. Interesting and an SI:7 card.
Combo card that discounts itself and kills something. Should be good.
Really interesting and unique card. Would love to give this a try and see how it works.
Good draw to help the Shadow deck come together.
Shadow Priest needed some solid face damage. This having Lifesteal to keep you topped up is a good bonus.
Could be real interesting. Helping hold off aggression while pinging the opponent down.
Love this card, also good with Rally! with the 1 drop. Could build some explosive turns.