That's a lot of stats for a 1 drop. Delayed but still. Good future refill. I'll expiriment with this guy, though I think the no minion version will be stronger.
Notice it doesn't say that it gains attack "this turn" so that's permanent. This guy could be very good.
I was going to say without giving this minion Rush it will just get traded into. But that's a great point Pezman, it doesn't say "this turn". Facinating. Still think it may be on the slow side but it could get big easily then. Might be stronger than I thought.
This can be real strong. With all the discounts going around DH right now this will be 1 mana a lot of the time. I'd say it's stronger than Eye Beam in a Questline deck.
Rogue has a lot of draw. However if one or two good cheap deathrattle gets printed this would see play. As it stands not sure what I'd want to trigger with this yet.
Seems like you draw too much of your deck for the reward to be rewarding. Maybe I'm wrong though, the discounts are strong, especially when combined with Skull. Could have some powerful turns with real cheap stuff.
I actually like them better than original Quests. Giving rewards for each part is nice. 1 mana discover a card from my deck in 3 turns, Seek Guidance, is nice. Even if I don't finish the quest, that's not a bad result. Lost in the Park doesn't have the flashiest reward. However if you play it on one, hero power on two, coin Park Panther on 3 and you already have 5 armor (6 with hp) plus the panther and hero attacks you've killed 2 minions. That's a big swing early facing a more aggressive opponent.
There is a lot more to evaluate on these than just hitting that end reward. I think that makes them interesting if not good already. I'll have to see how the rest come out but I'm definitely excited by them.
Probably best in duals with the deathrattle hero power. Otherwise seems to slow for standard. Maybe finds a spot in wild with all the deathrattle trigger effects Hunter has.
Hunter draw is always nice but probably slow. Maybe a token deck.
Spell Token druid is going to use this for sure. Definitely going to be strong at least as a 1 of along side Fungal Fortunes.
That's a lot of stats for a 1 drop. Delayed but still. Good future refill. I'll expiriment with this guy, though I think the no minion version will be stronger.
I was going to say without giving this minion Rush it will just get traded into. But that's a great point Pezman, it doesn't say "this turn". Facinating. Still think it may be on the slow side but it could get big easily then. Might be stronger than I thought.
I think this will fit into spell only tokens real easily. A 1 mana 2/2 is great and the + attack is a nice additional finisher if needed.
1 mana is easy enough to work into a turn. With all the Fel synergy stuff going on in DH already this will be good.
Nice finisher or early clear if needed. Repeatable with Jace. This fill find a spot for sure.
Not a bad "big" demon. Reduces it's own cost already and DH has a lot of draw. I can see this coming down for 4ish often enough to be decent.
Not great but not awful. Polluting the Wandmaker card pool it seems.
This can be real strong. With all the discounts going around DH right now this will be 1 mana a lot of the time. I'd say it's stronger than Eye Beam in a Questline deck.
This will hit surprisingly hard at least once. Could be strong depending on how the new Anti-weapon viper does.
Looks like a great card. Even ignoring the discount. Perfect fit for a Jace/fel power deck.
Rogue has a lot of draw. However if one or two good cheap deathrattle gets printed this would see play. As it stands not sure what I'd want to trigger with this yet.
Seems like you draw too much of your deck for the reward to be rewarding. Maybe I'm wrong though, the discounts are strong, especially when combined with Skull. Could have some powerful turns with real cheap stuff.
Interesting. This could make a lot of tokens. I'm just not sure what you do with them yet.
Not a bad card even without the rush. Getting that though really makes this stand out. Solid card for sure.
I actually like them better than original Quests. Giving rewards for each part is nice. 1 mana discover a card from my deck in 3 turns, Seek Guidance, is nice. Even if I don't finish the quest, that's not a bad result. Lost in the Park doesn't have the flashiest reward. However if you play it on one, hero power on two, coin Park Panther on 3 and you already have 5 armor (6 with hp) plus the panther and hero attacks you've killed 2 minions. That's a big swing early facing a more aggressive opponent.
There is a lot more to evaluate on these than just hitting that end reward. I think that makes them interesting if not good already. I'll have to see how the rest come out but I'm definitely excited by them.
Probably best in duals with the deathrattle hero power. Otherwise seems to slow for standard. Maybe finds a spot in wild with all the deathrattle trigger effects Hunter has.
Less flashy than the other questlines, but I still think this can be a strong finisher depending on other "hero attack" support this expansion.
Interesting removal/frenzy synergy. I can't wait to play with this.