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Winter Whisperer
Joined 07/19/2019 Achieve Points 1040 Posts 634

Synnr7's Comments

  • Synnr7's Avatar
    Winter Whisperer 1040 634 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Probably too slow for current DH however an interesting combination of effects.  Could see play in the future.

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    Winter Whisperer 1040 634 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Interesting. Might find a home in Deathrattle Demon Hunter. Maybe in some other spots too as a 3/2 rush is good. Also a beast for N'zoth. 

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    Winter Whisperer 1040 634 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Too expensive and hunter has better options for poisonous/destroy effects.

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    Winter Whisperer 1040 634 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Statwise it seems strong but I'm not sure that's what Demon Hunter wants right now. No rush, no deathrattle. Not sure it has a home. Maybe wild for a token style deck to feed into Nethrandamus.

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    Winter Whisperer 1040 634 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    I love this card, fun effect. Could be used in some combo if late game weapons become a thing again. Still may be too slow. Perhaps if there was ever a shuffle card for weapons maybe.

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    Winter Whisperer 1040 634 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Love the picks. I agree with them all this time.

    Un'Goro -  Elise the Trailblazer is definitely the right call. But my favorite card from that set was Ozruk! Loved trying to get him to work and swapping his attack and health for a big swing.

    Knights - The Lich King is obviously the best choice. Though I can dream of a Bolvar, Fireblood just for that amazing art!

    Kobolds- King Togwaggle was going to be my choice but I forgot The Darkness existed. Now I need that in Diamond. Marin the Fox with a diamond treasure chest was also on my mind.

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    Winter Whisperer 1040 634 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Strong card especially for Celestial Alignment. Not sure she fits anywhere else currently. I like the concept of rewarding Spell Schools but just straight discounts maybe too strong.

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    Winter Whisperer 1040 634 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Mana discounts are always useful. I am sure he'll find play somewhere but I don't think he's strong enough for both Taunt and beast decks to want him. The discount is his strong point so a big beast/ramp deck will probably pick him up.

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    Winter Whisperer 1040 634 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Exotic Mountseller was good, I expect this to be as well. Despite it being only nature spells and more expensive (new card discounts it though). This will still see play and be strong. May need a few more nature spells but it will take off.

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    Winter Whisperer 1040 634 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Weird form of disruption. We had similar before in Warlock and I don't remember it seeing much play. I assume the same here. Just weakening the 1 mana pool for Rogues.

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    Winter Whisperer 1040 634 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Old Gods - Really we have to do C'Thun. Other than that Yogg-Saron, Hope's End is a great second. Honestly if they had the time I'd love to see all Old Gods done. Completing the achievement let you pick one for free and unlocked the rest in the store for a few bucks. You'd still have to have the achievement done but would be a nice offer to let people grab more than one if they wished while still letting those get their reward of their favorite god.

    Karahzan- I still am not sure they'd make these for adventures but I certainly wouldn't mind a Medivh, the Guardian diamond.

    Gadgetzan - I again would love to see the 3 crime lords done with one free and the rest as purchaseable if desired after achievement is complete. Still maybe too much work. I'd pick Mayor Noggenfogger as my set representative. Wrathion would also be awesome to see despite his lack of usefulness. I just love that art.

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    Winter Whisperer 1040 634 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    I was actually comparing dmf and barrens to Scholomance and Outland. It's strange I've opened less or equal but own more in comparison thanks to the many free legendaries and the mini set buyout price.

    Without opening packs or spending money you can get 3 legendaries. The preview one (Vol'jin in Barrens) then Mankrik at the start of the new track and a free random one later. If you buy the track Samaro is another addition. You also get a lot of free packs and such along the rewards track, though they are not always the new set.

    Now that said I also understand the disillusionment with pack openings. The Commons and rares are almost always 100% owned quickly. This leaves us with only the epics and Legendaries to look forward too. Both usually have vital significance to deck construction. Without hitting them the packs feel worthless.

    I have loved most of what Blizzard has done for packs with protection and first 10 garentee on legendary. They've really mad improvements. Still this is an issue and something that does lead to players looking elsewhere. Two improvements they could do would be dust system revamp or at least increasing the chance of golden cards as you complete the set. For the dust system legendaries are too expensive making the 40 dust you get feel insignificant. The cost should get reevaluated to make those empty packs feel more meaningful toward the crafting of your next legendary. Goldens on the other hand should come quicker once I own say all the Commons, golden commons apear more often of that set. Same for each rarity. 

    These aren't perfect and I'm on my phone so limited typing. But these would be nice future improvements for the game.


    In reply to My Packs
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    Winter Whisperer 1040 634 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Now that's draw. 2 cards almost garenteed. Not being an elemental herself does break early synergy but I can see this being used to pull rockbiter and Alakir to set up for a strong finisher. Definitely will see play.

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    Winter Whisperer 1040 634 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Draw is always good. Sadly mage doesn't want minions right now. Wildfire mage being the exception. Still good but probably not hitting the bonus in that deck.

    Mage has a lot of spell types. To focus on frost when so much got removed in the Core change is strange. Eventually there may be a dedicated frost deck but not yet.

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    Winter Whisperer 1040 634 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    This is tough. It's a good card but may currently get out classes by Scorpid. Still though a welcome effect. Maybe if a strong holy spell gets printed or a more aggro priest comes up this could find a home. Draw is always good.

    Wild I think Reno decks my adapt this. Draw is precious there and even if the cost reduction wiffs it's still a nice early play.

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    Winter Whisperer 1040 634 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Fun and flavorful card.

    Strong effect and people will hate it. However it is slow and unimpactful in an immediate sense. as others have said feels better in control V control match ups.

    I am sure peoe are wishing Jaraxxus was still a minion right now.

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    Winter Whisperer 1040 634 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    It is a stop gap for sure. However these meta shake ups (as well as buffs/nerfs) help to keep things fresh. I'd rather see new cards added to the pool to shake things up than nerfs if possible. Minisets are definitely a minor change and won't compete with a full set release. Still the meta shifts.

    Races did a good job of pushing things (even if they didn't all get there). Some of the cards were strong. This set may turn out to be lackluster and not change a thing however. That is a risk. But without seeing the cards yet I'll hold off. This meta definitely is in need of a change and I believe the potential is there. Minsets do have that power.

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    Winter Whisperer 1040 634 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Demon Hunter: I can see a Sigil, however I think this is a year long (or longer) thing. So we'll see 1 or 2 each set I think. For what I hope for Deathrattle stuff. The N'zoth change pushed a menagerie deck to my surprise. Deathrattle however feels like it's so close. I enjoy it a lot in wild and just needs another card or two to polish it off.

    Druid: Taunt is also pretty close. Plaguemaw is just slow. We need a Rush or even Stealth (seriously) Taunt card to pair with this to get proper value. Obviously rush is better but I fear they'd have to give it low attack because of Plaguemaw and it would be undesireable. A Stealth one would let us at least set up a turn to set a minion, then play Plaguemaw the next turn and trade for value. Beast is also in a weird spot. Living Seed could use a good target. Perhaps a card that shuffles in a beast, similar to a prime. Something we want to target with Living Seed later in the game or to combo with the discount.

    Hunter: I like your idea. A Knight of the Wild type rush beast is just what Tavish needs to make a powerful turn.

    Mage: Mage needs minions. No-minion is still going strong so some incentive to play a minion or two would give them a different path. Either freeze or elemental or both. 

    Paladin: They have been fairly aggressive since Core/Barrens. I'd love to see them pushed a bit slower. Something to pair with Commencement or a pay off for Recruits dying over the course of the game rather than throwing them at face.

    Priest: Either need a bit push card for a more aggressive style or maybe a few more early deathrattles for Rally!? Maybe even just some watchpost support to make that a thing. It's really in a strange spot.

    Rogue: Love Shek'zara. Would be fun to find a slower shuffle strategy with her and some new cards to get Rogue a different style deck.

    Shaman: Draw would be great, maybe draw that focuses on Murlocs or Elementals. Or a way to reload the deck with spells to make sure Prime Vash has some nice targets late game for a final push. You draw her so late you've either won or don't have the reach left in the deck to make it there. She'd be a nice set up tool for a later game Bru'khan.

    Warlock: Love to see a token deck take off. Control has a ton of tools over the last year. The Core set kind of sealed it as THE control deck for the year. That's fine. Pushing token a bit to set up for maybe a more aggressive future set would be great for variety sake.

    Warrior: Give me Frenzy or give me Death! The frenzy cards are all over the place. Some aggressive some more controlling. I'd love to see it pushed in the control style just to have something contend with Warlock. But in either direction it's just a fun mechanic. 

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    Winter Whisperer 1040 634 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Love seeing Vanessa VanCleef get some love. Been playing around with her when I can. Feels real fun and can offer some surprise lethal situations. One of my favorite cards from Core21.

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    Winter Whisperer 1040 634 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Cool skin. Gold cost too is nice. Between LuBu and Rokara I think I'm set on my warrior skins but if the mini set wasn't coming soon(tm) I'd pay the gold cost no doubt.

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