Highlander dragon mage rides the value train at full Speed. You can both clear and generate big boards. The new malygos is bonkers. Alexstrasza is totally broken. Sometimes you even get a second Ally for 0 mana!
I would bet that this deck will see play in the future. Not that easy to optimize but we will get there.
Unpopular oppinion: Pure galakrond shaman is stronger than quest-galakrond shaman! You easily push them off the board. Same thing with pirate warrior
I actually agree with you about Shaman. With Quest is fun, but the 2 playstyles clash a bit. I'm going for full Galakrond token next:
Faceless Corruptor is broken (save you extra copies of this one lads. This card is going to get nerfed. 10/8 in stats on T5 is ridiculous. If your opponent leaves a single minion on the board for you on T4, the game is over)
Nithogg is probably going to receive the axe very quickly. If the eggs hatched normally as well if broken by the opponent, it would be good. But I played him in both my games (with double battlecry) and not a single egg hatched. UPDATE: I finally had eggs hatch, and it was game ending. If your opponent can't clear the eggs, you basically win. Plus he is a good Mutate target.
If possible, try turn into Galakrond BEFORE completing Corrupt the Waters. Double Battlecry is a much more powerful HP to have. Even games that I have drawn him, I didn't use him. Invoking Galakrond is an amazing way to maintain board control.
Dragon's Pack is very powerful, but so far, I think it's good at running only 1 copy.
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 5 years, 2 months ago
After a couple of games, I can say this deck is a lot of fun. Needs some refinement, but I am enjoying it greatly. I will have more time to play and test later today. (DAMN YOU CAPITALISM FOR MAKING ME WORK!!)
First thoughts after a couple of games
Faceless Corruptor is broken (save you extra copies of this one lads. This card is going to get nerfed. 10/8 in stats on T5 is ridiculous. If your opponent leaves a single minion on the board for you on T4, the game is over)
Nithogg is probably going to receive the axe very quickly. If the eggs hatched normally as well if broken by the opponent, it would be good. But I played him in both my games (with double battlecry) and not a single egg hatched. UPDATE: I finally had eggs hatch, and it was game ending. If your opponent can't clear the eggs, you basically win.
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 5 years, 2 months ago
Nine Lives is definitely one to experiment with. However in this version of the deck, I think it will be unnecessary. This version is more tempo/face oriented. Controlling the board through mechs and having additional face damage through deathrattles with the potential to OTK if needed.
But I absolutely see the potential benefits it could bring. Not only with some additional face damage, but additional card draw through Ursatron, or removal through Spider Bomb.
Thanks for you thoughts! I will add Nine Lives to the list of possible changes.
Crafting will actually be even harder if they are going to release 35 new standard legal cards later on.....
I'm guessing that isn't going to happen this expansion. I'm thinking something more along the lines for the Mech event when we got SN1P-SN4P. But that's just pure speculation at this point.
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 5 years, 2 months ago
It's too bad Dinomancy isn't in Standard anymore. Now there's a useless HP to give to your opponent. Still, something to mess around with in Wild for the memes. Thanks for the inspiration!
I find it funny that every single post upset by the lack of compensation for the people who already owned Tyrande is getting downvoted into oblivion. Here, on Reddit, everywhere. You have to add a 'I'm glad you guys are getting her too' disclaimer to any post that touches this subject or else you're just gonna get spammed with red arrows. I think this shows how small of a minority the Tyrande owners actually are, in which case it really boggles my mind, why not offer a compensation in the first place? When I heard that Tyrande will be free with the arrival of a new $10 hero, I honestly thought Sylvanas will be given for those that don't apply, but hey apparently not.
On one hand I really am glad more people will be able to switch out of Anduin, as I don't give two hoots about exclusivity. But on the other hand, I do feel like I earned her: by being a long-time customer, paying attention to Hearthstone-related news, and spending a full two hours learning and troubleshooting the process of getting her since I was not part of the eligible countries either. Others got Tyrande by buying an overpriced code off eBay and whatever too. It's really, really not that far-fetched to want this effort to be acknowledged, and I'm sure more people would be able to sympathize with this situation if they didn't see any criticism of it as selfishness and entitlement, which in most cases it certainly is not.
Then again at the end of the day we're still all arguing about .jpg's, so what do I know.
Man learned to make fire, so one day, man could argue over small squares of color arranged in a certain pattern.
Shaman is getting a target on it's head. Go get 'em bois! I say this with this being the current deck I'm playing...
Primordial Explorer discovered Primordial Explorer discovered Dragonqueen Alexstrasza the same turn I drew the copy from my deck. Played the one drawn from my deck into 2 0-mana Emeriss. So yes, that 2nd Alex in my hand is a 32/32.
I would assume so, I honestly haven't had to play Shudderwock yet. Games over before he is needed.
Yeah, that 2nd Alex is a 32/32
He actually cleared this board 2 seconds later with a Puzzle Box
Super fun game. Alex is ridiculous
It seems to be turning into mostly Pirate Warrior and Zoolock. Typical day 1 aggro decks starting to set the meta. Time to counter them bois!
PW in wild is definitely A LOT stronger. It's a tad concerning.
I actually agree with you about Shaman. With Quest is fun, but the 2 playstyles clash a bit. I'm going for full Galakrond token next:
And yes, obviously this guy's Turn 3 was Southsea Captain. Just in case you were wondering.
So far, I've only had a chance to play 5 games of Quest Galakrond Shaman. I'll copy over my first thoughts from the guide.
Quest to Unleash the Tempest
Faceless Corruptor is broken (save you extra copies of this one lads. This card is going to get nerfed. 10/8 in stats on T5 is ridiculous. If your opponent leaves a single minion on the board for you on T4, the game is over)
Dragonmaw Poacher is going to make this a Big Game Hunter meta
Nithogg is probably going to receive the axe very quickly. If the eggs hatched normally as well if broken by the opponent, it would be good. But I played him in both my games (with double battlecry) and not a single egg hatched. UPDATE: I finally had eggs hatch, and it was game ending. If your opponent can't clear the eggs, you basically win. Plus he is a good Mutate target.
If possible, try turn into Galakrond BEFORE completing Corrupt the Waters. Double Battlecry is a much more powerful HP to have. Even games that I have drawn him, I didn't use him. Invoking Galakrond is an amazing way to maintain board control.
Dragon's Pack is very powerful, but so far, I think it's good at running only 1 copy.
Mutate continues to be problematic. There are more good targets for it now too. Try and hit: Mogu Fleshshaper (obviously), Nithogg or Corrupt Elementalist
After a couple of games, I can say this deck is a lot of fun. Needs some refinement, but I am enjoying it greatly. I will have more time to play and test later today. (DAMN YOU CAPITALISM FOR MAKING ME WORK!!)
First thoughts after a couple of games
Faceless Corruptor is broken (save you extra copies of this one lads. This card is going to get nerfed. 10/8 in stats on T5 is ridiculous. If your opponent leaves a single minion on the board for you on T4, the game is over)
Dragonmaw Poacher is going to make this a Big Game Hunter meta
Nithogg is probably going to receive the axe very quickly. If the eggs hatched normally as well if broken by the opponent, it would be good. But I played him in both my games (with double battlecry) and not a single egg hatched. UPDATE: I finally had eggs hatch, and it was game ending. If your opponent can't clear the eggs, you basically win.
To all who preordered. What golden legendary(s) did you receive?
I got myself golden:
Murozond the Infinite
Both really cool golden animations!
Nine Lives is definitely one to experiment with. However in this version of the deck, I think it will be unnecessary. This version is more tempo/face oriented. Controlling the board through mechs and having additional face damage through deathrattles with the potential to OTK if needed.
But I absolutely see the potential benefits it could bring. Not only with some additional face damage, but additional card draw through Ursatron, or removal through Spider Bomb.
Thanks for you thoughts! I will add Nine Lives to the list of possible changes.
I would highly suggest that you don't dust what you get and start building your wild collection.
It honestly takes less cards than most people expect.
And around Rank 10 in wild is some of the most fun you can have in HS. You come across some weird decks and it makes for some really fun games.
Just slowly target your favorite classes or legendaries that open up an archetype.
Just my personal opinion on the matter.
If you don't want anything to do with Wild, it is definitely worth it to buy 10 packs of each expansion for the dust.
I'm guessing that isn't going to happen this expansion. I'm thinking something more along the lines for the Mech event when we got SN1P-SN4P. But that's just pure speculation at this point.
It's too bad Dinomancy isn't in Standard anymore. Now there's a useless HP to give to your opponent. Still, something to mess around with in Wild for the memes. Thanks for the inspiration!
In the meantime, get your fix of dragons and watch the new episode of Rick and Morty. You won't ever look at a dragon the same way again...
Man learned to make fire, so one day, man could argue over small squares of color arranged in a certain pattern.
Blocked by the Counterspell good sir. Unless you played The Coin first ;)
Damnit! Well... good thing this was already in play...
I'll give him some protection: