XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 5 years ago
If anything, it's finally a way in Standard for hunter to remove those pesky turn 1 1/3 minions. I'm looking at you Northshire Cleric and Eternium Rover
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 5 years ago
Strong card. Never underestimate a card with Discover effects. This could very well see play in non Dragon decks just for the value. Too bad the 3-drop slot is always crowded for Hunter already.
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 5 years ago
I'm skeptical about bringing Quest and Galakrond together too, but it looks like a lot of fun! At least something to play around with until the meta settles. Plus double Devastation with Kronx Dragonhoof? Sign me up! (even if it's hard to pull off delaying completing the quest until after you're Galakrond.)
I had the same thoughts on Lifedrinker and had been debating putting him in. I actually just made a few changes to the list, and added Lifedrinker back in for that usual Quest Shaman playstyle.
I think the deck now has a few more ways to win. As always, only testing will tell for sure!
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 5 years ago
Blizz: "now we printed a legendary to try and make Treant Druid work, let's give them some card draw too! This surely will make the archetype work this time!"
Cool design for Mage removal. Will see play
"We're running out of ideas for Giants!"
Will be played around with, but ultimately will be doomed to exists for the meme's.
Power creep the Mage Basic/Classic set
If anything, it's finally a way in Standard for hunter to remove those pesky turn 1 1/3 minions. I'm looking at you Northshire Cleric and Eternium Rover
Strong card. Never underestimate a card with Discover effects. This could very well see play in non Dragon decks just for the value. Too bad the 3-drop slot is always crowded for Hunter already.
I'm guessing there will be some experimentation with this card, but ultimately it will not see play.
A new toy for Secret Hunter!
Never underestimate the power of Draw in Hunter
Blizz had to go all the way back to TGT to find Hunter's cards for this expansion.
Good card. Not what I was hoping for the hunter dragon. But I'll take it. More mystical Control Hunter support.
Card that missed the cut for K&C.
Wild OTK potential
I discovered a new OTK possible in Wild using Toxic Reinforcements. I'm playing around with a couple of deck lists for experimenting.
I'm skeptical about bringing Quest and Galakrond together too, but it looks like a lot of fun! At least something to play around with until the meta settles. Plus double Devastation with Kronx Dragonhoof? Sign me up! (even if it's hard to pull off delaying completing the quest until after you're Galakrond.)
I had the same thoughts on Lifedrinker and had been debating putting him in. I actually just made a few changes to the list, and added Lifedrinker back in for that usual Quest Shaman playstyle.
I think the deck now has a few more ways to win. As always, only testing will tell for sure!
Blizz: "Think they get it that we want this to be a thing yet?"
Solid 6-drop that will probably be in every druid deck regardless of dragon synergy.
Blizz: "come on guys, let's just make this shit work already!"
**Wild growth cries in the corner**
Blizz: "now we printed a legendary to try and make Treant Druid work, let's give them some card draw too! This surely will make the archetype work this time!"