DoD - Dragon Highlander Shaman

Last updated 5 years ago by
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DoD Dragon Highlander Series Presents:

Nithogg Card Image Galakrond, the Tempest Card Image Dragonqueen Alexstrasza Card Image 

Dragon Highlander Shaman

In the ongoing series of DoD Dragon Highlander decks, I will be attempting to create a (semi)viable and fun Dragon Highlander deck for each class. Next up, the current terror of the meta, Shaman!

To turn a non-highlander supported class into a highlander deck, we are going to run both the Quest and Galakrond, alongside value generators and of course, since this is the Dragon Highlander Series, Dragons! I am having A LOT of fun playing this deck. I personally am finding this highlander package to be more fun to play than the Quest Galakrond deck on the front page (oh crap... that's my deck on the front page). 

I will try and highlight some of the important cards to this deck, and of course, the Dragons that help give this deck it's identity. 

The New Dragons:

Squallhunter Card Image Nithogg Card Image

Cobalt Spellkin Card Image Brightwing Card Image

  • Squallhunter - "But you're only running 1 damage dealing spell". Yeah, well... tough titties! This is a Dragon deck damnit, and we are giving this guy a home! Plus we have A LOT of ways to generate spells. Trust me, you will find a use for him, and you will be happy when you do. 5/7 for 4 mana isn't anything to complain about either. Use him wisely, 2 Overload can mess up your next turn, so think ahead. Pairing with Lightning Breath can clear 3 large minions, and don't forget that you can pair him with Kronx Dragonhoof for +2 Spell Damage to your Devastation.
  • Nithogg - My opinion of this card keeps going back and forth. I have been cutting him from a few other Shaman decks. However, for a Dragon Highlander deck, he has his purpose. Not only is he a Battlecry minion, but as a Highlander, it is very valuable having tools at your disposal to either force the opponent to waste resources to take care of the eggs, or to help you maintain board control. He's not a stand-out stellar player, but you'll be happy when you need him.
  • Cobalt Spellkin - Battlecry... check! Dragon...  check! Value... check! Here's what 1-mana spells exist in Standard for Shaman right now: Blazing Invocation, Corrupt the Waters, Earth Shock, Forked Lightning, Frost Shock, Invocation of Frost, Lightning Bolt, Storm's Wrath, Totemic Smash and Voltaic Burst. Not a bad pool of options. 
  • Brightwing - Not really "new", but I didn't have another Dragon to talk about except for Alex, and she's special. Brightwing brings value, Battlecry and Dragon. There's no better 3-drop dragon that checks all those boxes right now. You won't complain when you highroll a lego.

Highlander Tools:

Zephrys the Great Card Image Dragonqueen Alexstrasza Card Image

  • Zephrys the Great - "Your wish is my suggestion!" Is there anyone that doubts the power of this card? If you aren't familiar with Highlander, there are some great guides on how to get Zephrys to give you what you want. I'm too lazy to look one up right now. 
  • Dragonqueen Alexstrasza - This card is capable of some ridiculous tempo swing, and has even more potential than other classes. Even though this deck has only a handful of dragons, we are still running Frizz Kindleroost. The reason is to reduce the Dragonqueen, so we can get double Battlecry out of her. FOUR 0 MANA DRAGONS! If one of those four is another Alex...  

If you enjoy the deck, make sure to up-vote. Enough interest in the deck and I'll add a mulligan guide and replacements section. I will be adding a section talking about Galakrond later today. 

Check out my other decks in the DoD Dragon Highlander Series:

Guide coming soon... 

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