Still not a win condition but hey, it gives Control Warrior something to do and if you really want to commit to it you can do a Taunt-Control Warrior build that just aims to drop some fat taunts that your opponent just can't get through.
THat's a pretty insane ball of stats. Granted, you'll rarely draw more than 1 card, but hey, it's basically a free shieldblock glued to a vanilla 3-drop, and I feel like that's good enough.
This is a pretty massive tempo play for Pure Paladin, even if the self-damage is rather significant. Imagein just coining this out against a Druid and then following with Seal of Blood.
On paper this is nuts, but in practice I'm not so sure. Order in the Court basicallly takes care of your drawing needs. Right now Pure Paladin wins through Ligthrays and Countess. Drawing a bunch of low-impact tribal minions afterwards probably won'T win you the game.
Honestly, if they just ditched the Pure requirement this could have enabled some different Paladin archetypes, but right now I'm not sold.
Too unreliable. IF a Dredge card is ONLY good if the Dredge effect pops off it'S not worth using.
Harpoon Gun was good because it helped set up your plays while also being a decent vanilla weapon. This will most likely just be a 5/4 that might help out on your next turn, which isn'T good enough.
Reverse Touch of the Nathrezim. Fantastic for an aggressive deck, helping you maintain the board while also pushing damage. Great synergy with Spell damage as well.
Don't see the point. Big Beast Hunter doesn'T really need it as a tutor because you have so many other options already and the boosted version comes down to late to really matter (if you even still have a big Beast in your deck at that point)
Looks terrible to be honest. It's like Aviana except not really and unless you have more than 10-mana it probably won't even do anything.
Best combo I can think of is using it in Warlock with the Discarding Slime to cheat it out for cheap and then maybe even have Reanimator as back-up to keep cheating mana, but I'm not sure that's worth building an entire deck around. What would even be the endgame of all the mana cheating?
Would be decent if it wasn't for the strange Rune combination.
Neither Frost nor Blood can really justify cutting their triple payoffs just to run this scuffed Carbatoa and Rainbow DK isn't really that good, so I'm not sure this will make a difference.
That seems pretty strong. There's plenty of ways to just abuse this as a very safe boardclear. Thank god it doesn'T hit face.
Why does this costs 4? Most spells from the past are garbage anyways, so why overprice it by this much? Are we afraid of Casino Mage domination?
This is just Lock'n'Load for Warrior. Great in Arena (probably) but in Constructed it's probably just trash. Too much garbage in the neutral pool.
Still not a win condition but hey, it gives Control Warrior something to do and if you really want to commit to it you can do a Taunt-Control Warrior build that just aims to drop some fat taunts that your opponent just can't get through.
THat's a pretty insane ball of stats. Granted, you'll rarely draw more than 1 card, but hey, it's basically a free shieldblock glued to a vanilla 3-drop, and I feel like that's good enough.
I wonder if it makes the cut in Enrage Warrior
This is a pretty massive tempo play for Pure Paladin, even if the self-damage is rather significant. Imagein just coining this out against a Druid and then following with Seal of Blood.
Not sure if this is that good. It's just a ball of stats and not even all that impressive, even if Bannerman hits it the turn before.
On paper this is nuts, but in practice I'm not so sure. Order in the Court basicallly takes care of your drawing needs. Right now Pure Paladin wins through Ligthrays and Countess. Drawing a bunch of low-impact tribal minions afterwards probably won'T win you the game.
Honestly, if they just ditched the Pure requirement this could have enabled some different Paladin archetypes, but right now I'm not sold.
Racist Paladin is now the most inclusive archetype.
The world is healing.
Blizzard: "Oh no, we can't have any more blood and gore in our card art, think of the children"
Also Blizzard:
Good card btw, even if it won't be maindecked it will stil show up randomly and turn games around.
Too unreliable. IF a Dredge card is ONLY good if the Dredge effect pops off it'S not worth using.
Harpoon Gun was good because it helped set up your plays while also being a decent vanilla weapon. This will most likely just be a 5/4 that might help out on your next turn, which isn'T good enough.
Reverse Touch of the Nathrezim. Fantastic for an aggressive deck, helping you maintain the board while also pushing damage. Great synergy with Spell damage as well.
Don't see the point. Big Beast Hunter doesn'T really need it as a tutor because you have so many other options already and the boosted version comes down to late to really matter (if you even still have a big Beast in your deck at that point)
Better Snipe that also synergizes with Infuse and other death-based mechanics.
It tracks your tracking
Restless Mummy but neutral but also mana-gated. Probably decent in Arena but otherwise pointless.
Feels like a really terrible card. Maybe decent in Arena, but other than that this just feels like filler.
That's actually just a really good card. It's amazing Undead Neutral support and serves as a great filler card for all other tribal archetypes.
Looks terrible to be honest. It's like Aviana except not really and unless you have more than 10-mana it probably won't even do anything.
Best combo I can think of is using it in Warlock with the Discarding Slime to cheat it out for cheap and then maybe even have Reanimator as back-up to keep cheating mana, but I'm not sure that's worth building an entire deck around. What would even be the endgame of all the mana cheating?
Would be decent if it wasn't for the strange Rune combination.
Neither Frost nor Blood can really justify cutting their triple payoffs just to run this scuffed Carbatoa and Rainbow DK isn't really that good, so I'm not sure this will make a difference.