Dean Ayala has confirmed that the problematic Millhouse Manastorm in Battlegrounds is getting a nerf in a game update next week.
This news comes to us a little over a month after he let everyone know that Millhouse needed a buff due to him being the worst hero in all of Hearthstone's regions. I guess y'all overdid it just a bit =)
We don't yet know what the changes are going to be to Millhouse, but the update is going to hit in an update scheduled for early next week.
Quote From No Author Specified This update will also include a buff to Libram of Justice and a nerf to Millhouse in BG. We'll continue to monitor live game data and player feedback and make any further changes as necessary.
Our expectation is that changes will slow down a little after this, at least in terms of card nerfs in constructed game modes. We have a larger battlegrounds update planned around mid-expansion. We hope you are enjoying Ashes of Outland and look forward to hearing your feedback.
I've never played with him in battlegrounds, so i don't know how impactful his ability was. Was it a problem?
Statwise he's clearly the best hero out there. He is very strong especially in the early game, for example if you bought a token-creating minion as your first choice, you could sell the token and buy another minion. At 6 gold other heroes were able to buy 2 minions, Millhouse was able to buy 3 (or 2 with a refresh for better options). That helps a lot when trying to reach top 4.
Start with one less gold, but two gold coins?
Now when new expansion hype is gone, I'm again playing only BG (and dailies ofc) and getting much more into it than before. Thought first that 2500g for the pass was quite expensive, but now I think it's totally worth it. The difference of choosing one out of four instead of two is huge.
That's the problem. If it was just about choice and not about chances to win, it'd be fine. But with how massively the heroes are imbalanced against one another, you're more likely than not gonna end up on the losing side unless you fork out 2.5k gold. So essentially, pay or don't bother playing. And if you're a player who pays for their packs but did not feel like paying for the big preorder bundle, you now have to pay extra just to enjoy your Battlegrounds, where previously you'd have full access just from buying the packs. The tavern pass was a bad decision on their part. They should have kept the option to get it through packs for constructed players or the pass for pure battlegrounds players.
First minion each turn costs 2.
Makes him almost a variant yogg.
This mode is dead for me I only casually played it but now I would need 2500 gold to play it on even footing and I don't like having that big of a disadvantage, also all the point of the mode is to try strategies and 2 out of 4 picks is really feels bad..
I would prefer if it costed 3000 but it was 1500 for each unlock slot , I could coup with 3 choice.. also the arena ticket bundle is really stupid, I mean why not make the perk cost 1900 without the tickets?
I was playing this quite a bit, but yeah, only getting two heroes to choose from is much less interesting and I'm definitely not spending 2500 gold which is insanely overpriced.
maybe it will be something like "upgrading tavern costs 1 more coin"
Ding ding, we have a winner.
Yeah I was suprised myself. Some people even said that my suggestiong is nonsense... but here we are =)
Yes, Millhouse is doing a little too good I'd say.
Looking forward for that nerf ; wonder what it'll be this time