Feeling bored with the current meta? Don't worry, as today we'll showcase some off-meta decks starring some of the less played Outland Legendaries, coming fresh out of HSReplay.net.
DISCLAIMER: Due to the off-meta nature of these decks, the amount of data available is quite scarce. Your results may vary.
Quest Warrior with Kargath Bladefist
Safest first! This deck has a enough data to reveal positive winrates across all ranks and against Demon Hunters. Isn't that all what matters? You're guaranteed to surprise your opponent as this is not the Warrior archetype they expect.
Firenza has been running a similar deck at Diamond with good results.
Pure Paladin with Lady Liadrin (and Murgur Murgurgle)
Another deck that fits the two criteria I used above (yes, it really does, stats don't lie). Murgur Murgurgle isn't a crucial inclusion but the Prime is strong enough to warrant a place if you own him.
Quest Hunter with Beastmaster Leoroxx
Although Demon Hunters will eat this deck for lunch, it still packs a punch at all ranks. Use Ramkahen Wildtamers to copy a random King Krush in your hand and unleash the dinos with Beastmaster Leoroxx to annihilate your opponent.
Big Druid with Archspore Msshi'fn
Who needs Embiggen when your minions are pretty darn big already? The endless wall of Taunts at your disposal means that aggro decks have to put up some real effort if they want to beat you.
Evolve Shaman with Lady Vashj and The Lurker Below
We've entered the zone where we give no promises anymore. There's only enough data for the low ranks, so the deck's true performance is a mystery. But if you love some of that randomness, this pure Evolve build is something you should try out.
Handlock with Magtheridon
The data looks weird with this one, although the overall winrate stays mostly positive. But who cares when you can play Lord Jaraxxus without the fear of getting memed by Sacrificial Pact. OBLIVION!!!
Not only this is a great article, but a much needed one!
I'm not used to get legend so early and I'm already bored. New system is so damn fast. I would like the season to reset right now to have something to do on the ladder again.
Thx for giving new things to test and keep me occupied until June.
So tempted to craft murgur murgurgle for Renodin...
The Curator > Murgurgle Prime > Alexstrasza is a pretty strong curve.
I love off-meta decks, I made a shaman galakron spell deck that went really well against DH, Midrange decks and token decks. I never uploaded any deck here but I will when I have the chance.
Concerning the BIG DRUID:
I removed the two Ironbark and the Exotic Mountseller and inserted two Khartut Defender and one Healing Touch - reasonably good results at diamond even against aggro
I threw that in 7 cost rush beast that gives you an 8 drop. Lots of fun.
Wow, thanks for the shout-out! I was literally playing the Quest Warrior deck as I read this article. I'm currently 35-25 (58%), sitting at Platinum 2 - 3 stars. I'm determined to hit legend with it this month. Theoretically, I'm only about another 25-30 games away, but maybe I'll hit a four game win streak tonight! (The road to legend is still a grind even with the new easier system). I plan to write a guide when I hit legend.
LEGEND ACHIEVED. I started from Platinum 5 - 2 stars because I came in off a win-streak. I just completed my 80th game to hit Legend, going 47-33 for a final win-rate of 58.75%. This took me about 6 days, so I was playing about 13-14 per day. Obviously getting to Legend is easier than ever (this is my first time in the new system, second time ever), but I hope sharing these stats helps players understand what it takes.
My greatest losing streak was going from rank 1-2 to rank 2-0, a net loss of 5 stars in a play session. That can be enough to make you quit climbing or question your deck choice or start a new thread about nerfs to whichever card just cost you the last game (but seriously, please nerf Twin Slice).
This deck is extremely hard to pilot, and I made misplays even today. The easiest mistake is forgetting to hero power before attacking, especially when your quest is 4/5 complete for that 2-extra game-making/breaking armor. I'll save the rest for the guide I plan to add to my deck.
I love the concept of that shaman deck.
standard off-meta report #1 LETS GOOO
What would you replace Underlight Angling Rod with in that Pure Paladin deck? I don't have one and don't want to craft a Murloc card because I generally hate them. I own everything else the deck requires.
Don't think of it as a murloc card, think of it as a generic value card. Swing your Fiery War Axe, get a minion in hand. There's no point in gimping yourself out of a strong card for cosmetic reasons.
I agree with this completely. I have played the Pure paladin deck a fair bit, and that card can single-handedly save you in the early game - neutralizing early threats from your opponent and adding fuel to your hand. It's one of the best cards in the deck, in my opinion.
you are very vocal about your dislike of murlocs. Did they do something to you?
Not really: they just embody Aggro archetypes, and I don't like those. It doesn't help that they continue to sour the Paladin with their unwarranted presence. They have no business being a Paladin "thing", let alone a recurring one; there are other, much more flavorful archetypes that get the shaft and yet Murloc Paladin gets to keep existing. I suppose I'm a little salty about that.
From a lore standpoint, it has always bugged the shit out of me that Paladin's have so many Murlocs in Hearthstone. It just makes no sense.
Totally agree. it's for shamans.
I feel like murlocs do not have a place in any of the current classes, so I think it makes the most sense that they go in Paladin because murlocs and Paladin both share a theme of wide boards. I think it make sense that they into Paladin.
They make sense mechanically rather than flavor wise. A big part of how murlocs work is buffing each other up, which is another thing Paladin’s supposed to be good at, so it does make sense for them to be in the class. Even with Shaman though, I feel like I don’t see people complaining about it too much just because they’ve been a thing in the class for so long, rather than being added in a few expansions later