If you've purchased the current round of Battlegrounds Perks, a new hero has unlocked for play today! Aranna Starseeker, the upcoming Demon Hunter hero for constructed play and the subject of the adventure, has entered the fray.
Aranna before the whole Demon Hunting thing took off.
Are you looking forward to playing with her in Battlegrounds? Let us know what you think about the new addition!
Aranna becomes available to all players without Battlegrounds Perks on June 30.
I discovered her Hero Power with Sir Finley and I can say with confidence (in spite of my limited experience) that she is pretty good. It isn't hard to refresh 7 times, and getting to pick between 7 minions makes whatever strategy you are going for much more consistent. She will probably end up being a solid tier 2 pick, strong and flexible, but not so good that it is scary.
Oh look another no-upgrade Tier 1 Saurolisk hero. Just remove this minion already
Damn!! She look so sassy! Man, I wish this skin is available too. Too bad it's only in Battlegrounds.
Is this another Pay for Play character?
Well, it's a "Pay to Play Early" character. Every Battlegrounds hero is available for free...eventually: you'll have to wait until next week to play with Aranna and the pirate heroes.
I don't have the pass and can already play with the Pirates. Don't know about Aranna however.
She looks pretty powerful, it is a shame I will probably never get a chance to play her. Please let us chose between 3 heroes. Just now I conceded about 10 times looking for one of the new heroes and I haven't found any yet.
I know what you are saying, but I can live with this design. Offering 3 hero's means also cheaper Tavern Passes. If you only care for bg's, then you should have the buy only 2 and you can by the other with gold, maybe even 2 tickets with gold!
You can´t get any new hero untill 23rd June if you did not buy the brawl pass.
Wait, so your telling me that I just lost 1500 points in Battlegrounds for no reason? Ah well, you live and learn.
While they're at it, why not open up the Trial By Felfire Adventure a day early too! ...No? Okay :(
I had been assuming they were syncing everything up with the tavern brawl and was willing to give them a pass for making week 1 of the felfire festival 8 days long. Now I'm just confused about their scheduling.