Feeling wild this July? Want to play something that isn't very popular?
No problem, we've got your back! Here's a list of some uncommon archetypes that will help you to have some fun while achieving your seasonal rewards! Craft at your own risk!
Kingsbane Rogue
Rogue is not in a good shape right now: Valeera is outclassed in everything by other archetypes, so there aren't many reasons to stick with the class right now. However, with some good draws Kingsbane is able to hit as hard as it used to.
Reno Malygos Warlock
Imagine playing a Wild non-aggro Warlock list that doesn't rely on turn 4 Voidcaller. [Hearthstone Card (Malygos Warlock) Not Found] is a deck with a long story, that brings many veterans back to the old days. Even if you're new, savour the thrill of losing lethal because of an unlucky Soulfire discard.
OTK Uther Paladin
Uther of the Ebon Blade and Auctionmaster Beardo's fancy OTK is back. To make things even more interesting, here's a singleton list of the combo. An interesting deckbuilding choice is including both Sir Finley Mrrgglton and Sir Finley of the Sands in order to adapt as much as possible to the match's rhythm: want some card draw? Life Tap/Soul Tap. Want some survivability? Lesser Heal/Heal or Armor Up!/Tank Up!. Want some board Control? Fireblast/Fireblast Rank 2. Enjoy!
Thanks for the decks, nowadays standard has really bored me and have turned my eyes to wild again where some of my fav cards like Yogg still can be played, I'll try the Highlander Paladdin OTK deck, my only problem is that I don't have High Priest Thekal but I don't think it's too necessary but it would be good to better use the healing cards.
Thekal is one of those legendaries that are good but are not essential. This unit gives you the opportunity to dramatically increase your life total in case you hit an early Reno Jackson (which is something every Highlander decks wants to do): being at 60-ish life is good versus both aggro and Reno Priest/Quest Mage. Moreover, you have the Molten Giant highroll combo for the early control of the board.
But again, if the question is "can I play with deck without Thekal?" my answer is definitely yes: go ahead and include any other card you deem useful (SN1P-SN4P? Time Out!?).
Question about Uther OTK decks: Is Auctionmaster Beardo the superior method for pulling off the combo (versus Garrison Commander + using some minion bounce over multiple turns)?
I don't have Auctionmaster Beardo, so I have only done the latter version, which feels slow at the end when you're maybe one turn from winning or losing either way. I realize that with the Beardo version you need to do some setup with the Emperor Thaurissan cost reduction turn.
Thanks for any input in advance!
Hi there!
Yeah, Beardo is definitely the most efficient way to pull off the combo (and yes, you need a turn of setup with Emperor Thaurissan) but, as you said yourself, it's not the only way.
Keep in mind that these are fun decks, but they're definitely not tier 1 lists, so if you miss some Legendaries that don't see much play outside of these builds (Beardo for example is good only with Uther of the Ebon Blade: the card doesn't see play anywhere else) and you're hesitant, my suggestion is to keep your dust and wait for something more performing to pop up.
However, if the only thing you care about is fun, then go ahead and try some Hero Power shenanigans: in the end it's all up to you.
I love Kingsbane. I really do wish that it could be more viable in this environment.