Well then, it certainly has been a while since we've done one of these!
This time, we'll be taking a look at a few things that have gone up in the past week or so - and looking forward to what's coming next.
Core Blimey!
The Fan Community Spotlight has turned its sights on a multi-part project recently - Neoguli's attempts to rework the entire Core Set!
In Part One, Demon interviews them about their Warlock and Druid sets, while in Part Two we get to see the changes they've made to the Paladin and Warrior classes. It's a pretty impressive undertaking - as someone who has reworked a single class before myself, I know how difficult it can sometimes be to pick and choose how to revamp a class. Which parts are worth expanding on, and which should be pruned to make room?
I think they've done an admirable job bringing their vision for each class to life. I actually enjoy that I disagree with some of their decisions, because it shows me just how varied some classes can be. There are areas they expand on that I would never have considered; sometimes I like the direction, and others I'd steer it differently.
Here's a few examples of new cards they've added that I think exemplify their work on this.
There's still plenty more to see of course, so expect a few more FCSs on this in the future!
Competitive Spirit
Of course, I know what a lot of you are looking for. When is the next Season of the WCDC going to be starting?
I'm happy to confirm that the WCDC will be returning with the first competition of Season 2 this Monday!
I'll be honest with you all, it's mostly my fault that we took so long to return. Sometimes real life just has to take precedence, and I didn't have the time to put towards the competition that I wanted to until recently. Part of what this means is that there might not initially be any changes to the competition process, but we do have several ideas earmarked as things we want to add or improve upon.
As a teaser for the upcoming competition, you can have a look at the banner for it below (which will link to the competition when it begins on Monday).
I'm happy we'll finally be back with competitions, and I hope you are too!
Just came back to whine about it being Monday for almost 12 hours already here. I've prepared three cards, hopefully one of them will fit the competition theme.
Good night everybody, looks like we're back to last season's schedule. I'll catch up with you tomorrow. Please try not to have the same ideas I had in the meantime!
Replicating then art style of the Scholomance set might be difficult. Anyone know of any good sources
So glad to hear this! I've started missing those.
Most important of all, I hope you are well Shadows and everything worked out your way or will do so soon.
Excited for this!
Really glad to see custom comps come back. I was worried that there wouldn't be anymore for a while.
My guess for the theme is to design a 1-drop. You've got to start small on your first day! Plus the minions of the banner are all 1-drops (that can't be a coincidence, right)? Also, what does playing First Day of School give you?
That Imprisonment card is really cool, it reminds me of Conclave Tribunal from MtG. However, I think it should be reworded to something like "Choose a minion. It goes Dormant until you control no minions". Although it doesn't read as nicely, I think this makes it more consistent compared to cards like Maiev Shadowsong and clarifies the effect. I feel like it could be a little oppressive if Paladin ever gets a solid aggro/token deck that can churn out dudes fast enough, but I really like the idea.
That's a neat, better rewording of it. I thought it worked like Unleash the Hounds until I read your message, hah.
The idea is great though, aye! Not sold on Dormant being in the Classic set, but interesting idea in line with Paladin's flavor (though everything is, somehow :|).
I mean, if any class would have a "Go to Jail" card, it would be Paladin.
Scholomance/school theming? I dig it...
Maybe competition is "make a card with textbook on its art"
Jaded Student (holding a loose-leaf textbook from Pearson), 4 mana 2-4, "Slip and fall on your college's non-ADA compliant stairways. Take 3 damage. Deal 3 damage to all over minions."
WCDC is coming back? Yes! Finally! Super happy to hear it. Any news on the big comps by any chance?
I'm guessing from the banner it's gonna be the generic "make a card from the new expansion" theme.
Aldor Attendant on the left is not from Scholomance