Four legendary cards have been revealed for Saviors of Uldum, and its our favourites from the League of Explorers!
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honestly every card here is disappointing, unless we dont get good support i just dont see it being played
In Standard, Bomb Warrior is so common that Reno-like cards will fizzle frequently. Sir Finley is cheap enough to be played early. On the other hand, in Wild, Bomb Warrior is seen much less frequently. And with the larger card pool you can easily make solid Reno decks.
Finley looks insane!
I think Reno is a lot better than people are giving him credit for. I think that the last Reno was such a big deal that people expected a lot from him, basically, the bar for this Reno was too high, so he was almost bound to be a failure unless they made him too OP.
Getting 10 damage to enemy minions is very good, it is actually better than it cannot hit face because now it is a better removal tool. and if it could hit any enemy characters than it is not a reliable way to remove minions, or to hit face (unless they have no board). compare this to Volcano. sure it was not the best removal tool but it got the job done, and this guy does it for enemy minions only and has a body, which makes him a pretty good tempo play.
I don't think he is enough to get a entire deck where he is the only benefit. but it looks like highlander decks are going to be a good-guy theme this year, so I am pretty sure this guy will end up seeing lots of play.
Sir Finley seems to be the best option
Considering how highlander isnt worth it in standard atm can we actually say that T5 printed this cards for Wild?
Maybe, but im sure morw support will come either from neutral cards and even for the next exps
I think only sir finley has potential because its an ongoing effect and can be "fished" with Witchwood Piper
Reno isn't bad. It can give you tempo by clearing the opponent's board and giving you a 4/6 body, but I doubt conjurers mage would give up extra copies of cheap spells and double [Hearthstone Card (mana cyclone/card] just to make this card work. Maybe he can fit in some fun deck with Luna's Pocket Galaxy and a thousands of legendaries.
Brann might be the most favorable to work, since it can be copied/bounced with Baleful Banker and Youthful Brewmaster for extra 8 damage, and Hunter has a lot of powerful cards, so its easier to build a deck around it.
Elise, in my opinion, has the coolest effect. She might fit in a Value/Combo build, but in standard Druid doesn't have a lot of tools to survive agains't aggro, so that might be a problem to make this one good.
Finnley seems to be better in some short of Highlander Tempo Paladin, consireding that 6 out of 9 of the upgraded Hero Powers are really good for agressive builds, and the class seems to be getting some extra aggro cards this expansion.
) Not Found]Please stop. I can only get SO erect. It starts to hurt. Should I see a doctor?
Reno: We're gonna be Meteorologist ! (Sadly, even meteorologist is better coz it can hit face...)
Yep. One of my favourite decks currently is reno hand mage and meteorologist has almost single handedly won games against other control decks by giving me a ton of burst they weren't expecting. I certainly wouldn't replace meteorologist for new reno, I'm honestly not sure what (if anything) would be worth dropping to add him to that deck and that's a deck that already deals with the big downside of this card
Without more support, none of these cards will see play in Standard.
I kinda like all the effects, but at the cost of no-duplicates? Not sure.
Reno isn't even that bad. He's like a better Dyn-o-matic, 10 damage instead of 5, only damages enemy minions instead of also your own, with +1/+2, for +1 mana.
The big unknown, for example, is if there's enough other support for no-duplicates in the expansion. If there's a few neutral cards which depend on the effect, might be worth it.
Reno Mage, Reno Hunter, Reno Druid, Reno Paladin... This is the day, my wet dream... It's time to EDIT my entire Reno-Deck-Builds!
I liked the highlander mechanic. Unsure of these effects though... Seems a little underwhelming.
Surely... *surely* the full set has other cards that benefit highlander decks... Otherwise I can't see why they pushed this so hard with all the explorer cards.
After all, only original Reno had that restriction so its not like you can justify it based on flavour alone.
Cannot wait to smash some double Brann Reno hunter action though!
People seem to be underestimating these cards old reno was good enought to build a deck around.
Reno the Relicologist is two Cinderstorm's plus a 4/6 in stats. That's 5 Mana for the stats +3+3+1 for combining cards that's 12 mana for the cost of 6 Mana.
Brann is 2+9 = 11 Mana
Elise is 5+3/5 for the card draw that's 8/10 Mana
Finley might be the weakest but still 2+1/2 Mana for the upgraded Hero Power that's 3/4 Mana.
Reno is terrible in standard though. Why wouldn't you just build a normal deck and run extra copies of the better removal mage already has? Your deck would likely be stronger including him as a vanilla 4/6 and not worrying restrictions than by utterly gimping it for that battlecry.
If they'd put lifesteal on him or had the battlecry trigger twice in a row (to counter deathrattle/ reborn minions) then it would be worth considering. As it stands they'd have to reveal some absurdly good highlander support this xpac for mage to make it worth even considering running this.
All of these seem pretty meh...
It's like Team 5 are so scared of a year of the mammoth scenario again that they are being overly cautious and as such it's resulting in boring cards.
I still haven't even pre-ordered this expansion yet and I'm someone that buys them all every time. I don't see anything exciting yet.
It feels like a worse League of Explorers so far.
The best part of this expansion so far is the trailer music!
Reno decks... seriously all 4 of them?