Four legendary cards have been revealed for Saviors of Uldum, and its our favourites from the League of Explorers!
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all of these are garbage.
People already forgot how difficult it is to make Highlander decks work consistently in classes with limited card draw. Reno doesn't do anything, Brann is a worse Jan'alai in a deck that can't even play for tempo, Elise is a useless value generator in a class that is unable to regain control of the board if your opponent just happens to get a big mminion down, and Finley is the only decent effect, but is rendered completely useless by the fact that you can't build around randomness so you're piloting half a deck to get a mediocre benefit (which will end up as a Keleseth situation most of the time anyways)
All of them may actually be playable except Reno. He sucks a lot.
Reno is Awful.
The others are interesting.
I was hoping those highlander cards would have been neutral. It's pretty underwhealming seen them all class-limited, expecially Reno since Mage already has Inkmaster Solia. Reno's effect is pretty meh, while the others seem ok-ish but also not particulary interesting.
Reno is really bad in standard I don't see why would you build a highlander deck just for him, the other mage cards so far have been meme cards.
Elise has an interesting effect but it's not strong enough to build highlander.
Brann is worth going highlander just need more support and a new archtype to go with it, we didn't see any hunter card so far so it might have more support.
FIndley is VERY strong I see why they put 2 attack on him and not 1 -> Crystology it could fish for him quite easily if it was a 1/3 it's the only explorer that didn't retain it's original statline (elise was a 5/5 last we saw her) need more support for sure, it costing 2 means it's a very highrolly card, if you happen to draw him early, good if not MEH..
I hope we get an epic card "doesn't count as a duplicate" + "if you don't have duplicates.." to get more support without having to waste 3200 just for TRYING to think about going highlander.
there's no way such decks are unviable.
All these cards are pretty bad except for maybe Brann.
An upgraded hero power is good, but at the cost of only having one-ofs?
I think there's reasonable tools for standard pally as it is to make Finley viable (particularly midrange but I could see control or aggro running this as well) but the key thing to remember here is that he will only get stronger as more cards come out. I wouldn't be surprised to see Finley having the same sort of game swinging impact in your opening hand that Keleseth has after the third expansion each year, even as part of this expansion he might just prove to be incredibly powerful.
At the very least he's the only one of these 4 I would even consider running in standard based on the current card pool. Hunter has always been a class with strong cards that keep it viable, only being able to run one copy of each of those would be a massive drawback. Aggro highlander has never been a thing, even in wild, for a reason plus by turn 7 bomb warrior will likely have multiple bombs in your deck anyway nullifying him whereas Finley can land turn 2 (or 1 with the coin) before your opponent has had any chance to mess with your deck.
well a upgraded hero power is worth two copies of odd-only cards. so maybe is it also worth have one copy of even and odd cards.
Reno's art is crap. I hope it gets updated later on. the effect is not nearly good enough to build a deck around, but keep in mind that this can only hit minions so it will work like a mini volcano attached to a decent body. so it is not bad, but the deck needs more support.
I like brann, it is very good burst damage, and maybe if aggro hunter can stand only using one copy of cards than it will work out.
I am not so sure about elise, adding too many cards to your hand can be dangerous, and she is the only one of the four that does not impact the board, this kind of effect is definitely not worth building a deck around.
and man that finely is awesome, I wish it was not limited to paladin though. . .
I dismissed these instantly upon seeing them but they're actually not that bad. Reno is a pretty juiced up Dyn-o-matic and we know how well that guy removes threats, which is what you'd want in a control deck. Elise gives you more value if you're playing the long game, which highlander decks usually did, and she's much more controllable and cheaper, than Malacrass (only question is, what do you want to duplicate in Druid?). Finley shores up your early game by giving you either great defensive hero powers with Druid, Shaman, Priest or Warrior, or good board-control hero powers with Paladin, Mage, Druid and Rogue. The one I have the most doubts about is ironically Brann, since you generally want to go for the control game with highlander decks and King Crush doesn't scream control to me at all. But, just like Reno Lock used to Leeroy + PO + Faceless people to death, so can Brann Bronzebeard + new Brann finish off people who got Alextrasza'd or whittled down by your hero power over the course of the game. However, all of this is assuming that there is sufficient support for good highlander decks in standard, and that value and control start mattering again in Wild (which would require finally gutting Res Priest).
except you have to play a crippled deck to actually be able to play them. What's the point of having access to a juiced up dynomatic on turn 6 when you can only play half of your other good cards. Not to mention the lack of efficient card draw in 3 of these classes (with Druid being the one having the most reliable, but not actually wanting it because playing Elise is a waste when you hold more than 5 cards)
I honestly can't speak to how "crippled" your deck would feel in Standard since I don't play the format, but in Wild, especially in classes like Mage or Hunter, there are so many good cards, especially in terms of removal, that any non-highlander deck you build is aready not including like 7 different viable card choices. At that point, going highlander doesn't change things that much, unless there is a handful of really crucial, irreplaceable pieces you want (like second Ice Block or such). Obviously in standard the penalty is going to be more severe since you both have fewer choices and less direct highlander support, but we're also nearing the end of the year, so Standard is nearing the peak of its card quantity. If there are ever going to be good chances for Standard to have viable highlander decks, it's in this or the last set of the year. The only thing potentially crippling its chances now compared to the next year's cycle is that Standard is currently weighed down by Witchwood, which had a number of cards rotated out to Wild prematurely. So Witchwood isn't as big of a set as it should be.
They are printing 4 cards that Bomb Warrior counters. And its not like a small amount of people play that deck.
I had the same thought - so unless T5 is just oblivious (evidence of that notwithstanding), my guess is there HAS to be some new neutral tech minion coming this expansion that diffuses all the bombs in your deck: like E.M.P. Operative except people would actually play it!
That would be great for so many reasons. But if they don't give out some support like that, it's difficult to see how these four might see consistent play.
I liked the Brann most in this one
I am pretty sure hunter can make a deck of one cards in standard too as in wild
Elise seems meh in standard but OG in wild with Reno Jackson
Finley could be a thing in standard, I'm pretty sure you can build around paladin with 1 card each based of the cards paladin has right now.
Reno seems solid, but I'm not 100% sure how mage will do with only 1 card each in standard and most of the useful cards are spells.
All of them goes very well in any reno decks in wild
You still run Elise with duplicates. Something like Maly Druid, draw your Moonfires, discount your Malygos with Dreampetal Florist, then copy it all with this and otk.
Surely there's a major issue with that as Elise is a minion too so there's no consistent way to have dreampetal land on Maly instead of her?
Soooo with all these highlander heroes, I guess welcome to Bomb Warrior Meta version 2. Shuffle 2 or more bombs into your opponent's deck and destroy the value of the legendary they built said deck around?
You think the developers didn't think of that? Just you wait till they release a counter to bombs in order to push highlander decks.