Four legendary cards have been revealed for Saviors of Uldum, and its our favourites from the League of Explorers!
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Finley is the best imo
Reno is great. It just doesn't feel as amazing as the original, or quite as cool as Brann. But it's the equivalent power level of Lord Godfrey or Vilespine Slayer. I'm not sure if it's strong enough to build a singleton deck around, but 1 or 2 other cards that support that concept will probably make it a solid tier-2 deck.
I'm hoping we get some serious highlander deck type support. None of these (with the possible exception of Finley) seem like they're worth giving up duplicates right now.
Remember Jousticar Truehearth? It‘s basicly an inconsistant version that requires a singleton deck.... i really don’t understand those cards. There MUST be some awesome neutral Support. What am i saying, this IS the support and we‘re still lacking a reason to play singelto
When you thought Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk was a bit too much... sbem 7 mana big daddy King Krush!
literally worse than Jan'alai
Not necessarily: King Krush's 8 damage target is not decided by a coinflip. It's 100% your face
I disagree. You get the same damage, but you can control who King Krush attacks, meaning you can direct 16 damage to the face instead of hitting 2 random tokens. Not saying Dinotamer Brann is better, but both has their uses.
Wrong aswell. Taunttotem easily stops the King. Need to contest a giant? Well Rag can handle those plebs when you pray hard enough to RNJesus.
Ragnaros was in about every lategame deck, King Crush in barely any. I guess that says enough.
Not even talking about the restrictions of a singleton deck
Well, for starters you really can't say that Rag was in more decks than a class card… cause that's just obvious. Second, the meta was WAY different back then, big bombs and powerful effects were chosen by many classes, but Hunter still had the SMOrc gameplay mentality since beta, so they usually chose fast decks.
So don’t play the card when there’s a small taunt up? Just like you wouldn’t play Rag when the opponent flooded the board with small minions.
I’d argue that part of the problem with Krush is his 9 mana cost. Even being able to hero power in the same turn is big for Hunter, just look at how Call of the Wild died when it went to 9 mana. Not being able to do even a little bit of extra damage in that same turn is a really big difference, coupled with coming out a turn later
Brann on Brann in wild for 16 damage to the face!
Finally card designed for my Reno Hunter <3 Currently my iteration of this deck lacks good finisher, so I will definitely try old Brann Bronzebeard + Dinotamer Brann, maybe after Alexstrasza?
Exactly this! <3 I tried reno hunter before and the new Brann fits perfectly.
Oh, Alex! Thats what was missing. Yup, this will be a thing. Im gonna go and theorycraft the deck right now lol!
I really don't get Reno. Isn't Boardclear supposed to be a strength for mage? Then why not make him deal 15 or 20 damage. It's minions-only anyways so what's the harm in giving that to Mage? Highlander Mage won't work in Standard anyways unless they literally reprint old Reno, so why even be this conservative
Highlander Hunter seems somewhat plausible considering the amount of Ressource generation (and ZUl'jin) we have at this point. At the same time I don't see the point of playing that kind of deck in the first place. If the endgame is just killing your opponent then every other Hunter deck already does the job. It's basically a bad Jan'alai in an even worse archetype
brann is good. Btw looks like you are getting info out quicker than heartpwn. Nice!
wow, card for wild. Bad thing - wild reno mage not so good, and this card is not so good for pushing him into a real thing, but not bad tier 2-3 reno mage still.
Ofc for standart is absolutly awful card, if they give mage some broken singleton epic, it still be bad coz no synergy in last addons, pure wild card until 4 next expansions.
Brann looks... a bit scary honestly