Rhino Games just announced a new set of featured decks for the game. There's 19 of them, with a nice spread among Colors, Paths and Powers. Those are replacing the ones currently in the game, and should be in the game already. If you find any of the decks interesting and would like to save the deck yourself, copy the bullet list, go in the deckbuilder in the game, and press the Import button.

Quote From Rhino Games

We're welcoming 2021 with a new wave of featured decks submitted by the community. Want to see the entire list of selections without just waiting for them to show up in your client? Look no further!

BG Spell Control by MS tyguy

tOkenifY by Tasorodri

The Rush of Death by Corpsejumper

Scorn of Spirits by Wholesome

Gemini Effect by SquirrelNutkin

Sandy Coliseum Darling Wolf

Sacrifices to the Carnival by kishkisan

Godspore Take the Wheel by Burnmelt

Shadow Storm by YeldQuads456

Stretchifuge by Burnmelt

Doggos by Baka444

Shadhavar Nights by LeapDaniel

Witches Brew by Sarfus

Settle it in The Arena by TheBronzeThief

Beasts Of The Sands by Null Winter

The Show Must Go On by Kerabris

SpellZira by Swellzong

Stunned Weight by Oxhead

Alchemical Key to Victory by Darling Wolf