According to Mike Donais, we should see info on upcoming balance changes this week!
What cards would you like to see nerfed?
Quote From Mike Donais Hopefully they are prioritizing a nerf patch before the Single Player Content patch
Yep, we will give more info on balance changes this week hopefully.
This is very important for me because I was about to hit the dust all dups. button. Thanks I'll hold a bit longer.
Personally I think they need to take a look at Quest Druid.
Priest has the highest winrate right now, even if no-one's talking about it, they are the most likely to get nerfed somehow. I think mage will get some minor nerfs and Warrior gets a major one.
Really interested to see how they are planning to approach balancing this meta out.
LIghtwarden. Combo Priest has the lowest variability in winrates across the high tier decks and Lightwarden is a really difficult card to deal with when it comes on turn 1
Zephrys the Great followed by backstab works fine
so...what's the actual chance of Prismatic Lens getting a nerf as well?
On one hand, Tip the Scales Paladin is incredibly annoying because when it wins it's usually because it highrolled you to death, which is always frustrating
On the other hand, the deck is already perfectly refined, meaning unlike other decks, it will never actually improve beyond what it already does and it loses to pretty much any deck with a viable boardclear for turn 4/5 (Quest Warlock could actually beat it super easy unless they get run down by Tidecaller from turn 1).
It's the most limited aggro deck in the game as it has no actual burst or consistent damage output and entirely relies on a big swing turn that the opponent can't actually deal with, but at the same time Prismatic is just such a poorly designed cards that was just waiting for an abuse case like this to appear.
I wonder if it'd still see play at 3-mana but without the cost swapping effect. Quest Paladin would certainly appreciate getting to tutor their Consecration/Subdue in some matchups.
I hope the changes create a meta where Quest Shaman is Tier 2 (even lower Tier 2 is fine). I really want to craft the Wock and that would be the push I need.
I don't think Quest will be that good until further support.
Right now you're basically just spamming lackeys without an endgame plan. Turns out Quest is still bad in decks that want to actually pressure their opponents...and it also turns out a quest reward that basically overloads you for 2 permanently in exchange for perma Brann is actually a downside in the midgame where you're trying to use your mana optimally.
It's just kind of depressing when your opponent throws down something like a Highmane and your best play is to double your Lifedrinker....that's just not tempo and unless you're actually close to killing your opponent it won't get you anywhere.
I hope there will be some sort of Control build that doesn't try to rush the quest but rather control the game and finish the quest naturally to use it with big value or swing cards (like Swampqueen)
I'd love to see Conjurer's getting nerfed to 4 mana and Dr Boom lose the armor hero power (+ maybe even the delivery drone). I don't think Luna's Pocket Galaxy should be changed.
Dr. Boom, Mad Genius, Eternium Rover, Brawl and Conjurer’s Calling need nerf.
Can confirm, I'm a Blizzard employee who programmed a bot to play Big Priest for me while I reside deep within my toilet.
Does that first point actually say that if you don't play Wild you aren't a real player? It seems clear to me but I want to believe that nobody is dumb enough to believe that. Also, you should probably give credit where credit is due, they've done a good job with nerfs recently.
Wisp to 1 mana.
Wild Growth to 4 mana.
As always, Blizz not nerfing more than 5-6 cards. That's mean dr. boom, conj calling and 3-4 other cards, my guess - it's Eterium rover, or how named 1-3 war mech plus some common-rare mage card idk who. What i want to nerf - lens plus tip the scales combo, it's not normal when you lost on turn 5 coz of perfect rng, but it's both epic cards Blizz never nerf so many high cost cards. Also, some hunter cards idk who too, some classic or basic, coz of Blizz loves nerfing basic and classic not Project 9 or broken mechs and magnethic.
PS oh, priest will be nerfed too, it's not what i wanted, but i think, they will nerf divine spirit.
Everyone forgot about the usual rogue quest nerf
it now reads: add 5 cards from other classes to your hand.
Jokes aside, I think this time they won't be too harsh and the decks will still be played after the nerfs just with more weaknesses.
I don't know much about the combo priest deck, is it too broken? They already told us they could Hof Divine Spirit, so I wouldn't be suprised.
it's not necessarily broken, but it can really steamroll ahead with a good opener, draw a lot of cards with very little counterplay (at least against decks relying on minion combat with limited access to destruction removal)...and at the end of it all you're constantly under threat of being OTKd with no real way to play around it.
If there was ever a time to HoF/nerf (I'd honestly prefer a rework) Divine Spirit it's now.
Why not just make it 2-mana, give a minion +5 Health or something. Still allows Inner Fire to be played in a deck that focusses on turning one high health minion into a big beater. Especially now that we have so many Reborn synergies that allow you to keep up an onslaught of Blademasters and Tol'virs
Proposed Nerfs
Dr Boom - For the rest of the game, the mechs that started in your deck have rush
Omega Devastator - loses mech tribe, there is a goblin piloting it, who has a voice over FFS...
Brawl - 7 mana up from 5
Pocket Galaxy- 6 mana up from 5
Conjurer's Calling- 4 mana up from 3
Mountian Giant - HoF
Prismatic Lens - 5 mana up from 4
Making Mummies - 6 reborn minions, up from 5