Blizzard has deployed a small Arena Balance Hotfix yesterday. Appearance of unspecified cards for best performing classes were tweaked to appear less to tone down their win-rate and the opposite done for worse performing classes.
Classes being toned down:
- Demon Hunter
- Paladin
- Shaman
- Warlock
Classes being buffed up:
- Druid
- Hunter
- Mage
- Priest
- Rogue
If we look at a snapshot of today's stats from HSreplay, it does correlate with Blizzard's decision making process based on their overall win-rate.
Quote From Kerfluffle Hey everyone,
We’re in the process of deploying a small server-side hotfix that will update the appearance rate of cards in Arena to ensure class balance remains close to the ideal 50% win-rate. Specifically, the win-rate of Demon Hunter, Paladin, Shaman, and Warlock should now be decreased. The win-rate of Druid, Hunter, Mage, Priest, and Rogue should now be increased. The win-rate of Warrior should be roughly the same as before.
Which cards do you think were the biggest offenders in your opinion? Tell us in the comments!
The micro-macro adjustments nobody knows many details about, eh. Feels like DH is up there every time they are allowed to draft some decent class cards.
I wonder how much impact does the hero power have, i mean a 1-cost ping is a 1-cost ping, even tho you have to take some face damage.
A lot, I would think. Pings used to be so premium in Arena, and paying just 1 mana will always be a huge advantage. Also unlike say Rogue, a class with heals, taunts, and greater reach just doesn't pay the same kind of tax while face tanking.
Paladin is at 49.3% ????
Neat! It's good to know that they have an eye on Arena, still.