We've got confirmation of new balance changes coming out next week that will be hitting Priest and Druid! Three cards will be changed in total. Can you guess what they will be?
Quote From Alec Dawson Few balance changes coming next Thursday, three cards in total. Looking at generation/burst healing in Priest and hitting on some of the non-games in Druid.
yea nerf 40% winrate class while degen decks like face hunter and demonhunters dominating meta. 8 mana 8/8 charge and rush is balanced ofc.
Priest is literally the best deck in the game at most higher levels with basically no bad matchups. DH and Face Hunter aren't even great once you get to rank 5 and can be bullied by Paladin even.
Dhunters, specifically deathrattles are good. Playing it in diamond 5 right now and depending on the build you're running, its only true weakness is its somewhat slower early game and losing your inquisitor to a mutanus.
Don't know why people are still complaining about hunter when its barely beating anything at higher levels right now.
Oh my bad there, I didn't mean to imply DH wasn't good (I was mostly referring to HUnter there but I worded it poorly) but it's just simply not really a problem given how predictable and counterable it is. It's basically a modernized version of the old Midrange Hunter decks. If it gets a good start it can take over the game rather easily but if you interrupt it inbetween and play around its outs it just folds.
Priest is like sixth place in HS Replay. Elemental Shaman and Face Hunter are dominating.
Can you please stop looking at Free HsReplay stats which only account for Bottom to PLatinum which is a clown fiesta free for all where just about any meme deck can succeed.
Just read the Vicious Syndicate reports. They cover evereything in detail with all the data that you'd have to pay for on Replay
OK, I'm looking. The best priest deck is Tier 2.
Depends where you are in the ladder.
Priest is a high skill cap deck, in the hands of the best players (i.e. high legend), it's win rate changes. There a reason its the most played class in high legend. You could try watching nohandsgamer's stream. He plays priest (he likes playing the best/meta decks) and the amount of mirrors he plays is insane (I would prolly quit playing if that were me).
Although the shenanigans of priest exists in all ranks of play. Priest has a lot of powerful but situational cards. Most of these cards you don't main deck since they are situational. Discover along with a small spell pool, makes it so priest can pick the best possible card in the current situation.
As the VS peeps have said, playing against priest is like playing vs a 50 card decks, and those 20 cards can be anything. So it's impossible to play around anything, and why it seems priest always have the answer every time.
Because the deck is making people literally quit the game. it is that fucking unfun. Control Priest is a lot stronger in legend.
I'm not really happy about this. Looks like they are nerfing gibbering druid. Which, don't get me wrong, I hate when I get blown out by an early gibbering board, but this just pushes every druid back into clown (which is also infuriating for different reasons)
And nerfing/complaining about Priest is the hip thing to do right now, but honestly Priest has NO other decks. Without card generation and burst healing priest has no viable deck.
I'm sure renew is gonna get hit, but that just makes the class as a whole MUCH worse. They pretty much only have 1 viable deck, and that's control through attrition. I know that some people don't like that, and feel annoyed when priests discover the "perfect" answers, but you never remember the games you won because your opponent priest discovered and whiffed on their discover and ended up with multiple shadowform spells.
Overall priest was the only thing keeping other decks in check. We'll see how the nerfs pan out, but I'm actually disappointed that Blizzard is responding to the cries for nerfs.
And yes, I'm primarily a priest player, I just don't enjoy any of the other decks cause there are really no good control decks that are viable right now. (Shaman is midrange, DH is midrange or OTK, Hunter is aggro, Warlock is just trash, Warrior only has rush/frenzy, Druid has Token and Clowns, and probably the only class with 2 semi viable decks that are vastly different from one another).
Honestly, Token Druid is still going to be a thing. All they'll likely do is up Gibberling to 2-mana at which point you can't create an unclearable board on turn 1 giving the opponent more chance to build up a response. Glowfly will still be fine and who's to say what support they'll be getting in the future set.
NO idea why people keep picking Renew. That card is average at best. Remove Apotheosis and suddenly Priest will feel the burn and will have to radically adjust their decks to actually survive against aggro.
Nerfing the generic one-time generators right before a new expansioon will pollute the pool and serve as a natural balance change is just stupid. If anything Sethekk needs to go (and that one isn't even a staple if I remember correctly)
I'd say Gibberling and Renew to 2, and Palm Reading to 4, but I'd prefer if one of them is Raise Dead to slightly tone down Darkglare Warlock in Wild too.
Changing the cost of Raise Dead to 1 might actually be a buff because then you can combo it with Tamsin and end up with 3 or 4 copies of it.
They said they are nerfing burst healing, there's no reason to nerf palm reading. Honestly I'd be fine with Palm Reading to 4: it just makes it only viable to use if you have 4+ spells in hand. Nerfing renew to 2 mana makes it trash though. Right now Runed Orb in mage is barely used except in no minion, and while a decent card, it damages for 2 and discovers. However damage can be used as both removal, and as reach and isn't as useful as healing.
They also said they are nerfing "generation", so Palm Reading is an obvious option. I doubt Renew gets touched, but its possible.
Nerfs are coming