We've got an update from Blizzard this evening talking about the known issues with today's 22.0 Patch which made preparations for next week's Alterac Valley expansion. Read on for all the details.
Quote From GnomeSayin Hello all, I’m once again writing to let you know of some issues we’re tracking with this patch:
- There was a short delay launching today’s patch on desktop. The issue causing that delay has been resolved and the patch is now available on all devices.
- Lady Anacondra will not lower nature spells in your hand to 0 if you play Celestial Alignment while she is already in play. This issue has been entered for a hotfix planned for later this week.
- Diablo appeared in some Battlegrounds lobbies even after he was supposed to be removed from the game. We believe we have now successfully banished him from the Battlegrounds.
- A small number of players in EU servers had their Mercenaries season ended some hours early. The underlying issue was resolved to avoid this problem going forward. Affected players will be compensated at a later date.
- One of the new Duels Passive Treasures, Glacial Downpour, is not working as intended. A fix has been entered for a hotfix planned for later this week.
- We are investigating reports that the Rogue portrait is being a little too Roguish and missing from some players’ “Hero picker” screens.
- We are aware that some aspects of the “Honor” event went live with the Patch, instead of with the expansion as intended. The team is looking into the issue and exploring options about how to respond.
We will update this post when we have more information.
Is it just me or is this getting worse with every expansion? I have the impression that the amount of bugs and hotfixes has gone up substantially in the last years. Sure, with every expansion the game is getting a bit more complex but this can hardly be the only reason.
I'm not sure whether that's actually true, but I can definitely see what might be causing this particular impression. A number of factors: all the new game modes that weren't there before with their own unique minions/heroes/cards and thousands of interactions, the card pool growing constantly as you point out, and there is also the fact they have actually become much, much better at officially communicating all of these to us, acknowledging bug reports, and being able to deploy and inform us about fixes much, much faster. In the past many of these would've been downright neglected or never mentioned.
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Imagine the chaos that exists within their code repositories considering they botched this for the Nth time. Git branches are hard, man!
I have to new bugs to add to the list:
- selecting apprentice jaina as a deck specific hero skin walks in the menu but doesn’t register in game. You still have your default mage skin. Haven’t tested it on other skins though.
- The new fel treasure in duels that shuffles rifts into your deck always puts them on top, so that you draw them at the start of your next turn. Pretty strong
You cannot make Edwin as your favorite/primary Rogue hero. Instead it either shows a blank picture or the last Rogue hero that you've made favorite.
Because Edwin is sneaky sneaky bastard and good in disguises :P