Jia has revealed a legendary Mage card arriving in Hearthstone's Onyxia's Lair mini-set!
- Onyxia's Lair launches on February 15, 2022.
- This means we've now seen 34 cards in total of the 35.
- There is one other reveal today, which is from Blizzard. It will be the final reveal.
Build New Decks With Onyxia's Lair Cards
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I can see lots of people are disappointed by the artwork, but I think its just another case of the pic being too large to fit the card. Pretty sure the full version will redeem it somewhat. I still get chills looking at Darius Crowley and how dumb it looked...until I saw the full art and suddenly it makes sense.
That art its so bad.
Bad, and most important, boring
Weird art
This card needs a serious buff before it will have the hope of seeing constructed play...
Not a good deck crafter, but it doesn't seem to me like "strictly worse Flamewaker" is exactly a compelling idea...
The art's cool, but I can't help but feel a little put off by it. I guess I got used to hearthstone's more modern cartoony artstyle.
Extra bad after the Sorcerer's Apprentice nerf.
So far this expansion seems pretty out of touch with the meta it's coming into.
But hyping up what the next rotation, with a changed base set and all, will bring! (at least for me)
Why do they even print these cards? Don't these "designers" know that they previously accelerated the game and basically eliminated the "control" archetype, willingly?!
Why even bother to print 8 mana cards?! Sure, if by some huge luck you can keep some 0-1 mana spells in hand, AND reach turn 8, you may use this to try and come back. Most likely you've already used all spells to survive until then.
I just don't understand where these people come up with these ideas from, completely opposite from what they did before and thinking it'll be used in a meaningful way...
these "designers" as you call them, know exactly what the next base set is going to look like and what next 3 expansions are going to look like
in 2 months we will have a completely different meta, just because a card doesn't fit into any decks right now doesn't mean it won't see play for the next year and 2 months
I'm not sure Haleh is really a control card, but let's assume it is for the sake of argument: While it is true they have willingly printed cards, and those cards have led to a hostile environment for control decks, that doesn't mean the devs planned to completely abandon slow decks for the rest of time. Cards for slow decks need to continue to be printed if they are ever going to return to relevance, else there's no basis for them when the meta becomes less hostile. Not printing them would be an open admission to the players that there will never be slow decks again, and all the players who most enjoy those decks will leave.
In a much broader picture, they need to keep printing cards for all types of players if they want to keep them around, and they need to cover all the game modes too. Even Tavern Brawl occasionally makes complete dud cards shine, while things just being in pools for card generation can matter even when nobody actually puts the card in their deck. In Haleh's case, they clearly want big spell mage to function, and that in turn wants Drakefire Amulet to be good, which can ultimately make Haleh relevant no matter how awkward she is to run naturally.
This card is a worse version of Flamewaker
Well, that's our payoff for Drakefire Amulet. Just discount that amulet, summon two of these and play a bunch of 0 mana spells and completely turn the tide.
Or you can just setup everything the same way and win with mozaki instead. Several turns earlier too I may add.
Oh well. But hey, at least it has 12 health so its not 100% certain that it'll be removed the next turn. Just 90% certain.
it seems too slow to be useful ...
This is a buff to Drakefire Amulet, giving you a decently sized Dragon as an option.
We have upgrade from Flamewanker to Dragonwanker
So it’s flamewaker but far worse… pretty disappointing to see as a wild player, doubt it will do anything in standard either
Meh, what's the point of another combo mage card, when both quest mage and Mozaki do it better and faster?