Voyage to the Sunken City has launched and we're tracking decks of Hearthstone's streamers and pro players. Check out plenty of lists you may want to give a try yourself down below. And don't forget to come back later as we'll be adding new decks throughout the day!
Reminder, this is just Day 1 so things are going to be all over the place and it usually isn't worth crafting specific cards until at least a week or two into the expansion. The pros are also updating their lists all the time so don't be surprised if the lists here aren't exactly what they're playing right now.
Voyage to the Sunken City Day 1 Demon Hunter Decks
Voyage to the Sunken City Day 1 Druid Decks
Voyage to the Sunken City Day 1 Hunter Decks
Voyage to the Sunken City Day 1 Mage Decks
Voyage to the Sunken City Day 1 Paladin Decks
Voyage to the Sunken City Day 1 Priest Decks
Voyage to the Sunken City Day 1 Rogue Decks
Voyage to the Sunken City Day 1 Shaman Decks
Voyage to the Sunken City Day 1 Warlock Decks
Voyage to the Sunken City Day 1 Warrior Decks
And I thought meta will be little slower. I tried to play slower control decks and that's my experience:
- mech mage - generates tons of mechs and discount them, fills the board fast, kills you with Mecha-Sharks combo mostly
- quest hunter - annoying as always, not many changes, he will kill you fast or lose steam to do this
- mech paladin - strong, you need constantly clear his board or he will rape you with Bubblebot
- murLOCK - snowballs tremendously quick, without constant removals you will lose very fast
- curse warlock - slower than murLOCK but more annoying, curses also snowball very fast especially with Brann Bronzebeard and Tamsin Roame and they are uncounterable, removing them only slows you down, before you know it you will end with 4 curses in hand and 20 dmg to face
- quest pirate warrior - probably the slowest aggro now, not much threat now
- quest priest - if playing against aggro all the time wasn't annoying enough then you must to fight against ultimate control deck which always outplays other control decks
Didn't meet any DK, Rogue or Shaman (and that strange, freeze shaman should counter many of these decks), also very few Druids (without Lightning Bloom they are much much slower and no Cenarion Ward to save their asses).
Ok, next step: wild decks!
My own day 1 experience so far;
- Mech pally looks good. Lost to a couple. Lightforged Cariel showing us why shes completely OP. Couldn't try this deck myself for the time being, but I imagine it to be quite fun
- Pirate rogue feels unrefined. Feels like we're playing midrange pirate rogue, with little to no shenanigans. Doesn't feel particularly like a rogue deck. I'd imagine this can get even more cancerous than it is now. As it stands, this deck is a pretty solid deck, even against control.
- Kazakusan druid playing the same game. Ramp, play kazakusan, dont die, and then win.
- Quest warrior is bad. At least in standard. Basically unless you start first you'll get out tempo-ed hard by other decks other than control.
- Control warrior is strange. There's so many ways you can branch out as a win con. But as the meta goes forward, I think it'll just be unviable other than as a meta counter pick.
- Murlock and aggro druid plays nearly the same: it snowballs. Except murlock has less reload but can place down absolute monsters out of nowhere. Its fully on the tempo game though; remove board and theres very little it can do to finish off face
Dont underestimate the murlocs though. They're no longer as frail it they once were. Dont need to run Coldlight Seer anymore, instead Gorloc Ravager seems nearly mandatory, much to my surprise.
- Quest hunter plays exactly the same. Nerf target? Im not too sure. But it does seem like quest hunter will be viable, and will be practically playing the same way until it finally rotates next year. Win versus tempo decks, lose if your opponent has life gain and you dont draw your Furious Howl.
- and my favorite so far: Big spell mage. It'll always be niche, tier 2 at best. But the feeling you get from gimping your opponent with Barbaric Sorceress is worth all the trouble. Just gave my opponent a 9 mana Aimed Shot while I play 3 mana amulet. Puts a smile on your face whatever the results.
I was using Bankyugi's Murlock list above and the deck lacks draw even with Gorloc Ravager. I also found myself loosing tempo when I wanted to buff my hand with Chum Bucket so either you buff only 2 or 3 murlocs in hand, or have small lackluster buffs for 6/7 murlocs.
Definitely an unrefined list
Murlock is really all or nothing to be honest. I've dumped one of the troggs for Gigafin, because some decks like mage just vomits bs down and there's really no coming back from those boards.
Chum bucket will usually buff 2 or 3 murlocs, because you'll never get a hand full of fishes. Sometimes I just throw it out for a +1+1 buff. Best results are with Lushwater Scout
I really dont like the trogg. But that may be just my opinion.
Thanks for these theory decks. Tried a couple and came across some amazing home brews I would love to try.
These are not theorycraft decks. ;) Every single one we've added and continue adding here is what has been and is being played on Ranked ladder across Day 1.
Not quite sure if you are being jovial, Aesan but I guffawed!
Please keep posting, friend!!