We spotlighted some of the finest Wild community Theorycrafts early in the week as well as the best post-expansion decks by HSReplay's stats yesterday, and now it's time to go back to our community members and see what they have created with the cards released.
Even Mech Paladin
Mechs certainly were the tribe of this expansion alongside Nagas, and the new additions allowed geta to create this strong-looking Even variant of the deck. I guess we can all agree that Radar Detector is one crazy card.
Abyssal Curse Warlock
From theorycraft to the final product. Fallugaloog ended up swapping in a Soul Fragment package, inspired by Kamouh's version of the archetype, and has had zero regrets despite crafting Za'qul for the deck.
Nzothlock has also been tinkering with the same gameplan, but with some additional disruption tools.
Aggro Druid
The expansion gave Aggro Druids an interesting "slow value" option in Azsharan Gardens, and at least Kurienno and geta have been toying around the "Handbuff"-style Druid lists a bit.
Mecha'thun Mage
Mech Mage is doing Mech Mage things in the constructed formats at the moment, but Neoguli noticed that Seafloor Gateway opens up possibilities for more than just going wide fast or Mecha-Sharking your way to victory; it's a reliable way of making your Mecha'thun cost 8, as well as a tutor effect for it.
"Owl" Warlock
If you really like playing Owllock but still would like to test some new stuff from Sunken City, here's an idea from Zeromagnum: essentially the same combo but with much more flavorful Naval Mine. Our resident OTK expert MarkMcKz has also created a version of the deck.
Planning the delve into the Wild depths of the Sunken City? Prepare for the voyage with more community decks.
Came up with something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!
Been playing a lot of standard Curselock! So much that I’m done with that achievement!
The Druid list might be a good one for the Bottomfeeder achievement! Will have to try it.
I’ve been having fun with achievements this exp, where as the last year I completed only 53%, 50%, and 32% of achievements. Voyage is already at 23% complete! While I enjoy Wild, Standard has felt fairly fresh this week with a lot of new things and some experimentation. So been knocking them out in there. I did complete the Rogue “Food Fight Gone Wrong” quest in Wild yesterday by dealing lethal damage with Filletfighter.
Had considered a Naval Mine deck for Wild, but was more thinking Priest with all the DR rez effects, and then the Hero Xyrella’s effect. Get a mana reduction or two on Brann and/or Xyrella and just watch the opponent go Ba-BOOM! In fact, in the Warlock list, to just meme it up a little, play Dr.Boom and use Tamsin to do double the Phylactery. Naval Mine and Boom Bot! :D
But for real… with Phylactery existing, the design team really needs to think about neutral and warlock deathrattles and how they could be abused by Warlock. I doubt it’ll happen anytime soon but I wonder if in the future we see a nerf to the spell. If we get to a point where it’s needed, maybe just removing the Shadow tag to keep Tamsin from making a 0 mana copy would be enough.